@Dreamslave, All Ts will climb around their enclosures, seemingly trying to find exits, so its not unusual to find them on the sides or ceiling. However sometimes they choose to do so for other reasons eg. the substrate is too moist or not to their liking. The important thing is to make sure there's no chance of them falling from a height more than twice their body length and to avoid sharp or hard objects that they could fall onto, your new Exo's look great btw. The C. cyaneopubescens prefers very dry substrate once its out of sling stage but can be semi-arboreal, often found around the roots and lower branches of bushes in Venezuelan scrubland.
This is underneath my TV inside the TV stand I installed a flourescent light that keeps the slings at a pretty 80 degree average and they do EXCELLENT!
The rest of my adult/juvenile T's are on the rack/shelf to the right! with a 15 gallon to the right of that housing a T.blondi!
To the left of everything in the BIG acrylic tank is my American alligator "Placid" I know he isnt an invert but he's still awesome
One pic is one my entire display table, 2 scorpion tanks & 2 T tanks.
One is of my Rosie in her hide & the other is a 5 gallon waiting for my new T. Kim
I going to build four new enclosures for my tarantulas. Now number one is ready so here's some pics of it. It's a aboreal set up and the size of the tank is 30x30x40cm
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