Introduce Yourself


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021

my name is Bram, 36, Europe Netherlands Eindhoven.
Whole life into snakes, since 2 months into tarantulas.
Always had a fascination for spiders/T’s, somehow around teenage years I developed being skittish towards them. Lately hold one in a zoo and I was hooked.
I already have quite a collection in this short time (30 or so 🫣)

here to learn more and use skills and expertise from you all 🙌

gr Bram
😆 I did the same 4 years keeping and I have 100+ t's they are very addictive 😁 but as long as you have time for them your not hurting anyone 😉 congratulations and welcome to ab 😀

Hello and regards. I’m Sauga Bound and am here to learn about tarantula husbandry as I raise my first T - a female, juvenile grammostola pulchra. I’m here to learn from the experts, and hopefully pass on that knowledge to others as I learn from keeping T’s.

I‘ve been lurking on these boards for a few months, reading threads and learning. Now that I have my own T, I thought it was time to join so I can contribute, ask questions of the more knowledgeable keepers, and share pics and, etc. I could really use some feedback on my setup, and I’m going to post that on the general T board, but I wanted to introduce myself and my T.

Otherwise, I am a teacher, writer, photographer, and gardener, amongst other things. I like many different genres of music, especially rock and roll, soul and funk, 90’s hip-hop, classical, jungle, jazz, and so on. Some of my favorite movies are Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, The Commitments, Terminator 2.

My interest in tarantulas is just something I’m hoping will help to treat my depression. Caring for a beautiful animal that is unfamiliar to me, requires simple care, and whose growth and survival is extremely rewarding is something I need. I’ve had animals my whole life, except the last few years. In that time, I’ve experienced a feeling of purposelessness that I’m hoping tarantulas can help me with. I plan to get one or two more in time, and am really enjoying the experience so far.
They will 100% help with depression, they did for me 😊 nomatter what goes wrong they are there doing their spoody thing uncaring and unchanged...they bring a peace 😊 welcome to ab 😉


Dec 6, 2024
Hello! My name is Sara and I'm a soon to be first time tarantula parent. Long story short, I've been terrified of spiders my whole life with the exception of jumping spiders and daddy long legs. So for the past two years I've been desensitizing myself, first by watching an ungodly amount of youtube videos. I've progressed to being able to catch and release wild spiders instead of running and crying like a little b...h.

At this time I have two cats, one western hognose, and three crested geckos (soon to be four). I also breed/keep isopods, mealworms, and dubia roaches. On order I have a Tliltocatl albopilosus and a Brachypelma hamorii. For my 40th birthday in January, I'm already planning on getting a Grammostola pulchra.

I am here to learn and look forward to absorbing as much information as I can!

Sara Lou


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Hello! My name is Sara and I'm a soon to be first time tarantula parent. Long story short, I've been terrified of spiders my whole life with the exception of jumping spiders and daddy long legs. So for the past two years I've been desensitizing myself, first by watching an ungodly amount of youtube videos. I've progressed to being able to catch and release wild spiders instead of running and crying like a little b...h.

At this time I have two cats, one western hognose, and three crested geckos (soon to be four). I also breed/keep isopods, mealworms, and dubia roaches. On order I have a Tliltocatl albopilosus and a Brachypelma hamorii. For my 40th birthday in January, I'm already planning on getting a Grammostola pulchra.

I am here to learn and look forward to absorbing as much information as I can!

Sara Lou
Hi and welcome to ab, you have made excellent choices for your first t's ! I look forward to seeing pics of them on media once they get there 😉.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2024
Heya! I'm Renee, a fairly new T keeper & budding wildlife biologist, I got my henzti Lilith as a mature adult about a year ago, and I'm eager to add another T to the family.

Found the forum while researching Avic sp.

Mostly a fan of the arboreal T's bc I like a good active critter that I can see in the habitat, having Lilith for the first several months was having a pet burrow (well they are a fossorial species), but since we upgraded her habitat to a planted terrarium, she's a lot more active. Periodically I will relocate the native jumping spiders to an enclosure for observation before letting the little scamps go again. They're just fun to hang out with!

I have a veritable zoo of critters at my house, from freshwater shrimp to my horses. Avid herp enthusiast, but currently only have a yearling GPR in the collection, fingers crossed the husband will agree to letting me get a retic again. My family had a gorgeous 15 foot male when I was growing up, and I've been in love with the lethal constrictors ever since.

Here to learn and develop some connections in the community, a good support network is never a bad thing in any animal husbandry circle.


