I'm not quite brave enough to open the lid to take the pics. Although I was told that she's calm for a Cobalt. As much as I love seeing her out, I'm wondering when she's going to remake her burrow. I wanted to just transplant the other one, but it got demolished.
Hope y'all enjoy my beauty.
Here is the way i keep 3 of my haplopelmas. The function very well. Eat well and have their typicall haplopelma attitude. The Smidti is gravid, but she was hiding unfortunately, she has a HUGE butt. They are all females.
Haplopelma hainanum, she has just been transferred, so she has not changed her home yet. But was in a simirlar setup before.
Haplopelma minax;
Haplopelma Smidti;
Just written to show that they are possible to keep a little different than normal setups for this species.
Well they spend most of their time IN the hide, and none of mine are skittish like that, they give readyly a threat pose when disturbed. They remodel their home to their own liking as you can see with my gravid Smidti and the minax also. Hainanum was transferred yesterday, so she has not come to that part yet. But she did remake her other enclosure.
IMO haplopelma terrariums should have lots os substrate so they can make tunnels like they do in the wild, keeping them like that reduces stress, making them breed more easily, reducing the incidence of eggsack-eating, etc. IMO you should reformulate their terrariums.
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