User ghostly spiders


Mar 9, 2016
Hello everyone!

I've been in the hobby for over 3 years now, and I have a small...ish collection of tarantulas, mostly new worlds, and mostly terrestrials. (But there's a bit of everything.:happy:) I haven't been very active on here yet, but I'd love to start meeting more people in the hobby, so I'm just going to start sharing my pics on here... hope this works. :embarrassed:

So I'm going to start with the T I've had the longest, my B. albopilosum (Honduran/hobby form) female named Sybill.

Here's one of my favorite pics of my C. darlingi female. I really lucked out with her, she's very calm for an old world and also likes to chill out in the open. :happy: This picture was taken two molts ago, so she's quite a bit bigger now.

My Davus pentaloris juvenile female, back in her sling enclosure:

...and being a big fan of the leaf litter in her new terrarium after her most recent molt:

And, last but not least (for today; I have a lot more spiders to show off): Here's the reigning queen of the spider shelf, Dolores the AF N. chromatus. She's probably my most "interactive" spider, very inquisitive, mad feeding response, is not aware she is a new world, enjoys threat posing at the tongs, doesn't know how to kick hairs. Drama queen.

Edit: i realised those pictures are extremely huge right now. i have no idea how to fix this other than making the pics smaller and reuploading them? well i'll try.


Mar 9, 2016
Thank you! I love photography, but I'm really just an amateur doing my best lmao

So, today I want to show you a few pics of my juvenile female B. hamorii. I love this spider to pieces (it's honestly unreasonable how attached I am to her). My very first tarantula was a B. hamorii, I bought him as a female at an expo and a month later he was a mature male. So obviously he's not around anymore, he was the first T I lost, and I waited almost 2 years before getting another B. hamorii because I couldn't bear the thought of replacing him. That's how sentimental I am about my spiders apparently, don't judge me.
Anyway. This species is probably still my fave, even though it's a hobby staple and a slow growing pet rock and all that. I'll always be attached to these.

This first picture was taken in her very first enclosure when she was a lot tinier:

And here are two more recent pics, taken in her current terrarium:
(Btw, it looks like she has no substrate in these pics, but that cork tunnel is half buried and she has a lot of substrate to dig (which she does. A lot.)

Last edited:


Jun 7, 2017
Thank you! I love photography, but I'm really just an amateur doing my best lmao

So, today I want to show you a few pics of my juvenile female B. hamorii. I love this spider to pieces (it's honestly unreasonable how attached I am to her). My very first tarantula was a B. hamorii, I bought him as a female at an expo and a month later he was a mature male. So obviously he's not around anymore, he was the first T I lost, and I waited almost 2 years before getting another B. hamorii because I couldn't bear the thought of replacing him. That's how sentimental I am about my spiders apparently, don't judge me.
Anyway. This species is probably still my fave, even though it's a hobby staple and a slow growing pet rock and all that. I'll always be attached to these.

This first picture was taken in her very first enclosure when she was a lot tinier:

And here are two more recent pics, taken in her current terrarium:
(Btw, it looks like she has no substrate in these pics, but that cork tunnel is half buried and she has a lot of substrate to dig (which she does. A lot.)

(Btw. her name is Nymphadora, she's barely over 2'')
Not sure what I'm more jealous of.. your photography skills, your set up or your beautiful Ts :wideyed:


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Edit: i realised those pictures are extremely huge right now. i have no idea how to fix this other than making the pics smaller and reuploading them? well i'll try.
I would upload them to a public gallery or personal album and then embed the image in your post with one of the preview options.

How to upload to a public gallery:
  1. In the top menu bar, click "Gallery."
  2. Select the relevant image category from the menu on the left.
  3. Click "Add Media" (near the upper-right corner).
  4. Select "Upload an image from your files" (should be selected by default).
  5. Click "Upload Image."
  6. Select the image file on your computer or phone.
  7. Add a title (preferably including the scientific species name) and description.
  8. Click "Save Media."

How to create a personal album:
  1. Go to Gallery -> Your Albums.
  2. Click "Add Media" near the top-right corner.
  3. Where it says, "Add media to," select "An album."
  4. To create a new album, select "Create an album" from the drop-down menu. (If you are not seeing this option on the mobile version, try the desktop version.)
  5. Where it says "People Who May Add media to," please choose "Owner Only." Otherwise, less attentive members will often upload their images to other people's albums.)
  6. To add photos to one of your existing albums, select the relevant album under "Your Albums."

How to embed images in forum posts, gallery comments, or conversations:
  1. Open the image (in Arachnoboards) that you want to embed.
  2. Copy the code in "Share BB (With Thumbnail) Code" or "Share BB GALLERY Code." (Both of these options allow the user to click the image for a link to the source.)
  3. Paste the code where you want the image to be in your forum post, gallery comments, or conversations.

"Share BB IMG (With Thumbnail) Code" results in a small preview with a link to the original:

"Share BB GALLERY Code" results in a large preview with a link to the original:


Mar 9, 2016
@ShyDragoness Omg, thank you so much! This means a lot to me, since I'm really proud of my Ts and my set ups. :happy: Not so sure about the photography though. Thanks so much for your comments!

@Ungoliant Thanks, this was indeed really helpful. I haven't figured out how to create my own album (it won't let me choose the option although I'm not on mobile...) but I have uploaded two pics and I will try to embed them!

So, here's another one of my adult females. She's an A. seemanni, and this is actually the only spider I have that I didn't plan on getting. She belonged to a friend of a friend who had to get rid of her because he was leaving the country (... long story)... and his other option was to give her to a chain pet store. So this is how I got her, even though I never really planned on keeping this species.

I'm really glad it all worked out the way it did though. She's a pet hole, for the most part, but the fact makes the rare instances she's out and about even more special. I also adore the fluffy light belly. :happy: Everyone should have an A. seemanni. (sorry for all the rambling, I suppose this is not the purpose of a picture thread).

(Because I got a comment about the substrate - pleae note that these coconut chunks are not her substrate - she has a lot of topsoil to dig, there's just a thin layer of coconut on top, and only in a section of the setup. I need to post pics of my enclosures soon.)


Mar 9, 2016
Since I feel like I'm getting a hang of this this - I'm going to bombard you with pics until I have shown off my whole collection. (I currently keep 17 different species and 25 tarantulas in total.)

I bought this girl as a B. sabulosum, but tbh, who knows. Might be anything within the whole vagans complex. She's really pretty though, and her carapace tends to change color between molts, which fascinates me. It was light brown (a fleshy color, almost like B. albiceps) up until her last molt and now BAM she's jet black again. Just something interesting I experienced with his individual.

0.1 (AF) Brachypelma sabulosum

And here is my newest addition and one I'm beyond excited about :embarrassed: My very first Pamphobeteus! I'm really getting into the big ol' new world murder tanks, and I hope to acquire some more Pamphobeteus and Phormictopus sp. soon. :angelic:

0.0.1 Pamphobeteus spec. "platyomma"


Mar 9, 2016
Got two nice shots of one of my P. sazimai slings today. I have two slings and they grow like absolute STONES. I've had them for 1.5 years and they have gone from around 0.5cm or 1/4'' to maybe 3cm or 1 1/4''. Very bolty and very cute. Hope at least one of them is female. Funnily enough, one of them is already blue...ish under the right lighting, the other one is still mostly brown. No idea what's happening there, I don't believe it's sexual dimorphism at this stage.



Mar 9, 2016
Some new pics:

Avicularia metallica, 1'' sling eating a mealworm

Dolores the AF N. chromatus in her full glory

And Sybill the AF B. albopilosum.



Mar 9, 2016
two new pics of my beautiful 1,5'' P. platyomma. I'm not the best at ventral sexing and haven't had a good molt from this one, but pretty sure it's male.

Pamphobeteus spec. "platyomma"

and a rare sight: caught one of my balfouri juvies (I have a communal of five) outside at the water dish long enough to take a pic

Monocentropus balfouri