Dec 18, 2024
Hi I'm Megan, still new to the spider world. I started with a singular jumping spider which quickly progressed to 4 jumping spiders. Then, I got a curly hair t (love her) and just recently (literally 3 days ago) I picked up a caribena versicolor (dream t) and a trinidad chevron. I don't really know anyone who owns t's besides me so I'm excited to be able to find some people to ask questions.
I've been terrified of spoods as long as I can remember, so I don't really know what changed, but I'm so happy that I have changed. Still not great with wild ones out and about, but working up to them being something I can handle too.
I'm hoping to learn so much more about them so I can (eventually) get some more and become the crazy spood lady that I apparently am :spider::rofl:


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Hi I'm Megan, still new to the spider world. I started with a singular jumping spider which quickly progressed to 4 jumping spiders. Then, I got a curly hair t (love her) and just recently (literally 3 days ago) I picked up a caribena versicolor (dream t) and a trinidad chevron. I don't really know anyone who owns t's besides me so I'm excited to be able to find some people to ask questions.
I've been terrified of spoods as long as I can remember, so I don't really know what changed, but I'm so happy that I have changed. Still not great with wild ones out and about, but working up to them being something I can handle too.
I'm hoping to learn so much more about them so I can (eventually) get some more and become the crazy spood lady that I apparently am :spider::rofl:
Hi Megan and welcome to the crazy spood lady club 😆 your in the right place for info and spood lovers 😉 welcome to ab 😁

SGT Sneak

Dec 19, 2024
Hello everyone,

My name is Cornel and I recently joined the world of the Tarantula hobby. I purchased a A. avicularia and I fell in love. Their name is Ichigo and I have watched every video I can find on them This led to me building a cute Bio habitat for him/her. I wanted to eventually get a terrestrial tarantula as well. I am wanting to responsibly grow in the hobby and meet like minded people that appreciate all things living. I am a Anime/Gaming nerd and I wouldn't mind chatting on these things as well. Looking forward to meeting new people and making Tarantula friends!!!

Wide Eyes

Dec 19, 2024
I'm Olive! I just joined this site because I've been a bug-enjoyer, by the antiquated definition that includes most creepy-crawlies, since childhood (but never able to truly keep invertebrate pets till recently, due to a lack of support from parents until I became financially independent). Right now, the only *arachnid* I own is a beautiful female Phiddipus Regius named Filigree. What I'm most currently looking to find is a velvet worm! (Epiperipatus barbadensis specifically)


Jan 8, 2025
:happy:Hello! I'm Angie, and a new member here. I thought I would just give a quick mention of my tarantulas and spiders. I've had a salmon pink bird-eater for 3 years, and a golden Mexican red-rump for about the same; raised them both from tiny guys. I now have a female for my golden but need to see how big she needs to be before I can try to breed her. He seems particularly interested and climbs to the top of his enclosure daily to try and find a way to go have a visit. I have a female pink toe tarantula and recently got a male for her. I'm letting him settle in for a bit. I sadly lost another female last week due to an accident in which I was rehousing and knocked the entire enclosure off and it went sailing several feet and crashed to the floor, mortally wounding the poor girl. I had only had her a couple of weeks and was so sad to lose her. I thought initially she would recover, as she still moved around fine for a day or so, but she passed away. But the "big news" currently in my little "spider city" is that my wolf spider just hatched out about 200 babies from what I can tell. She's stopped carrying most of them around and they're going bonkers. I'm starting the rehousing process tonight and will get more little cups tomorrow. I didn't know she had been with a male until I saw her dragging the egg sac around. She seemed too small but she's the first wolf spider I've had in captivity, so she might be a different variety than what we see native here. Thankfully I took the measure of putting her terrarium in a huge clear bin and circulate the air frequently or I would have come home to at least a hundred of the babies running all over my house. I'm hoping this is not one of the worst ideas I've ever had (raising baby spiders).


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
:happy:Hello! I'm Angie, and a new member here. I thought I would just give a quick mention of my tarantulas and spiders. I've had a salmon pink bird-eater for 3 years, and a golden Mexican red-rump for about the same; raised them both from tiny guys. I now have a female for my golden but need to see how big she needs to be before I can try to breed her. He seems particularly interested and climbs to the top of his enclosure daily to try and find a way to go have a visit. I have a female pink toe tarantula and recently got a male for her. I'm letting him settle in for a bit. I sadly lost another female last week due to an accident in which I was rehousing and knocked the entire enclosure off and it went sailing several feet and crashed to the floor, mortally wounding the poor girl. I had only had her a couple of weeks and was so sad to lose her. I thought initially she would recover, as she still moved around fine for a day or so, but she passed away. But the "big news" currently in my little "spider city" is that my wolf spider just hatched out about 200 babies from what I can tell. She's stopped carrying most of them around and they're going bonkers. I'm starting the rehousing process tonight and will get more little cups tomorrow. I didn't know she had been with a male until I saw her dragging the egg sac around. She seemed too small but she's the first wolf spider I've had in captivity, so she might be a different variety than what we see native here. Thankfully I took the measure of putting her terrarium in a huge clear bin and circulate the air frequently or I would have come home to at least a hundred of the babies running all over my house. I'm hoping this is not one of the worst ideas I've ever had (raising baby spiders).
Hi Angie and welcome to AB 🙂

Sorry to hear about that mistake happening I know it's hard to deal with.

