check it out Avicularia seladonium

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Thats a great T.I've seen them on some price list from europe and thay were
not to expansive.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
That is one incredibly gorgeous spider. As does everybody else here... I WANT.

Do we know if this species is available in the US hobby or not? (hopehopehope)


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
those are beautiful!! I am always amazed on how the colors of Tarantulas are so beautiful. When I had my rosie 15yrs ago I thought that that's what tarantulas were supposed to look like pffft


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2008
From Brazil? Put it in your pocket and walk through customs without getting caught. ;)

From what I've heard, the Brazilian government does not allow the export of their native Ts.

I want one, or ten, of these so bad.
It's proihibited to have ANY brazilian animal in captivity, from anteaters, spiders, snakes, bees to armadillos, monkeys and birds.

Exporting an animal species without authorization is crime punished with 20 years of jail, if not more. For collecting animal species from Brazil you have to get an authorization from the Ministry of Science and Tecnology, only for academic purposes. To have exotic animals as pets, you have to get a special license, and is easy as flying by flapping your arms.

I'm a illegal tarantula keeper, but i'm not a wrong one. They don't see problem from people breeding these animals and selling them for people who love them. The problem is the idiots who think that tarantulas are cool (or whatever other animal), and get sick of them just to release them on the wild, on a place where they don't belong. This happened many many many times, and the keeping of these animals had to be illegalized.

Not to mention the britain and american fellas (sorry guys, i'm talking about the bad ones) who come to our forests to steal a bunch of animals, killing half of them in the trip, thinking only on the money, not of including them in the hobby and getting our in danger of extinction. They don't think of breeding them so trips back to Brazil aren't necessary anymore. I hate that so much. Because of those people, all the keepers have a bad image around here.

If i could get one, i would try to breed them (after getting a little experience with other species :D) and try to get them out of here. For the good of the hobby (and my pocket, i recognize :}). But i would NEVER get a bunch of them from the wild and send them away.

Anyway, they won't be in the hobby anytime soon, if they aren't available. Getting them out of Brazil is strictly illegal. I saw that T sometime ago on a site, i thought everybody already knew about it. :D


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009

I had no idea it was so strict there! 20 years! dang. Although, I do think that its good they are trying to protect things. I don't believe however, that a complete ban is reasonable or best for the protection of the forest.

I don't know why people think because it's illegal it's impossible. I am not volunteering here or anything, but you can buy anything just about anywhere in the world, depending on who you know, and how much money you have. How many kilos of drugs come into the US every year? That's illegal where it comes from and here, yet planeloads land everyday...... And we can't find someone who will bring us 8 T's??? I am sorry but the profit margin would be higher than even the drugs they bring in. Imagine how much money 8 deli cups of mexican marijuanna is worth. It's really not much..... Now imagine how much each one of those T's are worth. I can't believe someone isn't doing it. Although, I hope who ever does has a good heart and a thoughtful mind, and only does it once or twice to get them here and then stops, and thus the catch.

So I have a question: 1. Do the pet permits go through Science and Technology as well? 2. Do you think knowing a powerful family there would help my chances? 3. Do they even have an export permit system? And if so, Science and technology as well?

Thanks for your help, I am hoping to visit there this year, and would make an attempt at permit process if even remotely possible. I get lucky sometimes. :) Peace, ryan

It's proihibited to have ANY brazilian animal in captivity, from anteaters, spiders, snakes, bees to armadillos, monkeys and birds.

Exporting an animal species without authorization is crime punished with 20 years of jail, if not more. For collecting animal species from Brazil you have to get an authorization from the Ministry of Science and Tecnology, only for academic purposes. To have exotic animals as pets, you have to get a special license, and is easy as flying by flapping your arms.

I'm a illegal tarantula keeper, but i'm not a wrong one. They don't see problem from people breeding these animals and selling them for people who love them. The problem is the idiots who think that tarantulas are cool (or whatever other animal), and get sick of them just to release them on the wild, on a place where they don't belong. This happened many many many times, and the keeping of these animals had to be illegalized.

Not to mention the britain and american fellas (sorry guys, i'm talking about the bad ones) who come to our forests to steal a bunch of animals, killing half of them in the trip, thinking only on the money, not of including them in the hobby and getting our in danger of extinction. They don't think of breeding them so trips back to Brazil aren't necessary anymore. I hate that so much. Because of those people, all the keepers have a bad image around here.

If i could get one, i would try to breed them (after getting a little experience with other species :D) and try to get them out of here. For the good of the hobby (and my pocket, i recognize :}). But i would NEVER get a bunch of them from the wild and send them away.

Anyway, they won't be in the hobby anytime soon, if they aren't available. Getting them out of Brazil is strictly illegal. I saw that T sometime ago on a site, i thought everybody already knew about it. :D


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
Exporting an animal species without authorization is crime punished with 20 years of jail, if not more. For collecting animal species from Brazil you have to get an authorization from the Ministry of Science and Tecnology, only for academic purposes. To have exotic animals as pets, you have to get a special license, and is easy as flying by flapping your arms.

