Good news for food production around the world

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
@DomGom TheFather Had to award that. Most off base off the wall I've come across in quite some time. Brightened up my day and my impending slog through coding wonderland.

Do all the bees have to get it for it to work?
But to directly address the issue, niche in an ecosystem phenomenon. The organisms are pervasive and persistent. Once a tipping over point is reached, which due to the nature of the beasts is very minimal, the brood is walking dead. Unless a resistance is developed that is faster that the organisms can spread, ancient history. This is the reason for the excitement in finding the vaccine. Resistance that will isolate the organisms which will in turn die off without suitable hosts.

@DaveM Remember those computer models of bacterial growth? The primitive 'Life' programs?
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Tis fortunate then that I was raised to be an uncultured American swine
Paradox alert. Use of the word 'Tis' will get your keester laughed out of the average mid west beer bar.

Further info on the bee vaccine incoming. I'm stuck right now as it's behind a pay wall. Keep your eyes open.


ArachnoViking, Conqueror of Poikilos and Therion
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2010
Paradox alert. Use of the word 'Tis' will get your keester laughed out of the average mid west beer bar.

Further info on the bee vaccine incoming. I'm stuck right now as it's behind a pay wall. Keep your eyes open.
I’m glad I’m not a drinker then lol

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I’m glad I’m not a drinker then lol
Side note. A lovely irony. A DWI pulled over the a few weeks back. Driver and friends razzing the cops over wearing masks. Driver arrested. Let off with a warning regarding the intoxication, then the judge handed it back to the DA. Assault, verbal and physical for grabbing at an officers mask. Suspect gets to sit in the can enjoying his rights to not wear masks for 30 days.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2011
Here's an interesting paper with some early experiments paving the way for the current honeybee vaccine.

Our human immune system is really a complex set of multiple systems working toward the common goal of protecting us.
The innate, or primitive, insect immune system mechanism stimulated here in honeybees: though separated by something more than 600 million years of evolution since the protostome/deuterostome split, we still have that too. Life is awesome!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
@DaveM Great read! Ideal backgrounder.

@DaveM I'm guessing here. The research was focused on inoculation of the queen through transference mechanisms?
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
@DaveM IE et al: In the Discussions section:
" We aimed at filling this gap of knowledge through quantification of maternal transfer in terms of offspring's survival rate upon pathogen exposure. Our observations reveal an immune priming-dependent maternal effect on offspring immunity that strongly increases their survival rate by ca 26.0% to AFB infection. Many questions have not been fully answered yet, e.g. whether the priming effect observed in offspring is a consequence of a general immune activating in the queen (e.g. through antimicrobial peptides) or belongs to a more complex and targeted pathogen-dependent response (e.g. through haemocytes). Besides, nothing is known about the transfer mechanism of a TgIP response from mother to offspring in invertebrates."
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DomGom TheFather

Apr 26, 2020
Haven't you beaten that dead horse enough?
For a minute there, i really thought so.
But it seems like every time i turn my back on it, the damn thing's up and talking smack.

I'm willing to let it walk but it needs to walk away.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
@DomGom TheFather Just be glad this wasn't one of mine, and others, CPR classes. Very similar to infection control classes. 15 hour course in which NOBODY fails to learn the basics, EVER. Hour after hour, repeating ourselves over and over. After all, be it CPR or infection control, there are few things in the world more useless than NOT learning the principals and proper procedures. Person down and the excuse, "Sorry, I failed my CPR class." Or an infection source on both hands and "What do I do now??" So we repeat and repeat and repeat, be it ABC or Isolate, Decontaminate, Prevent so if a problem arises it has become an innate part of the persons thinking.

In your case, like a lot of my students, you have presented dozens of opposing contentions. It's not my program! With CPR I'm a mouthpiece of the American Heart Association. With infection control, the health department standard procedures. Get it right and do it. Send your opposing contentions to the local health department if you disagree.
Since I am simply rote repeating the classes I'm not involved. Take it up with the authorities.
As an aside, many of my students were in my classes under duress. Ordered by the court to take the class, blowing their entire week end. You sir are rather small change compared to some of their bitching and sniveling. But don't expect the instructors to alter their classes in the slightest. Opposing contentions only will elicit additional repetitions. Learn it!

Update! USDA approves the bee vaccine! Very nicely and simply explained article.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Beating a horse and yelling at a jackass are sometimes the same thing.
No no. You speak in a normal voice to the jackass, over and over. You want it to learn to lead so you can walk behind it and watch the pack gear, it having learned the program rote, memorized, and strictly obeying the rules taught. With a dead horse you either burn the carcass or cut it up and drag it away so the coyotes won't come ranging around the rest of your herd.

Now, original topic? USDA approval? Some very important things are afoot, That conditional approval is a field test. Hopefully THE field test. Take note:
" Pollinators are responsible for one of every three bites of food we take, according to the agency, but their numbers have been declining for many years."
One third of the human food supply!
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DomGom TheFather

Apr 26, 2020
Every problem we're having with honeybees is born from our practices. Foulbrood to varroa. We need to lay off for five seconds.
One third, huh?
If you eat almonds and watermelon and garbage like that, sure. A third is almost fair but you're definitely underestimating the value of native pollinators, (which are actually in trouble.)
Then we throw half away, even after paying farmers not to plant.
We're sowing green deserts in literal deserts and using entire rivers to water them and then importing the bee. It's broken. It's everything you would normally complain about but the article said vaccine so you're all hard for it.