Search results for query: communal

  1. viper69

    M. balfouri emergency

    Tolerating due to proximity is not communal I think. Just need someone to hit that island and look for them in the wild.
  2. TheraMygale

    M. balfouri emergency

    ...its possible, tarantulas getting eaten. Afterall, they need to research it and decide if they are ready to accept that. Many m balfouri communals in captivity have been proven, even if some tarantulas get eaten. When i go to my dealer, the first thing i see is a giant enclosure, with an m...
  3. viper69

    M. balfouri emergency

    communals have not been reported in the wild, but this species eating each other in captivity has been! :rolleyes:
  4. TheraMygale

    M. balfouri emergency

    ...Could have been in premolt and it got interrupted. you have two choices: 1- you wait and see how it plays out. If you are keeping them communal, there is never a guarantee one will not make it. Strong or not, they can all become game, even in a good setup. 2- you go and get it. Be...
  5. Mustafa67

    M. balfouri emergency

    I hope you’re not keeping these communally :rolleyes:
  6. CyanideOwl

    M. balfouri emergency

    21 days ago I bought 3 balfs. They were from one communal, I don't know if from one sac. