Introduce Yourself


Aug 18, 2010
Back again...and I am not surprised!

Hey everyone!

Just re-joined here after quite a lengthy break from the hobby. Was really into T's about 10 years ago, had (IMHO) a rather impressive collection of species and was just starting to entertain the idea of breeding. Then, as tends to happen, I met my husband, we started a family and moved to pretty much the middle of nowhere, Kansas, lol! So, unfortunately, my beloved collection was dispersed and sold away. Very sad. Well, now that the chaos of family life is settling (meaning mainly our daughter is growing and in school full time ;) ... I have decided that it is time to get back into the hobby! Of course, starting from scratch is both irritating and exciting all at once! But Im glad to be back and I absolutely LOVE you all here at AB...such a wonderful meeting place for all us who share a similar eight-legged addiction!


Aug 21, 2010
New to the board with a wild Tarantula I am trying not to kill

Hello all.
I am new to this board and in truth I am new to spiders. I just moved down to Tulsa from central Kansas. Earlier this spring I was going fishing at Skiatook lake and saw a tarantula crossing the road. It was amazing. I went out and took a good look at it and left it alone. Later I learned that it was an Oklahoma Brown which I guess is common in these parts.

Fast foreward to the third week of August, 2010 (yesterday) I was out collecting some fossils (another hobby of mine) and another Oklahoma Brown is sunning itself at the road cut I am collecting on. This time I decided to grab it and keep as a pet.

This brown does not have any funky claws on it's front feet so I am thinking it might be a female. Am wondering though, why a female would be outside on a shaley road cut at 7:00 PM when the temperature is still around 100 degrees F??? Any ideas on that?

Also am interested in if grasshoppers (very plentiful in Tulsa at this time) make a good meal for a tarantula????


Aug 22, 2010
Hi everyone!

I'm new about tarantula but i have big interest in them.
I want to get as much as information about them which i believe i can get it from this forum.
I'm also looking for seller who can deliver/shipping this beautiful creature to my country. :D

See you around...


Jun 9, 2008
Hi everyone

My name is mark and i reside in South Africa
I currently have about twenty species of tarantulas.
I have always loved T's,but found it very difficult acquiring them.
will post some pics soon.

Darth Bill

Aug 25, 2010
Hi, I'm Bill. I have two AZ Bark scorpions (Spike and Barb) that I keep at work because my wife won't let me keep them in the house. She's afraid our wolf will get curious and knock their little case over and let them out. It works out great because I can't find any crickets at home (the geckos keep the bug population well under control), however there are crickets aplenty at work. The scorpions bred as soon as the second one was introduced. Now I'm waiting for the brood.

I'm pretty new to this so expect stupid questions from time to time.


Aug 27, 2010
Hi, just a quick intro from me. I've never kept tarantulas, though I like them, and will have them some day - so I love these forums as a resource to ask questions. But really I'm more of a scorpion girl. :) Years ago I had quite a collection, and had some breeding success with Heterometrus (and an "almost" breeding success with Hadrurus). Kept lots of buthids (my favorites), but haven't had any for a while. Currently I only have a pair of Pandinus and a pair of Hadogenes. As invertebrates go, I also love mollusks.

I'm not super-active on the web forums, but will pop in from time to time.

Morgan Lolley

Aug 27, 2010
heey im morgan

hi my name is morgan, I live in Tallahassee, Fl and i've been into tarantulas for about six years now, i currently have 3 tarantulas:
Pterinochilus murinus
Brachypelma smithi
Gramastola rosea

I just joined and I'm super excited :)


Aug 29, 2010

So erm...yeah not great at talkin abt myself, 26 from Montana...hmmm love all animals getting into arachnids...might have founda new addiction yeah thats about me...
2 rosie females adult.
5 slings Lasiodora parahybana
5 Damon diadema 4 female 1 male hoping to breed.
Whatever i can collect around my property.
anyway i hope i can contribute somthing somtime, nice to be here.


Aug 28, 2010

Living in South MS with my dog and have had a B.smithi in the past , soon to get another & G. pulchara from Ken the Bug Guy. interests include but not limited to- Quilting , Crocheting, Knitting, watching TV, and soon to include collecting Arachnids, with the posibility of breeding them.


Aug 29, 2010
Hi, names Nate. Live in the good ol' state of Nebraska. 21 years old, goin to school for Computer Aided Design and as you can probably tell love cars and everything about them :drool:. I was into tarantulas for most of my teens but stopped for awhile over the heartbreak of mine dying while on vacation do to the little bro's neglect to feed it :(... As long as it's been you really can't get away from it so here I am, looking to start a collection. Gunna start with a Versicolor, Singapore Blue, and a Suntiger and hopefully work my way up to owning all the Pokies (mainly the Gooty) :D, but that's it for now. Have a good day yall and look forward to getting to know all of ya!


