Introduce Yourself


Mar 22, 2017
Hello Everyone,

I'm 37, from Virginia Beach, VA. I'm fairly new to the hobby and am still looking to learn a lot more about T's than I already know. I'm having tons of fun and within the past month, I have grown my collection from 1 to 13. I look forward to growing my collection a lot more and sharing all of my ups and downs. I look forward to hearing from you guys. I've posted a question about general care of my slings a few weeks ago and got lots of helpful feedback from 3 or 4 members. I already love it here.


Apr 10, 2017
Hey everyone! My name's Michael, I'm 33 years old from Killeen, TX. I have been doing personal research on spiders since I was a young child, and have only dabbled slightly in the hobby (by dabbled I mean I've only owned 2 T's. A GBB and a P metallica. Both of which are no longer with us. The GBB died because I didn't know what I was doing, the P Metallica died during molting (probably lack of me knowing what I'm doing also, but it's kind of hit or miss there) I decided on a B Vagans Sling (in my avatar picture) for my next attempt at building a collection. I got her on 04-06-2017, and I named her La Fuego. I am in the hobby for the long haul, and I have a deep passion for inverts of all types. The only thing I'm as passionate about as inverts is metal. So throw up your horns in my general direction!


Sep 24, 2015
Hi! :)
My Name is Amanda, I was wondering if anybody know any tarantula dealers here in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada... I'm having a bit of a hard time finding anything but rosey hairs. I NEED :p an Avicularia Avicularia (female), or a Honduran curly hair (female). Slings preferably. If anybody could help with this, it would make me a very very very very veryyhyy happy lady! ^_^
THANKS!!! <3
Tangled In webs, tarantula Canada.


Mar 8, 2017
I'm Salmon.... I keep fiery searchers and bess beetles... and I have a very soft bird. I'm involved with entomology outreach here at the University of Arkansas, currently an undergrad looking to go into evolutionary ecology!
I hope your bird gets better, Salmon. Go Razorbacks.



Aug 5, 2012
Well guys and gals my name is Mike, I've been in the hobby for over 10 years now, with a 5 year break until kids got older. I'm from Dundee, Scotland and am a great fan of arboreal spp. I also have an overwhelming interest in defensive even aggressive tarantulas, WHY? no idea, I just like that their ballsy. Hope all your T's and other inverts or otherwise are doing well.


Aug 5, 2012
Hey Bre... if you peep around thru the questions and discussions, you'll find a lot of info about difficult moults... and also a lot of folks who have had similar experiences. If your little one isn't bleeding/leaking chances are he'll be just fine. The 2nd T I ever got (he's an ancient G rosea) came to me with his first leg completely gone... he regenerated it and has been wonderful ever since :)
Hi you probably now know your G. Rosea will regenerate it's leg back after 2-3 molts, I know it's not nice to look at but she'll be fine, hope this helps.


Aug 5, 2012
Tangled In webs, tarantula Canada.
If you go onto YouTube and find Jon3800's channel he sells tarantulas online, he's from Canada and a really cool guy. I hope this helps as he has over 100 different tarantulas from the most common to very rare T's indeed. Good hunting pal!


Sep 24, 2015
If you go onto YouTube and find Jon3800's channel he sells tarantulas online, he's from Canada and a really cool guy. I hope this helps as he has over 100 different tarantulas from the most common to very rare T's indeed. Good hunting pal!
He is one of the worst keepers in the hobby. I have very little respect for him. Never would I support some one who keeps tarantulas like him.

K Kingston

Apr 16, 2017
Hello. This is my first post ever here. I am Krystal and I'm from Arkansas. I just got into the hobby and since there aren't many people in my area that I know of that are into Ts I am hoping to meet some people and get some advice and resources. Thank You.


Apr 16, 2017
Hello! I've just ordered my first tarantula online after lots of online reading and video watching. Two of them actually. One for myself and one for my brother who was the first to mention his interest in keeping them. My usual hobby I'd freshwater planted aquariums. I really wanted to get an Antilles pinktoe, but decided for our first species to go with something more easy and cheaper to obtain. So we've ordered slings: chaco golden knee and a mexican red rump. I'll let my brother pick between the two. Mine will live in my office at work.