I'm a illegal tarantula keeper, but i'm not a wrong one. They don't see problem from people breeding these animals and selling them for people who love them. The problem is the idiots who think that tarantulas are cool (or whatever other animal), and get sick of them just to release them on the wild, on a place where they don't belong. This happened many many many times, and the keeping of these animals had to be illegalized.

Not to mention the britain and american fellas (sorry guys, i'm talking about the bad ones) who come to our forests to steal a bunch of animals, killing half of them in the trip, thinking only on the money, not of including them in the hobby and getting our in danger of extinction. They don't think of breeding them so trips back to Brazil aren't necessary anymore. I hate that so much. Because of those people, all the keepers have a bad image around here.

If i could get one, i would try to breed them (after getting a little experience with other species :D) and try to get them out of here. For the good of the hobby (and my pocket, i recognize :}). But i would NEVER get a bunch of them from the wild and send them away.

Anyway, they won't be in the hobby anytime soon, if they aren't available. Getting them out of Brazil is strictly illegal. I saw that T sometime ago on a site, i thought everybody already knew about it. :D
I doubt criminalizing the hobby will help anyone or anything. But your country is not the only one that constantly passes idiotic laws...


Old Timer
Feb 2, 2008
I doubt criminalizing the hobby will help anyone or anything. But your country is not the only one that constantly passes idiotic laws...
Indeed. Condemn the hobby, but destroy millions hectares of rainforest for farming...instead of sustainable exploitation... it's all a big joke, politicians don't care about our fuzzy friends or any wildlife whatsoever...


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2009

I WANT no NEED 1000 of those babies. So who's going to Brazil?? I'll volunteer. I'll wear cargo pants and a multi pocket jacket (that won't look conspicuous in 110 degree weather) Who's with me?? Operation Iridopelma seladonium extraction!!!


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
I know a route if you want to email me, I have a friend who hiked from his homeland in french suriname into coastal metro brazil. But it's not an easy route, he knows how crazy and forest savvy I am, and he tells me I should take a guide. But I don't roll like that. :) But, that's a heck of a trip right there. Brown recluses and Diamonback rattlesnakes and Black Bears have nothing on what you would run across down there. You don't dominate nature in the rainforest like in the american west... You face natural selection in a way we don't here. That being said, there's gotta be a way besides the overland route. That would be the trip of a lifetime though. Hmmmmmm :3:
Before you decide to pull an <I want to talk to the ambassador>
Read up about the laws there, and prison conditions as well. I can't imagine spending 20 years in prison anywhere. What a nightmare. If it was a year, or two, maybe ... 20??? that isn't anything nice. But there are lots of different options with varying degrees of risk. I wouldn't think you would face 20 years in US receiving them (unless they are cites listed or you get a whole bunch). If you found someone there willing to ship them, you would face what 2-5? But I can't believe you would get much if any time if you are a normally law abiding citizen that is getting 8 or something, for themselves. If you are bringing in 1000 :eek: good luck.
I would want to get a permit personally, otherwise I would have to meet someone who would bring it here, and then sell to me.

I WANT no NEED 1000 of those babies. So who's going to Brazil?? I'll volunteer. I'll wear cargo pants and a multi pocket jacket (that won't look conspicuous in 110 degree weather) Who's with me?? Operation Iridopelma seladonium extraction!!!


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
I'm willing to bet that the sentence for drug smuggling is far less. :(
Well, I don't know any country that follows any logic with this. If you murder someone here, you'll basicly be out in 10 years. If you rape someone, probably parole... But if you sell marihuana to your friend, you'll go instantly to jail. So the message they are sending is: It's better to rape someone than smoke week!


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Well, I don't know any country that follows any logic with this. If you murder someone here, you'll basicly be out in 10 years. If you rape someone, probably parole... But if you sell marihuana to your friend, you'll go instantly to jail. So the message they are sending is: It's better to rape someone than smoke week!
I meant far less than T smuggling. Brazil probably finds drug smuggling to be too profitable. ;)


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
weather there

Hey, I just looked around their home on google earth. Sounds nice. It feels 83* right now, temp is 79*. Humidity is a whopping 83%!!! But there are showers in the area. This is the middle of the winter there btw. :)


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
I meant far less than T smuggling. Brazil probably finds drug smuggling to be too profitable. ;)
Yeah, I understood what you mean. My point is, they seem to make the laws without comparing them to others in the same penalty system. This applies almost everywhere.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Yeah, I understood what you mean. My point is, they seem to make the laws without comparing them to others in the same penalty system. This applies almost everywhere.

Very true. :(


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
I'll take 10. And if you could bring back a hot 20 something Brazilian babe I'll make sure to include a huge tip. ;)

I WANT no NEED 1000 of those babies. So who's going to Brazil?? I'll volunteer. I'll wear cargo pants and a multi pocket jacket (that won't look conspicuous in 110 degree weather) Who's with me?? Operation Iridopelma seladonium extraction!!!


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2009
Well, I don't know any country that follows any logic with this. If you murder someone here, you'll basicly be out in 10 years. If you rape someone, probably parole... But if you sell marihuana to your friend, you'll go instantly to jail. So the message they are sending is: It's better to rape someone than smoke week!
hahhahahah now i can be a hit man~!!!!!!