Aug 31, 2010
I am

Hi all. I live on that dark continent in the middle of the map. Pretty awesome down here it must be said! Currently have a few (170) Tarantulas and have had for some time, so I geuss I am only new to this legendary forum. Will contribute if I may, but will maily learn from others here. Fank you !!


Aug 31, 2010
Heya from Atl, GA USA

I have been growing Nepenthes for several years now and am pretty active on as Dodge. I am also know as Dodge over at Terra-forums and Tarantula us

I grow intermediate-lowland Nepenthes, a few orchids and raise Praying mantis (fun)

I am still a Noob when it comes to Tarantula's as this is my first year owning them, I currenty own 10 T's

Looking to expand my knowledge and meet more new and exciting friends :D

Thanks for having me



Sep 2, 2010
New member Introduction


My name is Michael, Nick name is Nelo.

I have been into Tarantulas for a few months now. I have not been able to take care of one since my mom asked me to get one till I finish college and get my own place (she is a bit afraid of them). which is in about 2 semesters after this one lol. so right now I am learning everything I can such as breeds, feeding, Handling, proper enclosures and how to help them when they get sick. Sadly it seems like not many Vets know how to handle them. So any info is greatly appreciated. Also I understand that this site allows me to trade/sell/buy with other members. So far I have learned that Tarantulaguy1976 is great as I seen from his Youtube videos. Who else would be great to buy from?

Again thanks for any help and I hope to make some good friends with some of you. Have a good one!


Old Timer
Sep 4, 2010
Hi All,
My name is Alireza, I am almost 17 and I'm from Iran.I love spiders and scorpions and I have kept 4 wolf spiders and I am looking for buying a tarantula.There is no tarantula in local pet shops over here.I hope I can find something over the internet.


Sep 4, 2010
Hey All

Tanalos here doing the intro thing.
Long time arachnid enthusiast (since about 1985)
Serving in the Army which allowed me to check out spiders all over the place.
I keep arachnids when I'm not doing the travel thing and I wanted to start up some conversations on working with some more advanced species.

Previous arachnids have included;
Chilean Rosehairs
Texas Tan
Cobalt Blue
Black Widows
Brown Recluse
Wolf Spiders (large variety out of Georgia, Hogna Carolinensis)
Emperor Scorpions
Wood Scorpions (Oregon, Anuroctonus phaiodactylus I think)
Androctonus amoreuxi (Egyptian scorpion)
Androctonus mauritanicus or something very similar I found in Egypt

Numerous snakes/lizards

I definitely do not claim to be an expert but I love talking about exotic pets and seeing new species! Look forward to talking with you guys.



Aug 3, 2008
Hello all this is kind of a reintroduction, my name is Evan. I currently live in the area of Akron, Ohio. I was into the hobby pretty good about two years ago. I had some stuff in my personal life changed and I got out of the hobby other than taking care of the T's I currently had. Fast forward to 9 or so months ago the house I was living had been for sale and ended up closing about 3 days before Christmas. I moved everything into a new apartment in about a night and then had to head up to Michigan to my mothers for a family Christmas the following day. I Came back to my new apartment everything still in boxes(minus the T's of course) and about 75% of my T's had died in the 5 days I was away. My Pokies decide to all molt and that didn't end up well. From what I could tell one got stuck in its molt and the others molted but ended up dieing still. Other stuff I don't know what happened they just died...Needless to say I was anything but happy. I had raised most everything from slings and was quite attached to them. I was worried about my few T's that had survived not making it much longer. I paid extra close attention and haven't lost another one since. In fact they are all doing very good. I have recently been looking into getting some arboreal species back as that's mostly what had died. Well I guess that about sums it up. Hope to relearn some stuff while I am here, and pick up a few new tricks while I am at it.

Nicol Bolas

Sep 5, 2010

Heya guys, My name is zach, and I live in AB, Canada. Ive only had my henrieta (Grammostola Rosea) for 6 months; I also have 6 dogs. I have a wide range of hobbies from creating music through splicing or mixing or emulation to playing geeky boardgames.


Sep 5, 2010

I'm in San Antonio, in the Army wounded in Iraq, and i went to a "pet shop" for dog food and saw a T in a dixie cup with maybe 5 or 6 crickets and i not knowing anything of T's i knew that was wrong! So i rescued it for $15 bucks and rescued a singapore blue baby now i have a pink toe, and a avic on the way