Considering getting a P. Metallica.. Thoughts?

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Jun 4, 2016
It actually means (know your spiders) lol I can't believe the gang mentality here! Anyone reading this, don't listen to them! You want an ornamental, get one! Do research and be careful! That's it! :)
It's not a gang mentality, I'm sure a lot of us are just hoping people lead here doing research see all the opinions on how bad of an idea getting an OW when you new can be.


We're saying the the AVERAGE new keeper is just not ready for this type of animal, that's like someone who has never kept a snake getting a black mamba, or handing the keys to your Ferrari over to your 15 year old daughter. Sure, it MIGHT be ok, but the odds say stuff is gonna happen, and stuff happens fast when OW is involved.

Where would you recommend they do research? That's another thing the average new keeper doesn't understand. Youtube and caresheets are junk.


Jun 4, 2016
I'm beginning to think everyone's stupid here! Tell me, show me how to gain experience without owning one!? Please don't make me a villain for my thoughts! Also why are you talking about the potential loss of life? Bahahahahaaa
Let a p. Metallica bite you in the neck, somewhere around your airway, see how it works out. Or how about a 2 year old child? Do you think a bite can't be fatal? You're a fool.

And you get experience by starting out with something fast and semi aggressive like a p. Cambridgei, a NW arboreal that won't put you in the hospital. Get used to the speed and nature first, then get your OW


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2012
I'm going to do plenty of research and then go buy a viper. That should prepare me for their speed and unpredictability.

I find it funny how some new users claim it to be "gang mentality" when we simply agree with each other. So, we're all followers because we want to keep people safe?
Heck yeah! I've always wanted to keep a taipan now that you mention it! :astonished:

Do you think petco had a care sheet for them?


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
I was one of those guitar students so I know what you mean. :D
Me too, when the lecturing started my ears closed
Blue Ringed Octopi, man that is dangerous as you know. I'm impressed that one would even try to do so given they are lethal. Given the type of animal they are, and their size, I would assume they are naturally shy, like most octopi. Is this true of Blue Ringed? They are gorgeous however. I didn't even know they were kept in captivity!
Yes very dangerous animal, I felt fairly safe though, they can't shoot up a net handle in the blink of an eye. It was just part of the job at a fish store I worked at in college. They aren't as shy as you would think, I would describe their behavior as dangerously curious. You can still get them through some online retailers, usually about 100$. But the most dangerous animal I have encountered and nearly fell victim to was a snail believe it or not.
Unpacking a coral shipment late one night I saw something left in one of the bags after removing one of the corals from it, recognized the shell shape and pattern and nearly crapped myself. Conus geographus, locals down in the indo-pacific call this "the cigarette snail" because apparently thats how much time you have before going into cardiac arrest.
Granted I was counting my lucky stars after that. Kept it in a critter keeper submerged in our frag system sump and fed it damsels.


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2012
Yes very dangerous animal, I felt fairly safe though, they can't shoot up a net handle in the blink of an eye. It was just part of the job at a fish store I worked at in college. They aren't as shy as you would think, I would describe their behavior as dangerously curious. You can still get them through some online retailers, usually about 100$.
Too bad they die so fast... :sorry:


Staff member
Feb 22, 2013
Nonsense! I've literally witnessed people being berated here because they asked the wrong question in the wrong place! These boards are not exactly welcoming to noobs! :/

We know, and many of us are trying to change that. Which is why you haven't been verbally beaten into oblivion yet. Trust me, had this thread been made a month or two ago, it would be ten pages of flame wars.


May 12, 2015
Nonsense! I've literally witnessed people being berated here because they asked the wrong question in the wrong place! These boards are not exactly welcoming to noobs! :/
You know, what people here (including myself) is reacting against is not what you´re keeping, how you´re keeping it and whether you should keep it. If you have any questions about your "Baboons", we shall help you as much as we can! What we react to is your advice to fellow newbies of getting an OBT as a first T, of getting a "Pokie" without any experience with how to deal with arboreals, in short, against your arrogant attitudes of "experience counts for nothing, get whatever, you´ll be fine!". That´s not how it is. Do as you please, but please consider whether you should give advice like this to fellow newbies.


Jan 28, 2016
Oh come on, you're telling me that you treat a B. albopilosum the same way as a P. regalis? I don't buy it :p
Ok, you got me. I give my B.albopilosum a nice kiss every morning but would not think to smooch my pokies. :p

All of them require caution but the OWs could make you regret it more if you fail to do so.


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2012
Nonsense! I've literally witnessed people being berated here because they asked the wrong question in the wrong place! These boards are not exactly welcoming to noobs! :/
I have seen what you are taking about. In fact @EulersK wrote a letter just recently describing a similar situation.

I honestly don't consider this situation to be one of those.

I'm going to try and be logical here:

  • Human reflexes have evolved to jerk and move away from danger for thousands of years.
  • The average human reaction time is .25 seconds.
  • I've personally seen my regalis literally disappear as well a 60fps camera shots have tarantulas skip frames.
  • Poecs move in every direction unpredictably.
  • Our untrained reactions cannot handle that speed and unpredictably.
  • Let's assume these get rich schemes online are right and it only takes 20 hours to learn a new skill
  • This means it takes 400 days to learn a skill practiced for 3 minutes a day
  • I'd say at best i get 3 minute a day actually interacting with a tarantula on average. Now I have several NW so 30 minutes a day. So 80 days for practice with this skill.
  • Each tarantula type i listed in my previous post I would consider different levels and different skills
  • Let's say three levels before arboreal OW means about 8 months of practice.
There are always exceptions in everything. I've seen 12 year olds on tv that would make @EulersK (sorry for picking on you :embarrassed: )look uneducated in comparison. That is certainly not the standard.
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