Introduce Yourself


Active Member
Jul 1, 2018

Hey. I have in the last month gotten back into keeping tarantulas and the world has changed in the last 10 years, if I do say so myself,

My first spider was about 30 years ago and was purchased in a mall store and labeled "Chilean Rose Hair". Who knows back then, and I suspect it was wild caught due to the time. I have kept some since then and capped out at about 6 adult rescues, including an OBT, who have long since passed. This time I chose to start with three spiderlings (C. Cyanopubescens, T. Vagans, and D. Pentaloris. I am working on my scientific names and may not be totally correct in spelling).

I look forward to learning all the new husbandry ideas and getting reassurance when my spiders are just doing spider stuff.

Thanks y'all.
WIKIPEDIA: In modern usage of the Binomial nomenclature, the first letter of the generic name is always CAPITALIZED in writing, while that of the specific epithet is NOT, even when derived from a proper noun such as the name of a person or place. Similarly, both parts are italicized. Often, after a species name is introduced in a text, the generic name is abbreviated to the first letter in subsequent mentions (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens e. g., C. cyaneopubescens).

you will get the hang of it and after a while you wont be able to stand the mess "common" names make ;)


Nov 30, 2020
That a rainbow in your profile pic?

I’m new. I’ve always been fascinated (from a distance) by spiders big and small, feeding them in my yard, and watched tarantulas at the pet store with intrigue but knew no one would ever let me have one.

Well now I’m an adult and I do what I want, lol. My husband says he doesn’t mind, so long as he doesn’t have to do anything. And the kids will be undoubtedly fascinated as well.

I ordered my FIRST tarantula today, and the fact that I had such a hard time choosing leads me to believe it may not be my last! If all goes well I’ll be the proud mother of a GBB (that scientific name escapes me atm) sling in a few short days. My very close second choice was a g. pulchripes who only lost to the GBB on growth rate so I may get one of those someday soon and let it slowly grow up.

I am so nervous and excited and a little more nervous.

Chromatopelma cyanopubescens 💕 I love my GBB 😏


Dec 2, 2021
Hello from Texas. Originally from the Philippines. Just getting back into the hobby after 14 years. Moved to the US 14 years ago. Left my female Chilean Rose Hair (Axl Rose) to a friend, she passed away a few years after :(. A new place, life and having children prevented me from getting back into the hobby until recently. Bought some G. pulchripes for myself and T. albos for my son and daughter! We are all so excited!


Dec 13, 2021
Hello and good afternoon. I am new to the forum, as well as the hobby. As I am looking into getting my first T, I plan to do my research here and learn from everyone. As my first pet, I am thinking about a species that is easy to care for. Perhaps an OW T as they do not throw hairs. Being highly alergic to many things, I can see issues with urdicating hairs. I am looking forward to looking into the forums here to get a good direction to start with.



Dec 9, 2018
Hello and good afternoon. I am new to the forum, as well as the hobby. As I am looking into getting my first T, I plan to do my research here and learn from everyone. As my first pet, I am thinking about a species that is easy to care for. Perhaps an OW T as they do not throw hairs. Being highly alergic to many things, I can see issues with urdicating hairs. I am looking forward to looking into the forums here to get a good direction to start with.

Welcome Mark. Lots of great intel here

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
That a rainbow in your profile pic?

I’m new. I’ve always been fascinated (from a distance) by spiders big and small, feeding them in my yard, and watched tarantulas at the pet store with intrigue but knew no one would ever let me have one.

Well now I’m an adult and I do what I want, lol. My husband says he doesn’t mind, so long as he doesn’t have to do anything. And the kids will be undoubtedly fascinated as well.

I ordered my FIRST tarantula today, and the fact that I had such a hard time choosing leads me to believe it may not be my last! If all goes well I’ll be the proud mother of a GBB (that scientific name escapes me atm) sling in a few short days. My very close second choice was a g. pulchripes who only lost to the GBB on growth rate so I may get one of those someday soon and let it slowly grow up.

I am so nervous and excited and a little more nervous.
Hello from WI!


