So i bought myself a P.Regalis, was a pretty much spur of the moment thing. Brought it home, poor thing was in a small cricket box. So i had to give it something temperary to keep it happy and i came up with this. Its certainly not huge but i thought i'd share it with everyone here.
Its essentially two plastic tub boxes, holes around the sides and a 'tray' mechanism at the bottom weighted down with the substrate. On the top of the tray is a 'flip' style lid which has been kept secure with a small amount of tape on the side and an ellastic band.
Tank i know isnt big enough for her, but like i say its a temperary fixment for a few days
I just wanted to post my new obt enclosure minus the plant & adult female obt. I'm waiting on my cuttings to root before introducing the obt. It's my first attempt at a vivarium following robc's background tutorial. Thanks robc!
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