Apr 17, 2017
Hello! My name is Tara, 41, and I am a mother of 4 kids and lots of critters. We have snakes, birds, rats, cats, dogs, lizards and of course my 7 Ts. My son got two Ts and after being around them I decided I needed some. Got my first 3 about a year ago and I'm addicted. Still have lots of questions specially about my two new girls, OBT and suntiger, I'm still learning scientific names so at times I forget them lol.


Apr 18, 2017
Hello folks! I'm from Malaysia. I keep invertebrates such as tarantulas, centipedes, scorpions (Some species). Hmm a young boy who started this hobby since 2015. I owned an instagram, please do follow :) IG: xiaoentheshawn

Keeping Poecilotheria, Cyriopagopus, Phormingochilus, Omothymus and many more tarantulas, mostly my collections are Asian arboreal besides pokies. Well, do hope to meet more friends in future.



Apr 19, 2017
Hello my name is james and im brought here tonight because im having an unusual night. About a week ago my male g. pulchripes molted his big molt and hes looking ready leave his hole. He was my 3rd tarantula and hes got to be about 7? If not extremely close, but what a ride. These tiny pink fibers on a small purple grape divored everything i gave it till it out grew 3 houses. Any way we found him a lady friend localy today so it seems hes leaving my care. Now im back in the grove again, and ive got arachnids on the brain. Its nice to meet you.


Feb 24, 2017
He is one of the worst keepers in the hobby. I have very little respect for him. Never would I support some one who keeps tarantulas like him.
Can I ask why? I tried watching a video but was annoyed by his personality before he got too far. I really like the Dark Den though

Michael Livote

Apr 19, 2017
Hi all!
New here, just sayin' hi :happy:
I'm a fairly new T keeper from the Bronx, NY USofA and am glad to be here. I'm currently waiting(tomorrow morning!!!)for my new little lady(at least I hope it's a she,lol) to arrive, a mid sized Curly Hair. I already have her enclosure ready and am waiting with bated breathe :)

My former charge was a friends Chilean Rose that she couldn't keep in her dorm room, I cared for her for nearly 3 years until my friend finally took her to her forever home. I learned tons from this site in those 3 years, and am finally happy to have joined up here, as we never should stop learning!

EDIT: To prove the point I just made, a nice member here (not sure if he want's his name mentioned) just schooled me on my rather poor choice of where I bought my T from....a lesson I will take to heart for sure! You folks are great!
Last edited:


Feb 24, 2017
He`s a cool you tuber and also a great companion here on the boards. <3 Here his name is @petkokc and i think he will be happy too see you wrote that <3 :)
And welcome btw. :)
Oh wow awesome and thanks for the welcome, I guess I should introduce myself!
My name is Mark and I run a Board Game/card game (99% magic the gathering) in Tyler Texas. I found 3 adult A.Hentzi (1 female and 2 mature males) in a park that was being cleared in the middle of my city and surrounded by traffic about a year ago. Caring for them and a bearded dragon led me to a reptile show where I saw the vast variety of Ts in person and was hooked! I sold my most valuable personal Magic The Gathering deck and I now have 83 Ts, a few true spiders, a few scorpions, some mantises, and a vinegaroon!


Rainer Etsweiler

Apr 8, 2017
Hello everyone! I recently was finally able to get a tarantula and am very excited to join the hobby and forum. I am almost 21 years old, and have wanted a tarantula since I was in about 1st grade. I was never allowed to have one but years later after coming across a tarantula video on youtube not too long ago my interests were instantly spiked. I instantly fell in love with the B. Smithi (which I'm sure you all are as well) and attended 3 reptile/exotic pet expos hoping to acquire one. However I was not able to find one, and did some research online about how you can order off the web. I saw very skeptical but I ended up with my Brachypelma Boehmei juv. (2 1/2 inch) I purchased recently from Tanya at Fear not tarantulas and couldn't be more pleased. He has super stunning colors and thought I would share. I am not looking to grow my collection anymore than Dwight, (my Boehmei) but would love some information and tips on care for him. He seems very happy after non stop exploring his new home the past few days. It seemed as though he thought he was an arboreal on his first day as he just wanted to climb everything haha. He is very docile and friendly even though I have no handled him (and do not plan on it). He so far as chowed down one cricket and i plan to feed him again in a few days. As I previously stated tips and tricks would be appreciated. Cheers!