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021

I'm Ken and I'm new to invertebrates. I've actually ben arachnophobic my whole life due to my father being arachnophobic. Once I left the house I started treating little invert much better like trying to catch and release them rather than reaching for the bug spray. My wonderful partner introduced me to the world of tarantulas and all I can say is; what beauty, what uniqueness, what loveliness I've been missing in my world. I know I'm not the only one 😅
I am so grateful to have been introduced so sweetly into the world or invertebrates. I've found out I'm a big fan of scorpions as a result. Learning about the different requirements for different species and different kinds of inverts has been a delight and a welcomed corridor into expanding my knowledge in subjects I wouldn't have considered otherwise.
So I'm here to oggle your spoods and collect information on scorpions <3 I've found some good resources so far and I'm excited to find more and maybe contribute myself one day.
I'm from all over the place, east coast and west coast. I grew up with 2 parents in the military so no place can really claim me as it's own. I currently live smack dab in the middle of the states which has been really nice. I miss Washington tho. I bounce jobs as frequently as I've moved. I don't really have a career but I did go to school for art and special effect make-up with a focus in mold making. I'd like to do art ultimately. But for now i pack boxes and that pays the bills.
I enjoy hiking and off-roading in my Outback when I can. I sew and craft, I have an etsy shop with some earrings I've made that sell pretty well. I'm a little bit of a jack of all trades.
If anyone has some good recipes for gastritis or sensitive stomachs I would love to hear them xD I'm always looking for new food to make and looking for specialty recipes can be such a pain.
Anywho, I've rambled enough. I'm excited to be here and meet new friends with similar interests. Thanks for having me.


Dec 2, 2021
My names Christian and I’ve been lurking this board for about a month and finally decided to join. I’m 27 and have been in the hobby since a kid(I was very active when the petbugs classifieds site used to be a thing) but due to a lot of things including strings of awful roommates and living situations throughout the years it took a backseat for a long time until recently when time, money, and mental headspace has allowed me to pursue my hobbies in general more. My mom really fostered a respect for animals and insects in me and I grew up in a household where we had a pet giant Asian mantis(who everyone mourned and cried over when she died) before we had a dog and killing spiders was akin to a mortal sin so it’s no wonder I enjoy these critters so much lol.
Unfortunately my gf really hates them and it’s a reason why we don’t live together, but we’re trying to work it out and see what happens.


Dec 22, 2021
Hello! My name is Emily and I just found this board. I bought my first tarantula on Saturday. A juvenile B. Smithi and I am totally in love! Any tips for caring for her (about 75% sure it is a her) would be greatly appreciated. I have no interest in actually handling her since my research showed no benefit to her and many more risks to her health. Thank you! C653689F-6CDF-40F4-9601-F77B9B805A16.jpeg


Dec 23, 2021
Hello there! I'm from France, in my mid 30's, fairly new to this. I've only been in the hobby for real since covid so I have little experience, though I've been doing my own research since longer than that. Well, I used to keep a ton of garden snails (Cornu aspersum aspersum were my locals) as a kid but I'm not sure that counts. It's actually plants that got me here, 'cause it sparked an interest in terraria and that's when I found out about bioactive setups, which then led me to learn about many other fascinating inverts that I didn't know could be kept as pets.

I don't have too many species under my roof and I can't get into much terra building or new acquisitions right now though because I'll soon be relocating to live with my partner on the other side of the country, and I don't want to complicate the move. Once that's done, things may change though. As you might have guessed I don't like to rush things so I'll just hang around and learn a bit before commiting to more critters.


Dec 9, 2018
Hello! My name is Emily and I just found this board. I bought my first tarantula on Saturday. A juvenile B. Smithi and I am totally in love! Any tips for caring for her (about 75% sure it is a her) would be greatly appreciated. I have no interest in actually handling her since my research showed no benefit to her and many more risks to her health. Thank you! View attachment 406419
Welcome Emily! Search through the threads. More than likely you'll find the appropriate info. If not, feel free to post questions.


Arachnosupporter +
Dec 16, 2021
Hello everyone!

I'm Phoenix and so very glad to be here. For years I've wanted to own a Tarantula but didn't know enough to get one. Well, being that I have more time on my hands now, I've decided to dive in.
After much research on what kind of T I wanted (trust me, it was months of bouncing around between the "Ooooo's" and "Ahhhhh's" lol!) - I've finally settled on purchasing a Grammostola Pulchra (which, by the way, I've just purchased yesterday! YAY! YAY! Merry Xmas to ME! lol!)
I just love, love, love everything about that species. From her (I'm using the description her loosely) stunning velvet black to her big stocky build, she's everything I was looking for.

I don't intend to become a breeder since I don't have the desire or time to become one. Instead, I just want to enjoy her for the beauty that she is.

I also don't intend on handling her unless, of course, she happens to walk onto my hand when I move her to a new enclosure.
Frankly speaking, I don't handle my herps at all (unless cleaning their enclosure or rehousing them) because I don't find it necessary to bond with them that way. They know I'm the person that cares for them and respects them so the bond is already there between us - handling them is not going to make that bond any stronger. Many might disagree with me - but that's my own reflection on the subject anyway...
I believe it will be the same with my G. Pulchra. She'll know me enough to assure herself that I'm a part of her life now and that I won't hurt her carelessly - that's good enough for me.

Anyway, I'm so glad I'm here. I've learned a ton of useful information from all you wonderful members already and am excited about learning more.

