Just rehoused all four of my slings and my other larger T's , from left to right they are 1\4"Nhandu chromatus, 1/4"Brachypelma smithi, 1/4"Brachypelma albopilosum, and my 1/3"Citharischius crawshayi. Also to the far right we have my 1"Lasiodora parahybana, and last but not the least, for it was the most troublesome task is my 2.5"Haplopelma lividum I have deemed "Fluffy" I will name the others as there personality matures a little with size and care. "Fluffy was full grown and all amped up like a ferret on methamphetamines. But I harbor no ill will towards it. I bought it from "Scamps" pet store and it looked so sad in it's tank which consisted of about an inch of barkdust and some moss. oh and a waterdish that covered 70% or more of the entire floor of the KK. Ok I'm ranting. Keep the pictures coming everyone.
These are my two pink toe tarantulas, Skittle and Tip Toe, currently residing at the Lyman Entomological Museum on my campus (McGill University)... I can't keep them in my dorm, but I can visit them every day. Tip Toe is just about an adult, female I think, in the larger tank. She mostly just sits on top of her little hidey log, but will sometimes wander around. I need to turn Skittle's tank on one end to make it taller, but I think s/he is going to shed, and dont want to bother him/her until after then. I can't wait to make his tank really nice!
I have since put some sort of potting soil in the bottoms of Tip Toe's tank to better hold a bit of humidity (it's what they use for the other tanks in the museum). Since then she's perked up, I think moving up here was a bit stressful for them. There is plenty of ventilation, haven't had any problems. Both have water dishes, fake plants, and places to hide.
These are not the best pics i think the glass and plastic is effecting my auto focus really bad:? . i will post more pics later with them out of the 10 gallon and see if i can get some better shots
I have my 2 pedes in theses atm, but they were originally for my GBB and whatever else really..
I am currently making one for my cyrio blue, and then my Theraphosas. Im using exoterras as the base for each. Gets expensive but theyr bloody brilliant tanks
Although the picture doesn't pick it up well, there is a few platforms at various points for the occupant to sit on, its watertight and holds the humidity well.
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