A lot of questions can be answered using the 🔍 located at the top banner of the homepage. There's literally a plethora of information at your fingertips.


Jan 8, 2025
Thank you very much. It was just one of those freak things where I turned around and bumped it when I went to reach for something else. Thank you for your welcome!


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Thank you very much. It was just one of those freak things where I turned around and bumped it when I went to reach for something else. Thank you for your welcome!
Things happen, it's part of being human and most members are very understanding. I've made my share of mistakes as well you're not alone.

If you don't find any info to answer some of your questions feel free to narrow the questions down and members will be able to help you more efficiently. Maybe do bullet points but with #'s like.
1. How do I sex a molt?
For example, not so much that question but the layout.


Jan 10, 2025
Hi All, Im Steve, lifelong biker, engineer and a (seriously) long term scorpion and snake lover. 62 yrs young, and living just outside of London UK.
Been keeping scorpions since 2000, mostly colonies of forest species, my last one (6 Swammerdami,s) died out a few years ago.
I love my 4 royal pythons dearly, but even they couldnt stop me missing my little beasts, so now im back avidly collecting again :happy:.
So far, I now have three colonies of 6 each, different species, all 2i, hoping to get a few more, specialy those I have kept before and know well.
Most of my pets live in viv,s / tanks i have built myself, gotts be creative when you have dozens of pets to house properly and a small house,
and anyway, building stuff is fun :cool:
Anyone else in the UK love scorpions ? want to share notes / ideas / info, allways happy to assist a fellow nutter :happy:


Jan 10, 2025
Hi my name is Colleen, I am from Alberta Canada. Got my first spiderling in October and she is growing good has molted twice now and very active, I really like her she is very active but is also very calm. I will be adding another tarantula soon. Just wanted to say Hi, also her name is licorice. ( just a note I have no idea if she is a girl just guessing)


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023
Hi my name is Colleen, I am from Alberta Canada. Got my first spiderling in October and she is growing good has molted twice now and very active, I really like her she is very active but is also very calm. I will be adding another tarantula soon. Just wanted to say Hi, also her name is licorice. ( just a note I have no idea if she is a girl just guessing)
I'm in Edmonton! Nice to see another Albertan here. What kind of tarantula is Licorice? I have two: Sybil (B. hamorii) and Luca (G. pulchra). I've stuck to those two for about a year and half, but I'm getting the urge to add one or two more.


Active Member
Apr 14, 2011
I'm Chelsea, started off with amphibians when I was around 7 and eventually moved on to reptiles, and then impulsively got a MM avicularia as my first T back in around 2011 and have been hooked since. I had quite a few different species, most of my oldest ones are still with me now but I slowed down on adding more until a few months back when I picked up a small batch of slings and juveniles. Currently have 16 tarantulas, eventually planning on adding more as well. Other than that I have a few various reptiles, frogs, a green cheek conure, hedgehog, a red eared slider, two dogs, cats, millipedes and a scorpion. As well keep fresh water and salt water tanks.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2025
Good afternoon, Al speaking from York in the North of England. I'm a complete beginner to this hobby and expecting my first t over the next week or so, which will be a G.pulchripes juvenile. To tell you a little bit about myself, I'm a former gardener/horticulturalist and graduated with a Biology degree a few years ago. I'm very interested academically in ecology and evolution, specifically of plant-insect interactions and I wish to pursue a research career in this area.


Dec 9, 2018
I'm Chelsea, started off with amphibians when I was around 7 and eventually moved on to reptiles, and then impulsively got a MM avicularia as my first T back in around 2011 and have been hooked since. I had quite a few different species, most of my oldest ones are still with me now but I slowed down on adding more until a few months back when I picked up a small batch of slings and juveniles. Currently have 16 tarantulas, eventually planning on adding more as well. Other than that I have a few various reptiles, frogs, a green cheek conure, hedgehog, a red eared slider, two dogs, cats, millipedes and a scorpion. As well keep fresh water and salt water tanks.
Quite a zoo you've got!


Jan 10, 2025
Merry meet,
I'm Tybalt. We grew up with creepy crawlies and ended up with all sorts of rescue animals; bats, rats, skinks, snakes, toads, scorpions, squirrels, turtles, and of course tarantulas. I found these boards because I recently adopted a G. Pulchripes sling, and wanted to learn all I could about the species, and T husbandry in general.