Now...if I can only find a reputable Jumping Spider breeder.... :rolleyes::happy:


Dec 25, 2021
Hey guys and gals, My name is Adam been in the pet trade for some time have had axolotl's, snakes, frogs and tarantulas, Im 24 years old and live in the US I started out with a rose hair and quickly fell in love with OW tarantulas especially the Gooty Sapphire. I Currently own a set of rare Blues (I have one NW, Blue) for my first Old Worlds, starting with a sling of Chilobrachys sp Electric Blue, Poecilotheria Metallica, Harpactira pulchripes "Golden Blue Leg Baboon" and my NW Blue Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens "Green Bottle Blue". I'm hoping to share this journey with you all as they are still slings and am very happy to have found a place, where i can share my love and hobby with others!


Dec 26, 2021
Hello everyone .. My name is Alex and I am the proud owner of a baby scorpion. I’m here to try to find out information about how to best care for my new friend (Asian Blue Forest Scorpion). It was a Christmas gift, and I am now on a mission to make the life of Sus as nice and enjoyable as possible. He is currently in a little box, which I am told is ok as he is so small. I also have a larger viv which I will move him into when he gets a bit bigger. Anyway.. Hello 👋 😁


Jan 4, 2022
Hello, Shinn from Malaysia here. Been lurking and researching about tarantulas over the last month or so and just got my first two new world slings today. Grammastola Pulchripes and Tliltocatl Albopilosus.


Jan 7, 2022
Hi everyone! I'm new here. I'm just getting started in the world of bug keeping, with some blue death feigning beetles and isopods. (I've also got a snail tank.) I certainly don't have anything very exotic or unique but I love bugs and I'm excited to learn and experience more!

I also have a dog and a cat. In the past I've kept ball pythons, crested geckos, leopard geckos, and rats at various points in my adult life.


Jan 7, 2022
Hello everyone! My names Phil. I'm a new keeper as of two days ago. I own a small G. Pulchripes, Caribena Versicolor, and H. Colombia Large. All different sizes. I also own a Rottweiler, ball python and 2 African Cichlid tanks


Jan 15, 2022
Good morning guys/gals... I'm Jay, I'm a extreme newbie, I just got my first hopefully girls this weekend. I got a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens,
Caribena versicolor (Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula)
Tliltocatl albopilosum (Curlyhair Tarantula)
All are about 1".

II also have African Cichlids, and a Savanah Cat.

I hope to enjoy the hobby, but hopefully I won't get too addicted.


Jan 26, 2022
Hi all! I'm new to the tarantula world, but not the spider world cuz I already have 2 audax (Bold) jumping spider Brothers. I just got my first ever tarantula sling. A friend of mine got him from a local reptile expo for me as a late Christmas present. She's done a lot of research as to what to get me in regards of a beginner T. She knew I had always wanted a T for years. Anyways bout my T sling, he's a Curly Hair T. Right now I haven't moved him into his proper enclosure yet cuz we think he's now in premolt cuz he refused his last meal with my friend and is also building a molting mat which I had thought was mold, oops. I mean I am familiar with molting mats due to reading and watching vids on YouTube bout it, but had never ever seen one in person and went to pick it up as I had thought it was mold, but quickly dropped it soon as I realized what it was and tried to fix it. That was last night. I felt so bad. But today he seems not to be bothered by the fact that I messed it up cuz he repaired it plus added more webbing to it. Whew! I plan not to disturb him too much though even though I do check on him constantly to see how he's progressing. I am well aware that he'll molt on his back unlike the jumpers do. His name is Tuxedo Jack. There's a short reason for his name especially Tuxedo. I had a regal jumping spider named Tuxedo that had passed last month and it really affected me badly cuz he was my fav jumper of the 3. It's not like I don't love the remaining 2 boys I still have, lol. But my friend knew how badly it did affect me though and my plan to name another spider possibly a jumper after Tux. So she herself named my baby Tuxedo Jack. We just call him Jack for short though. I haven't gotten any good pics of him yet cuz he is very nervous right now which my friend says is cuz of him being in premolt cuz he's really a good gentleman for her while we were waiting for his transport to me by way of another friend of mine. Right now I'm researching on how to find out how old he really is. My friend who is friends with tarantula people says that he could already be 1 to 2 yrs old. But I still wanna know, lol. He's currently at least an inch in size though. But I haven't seen him all stretched out like a normal T. Ok that's enough chatter cuz I could keep on and on, lol. But I'm excited to finally own a T and a baby at that yet. I plan to get more over time along with jumpers too. And a scorpion. I'm gonna include the only Pic I have that I took of Jack from yesterday, but it's not a great Pic. Plus also a Pic that my friend sent me when she still had him.


Palearctic Buthidae

Jan 27, 2022
Greetings to all. My name is Max and I'm from Saint Petersburg. I am only interested in the Buthidae of the Palearctic, as well as spiders from the subfamilies Eumenophorinae and Ornithoctoninae, living, as is known, in the Old World :)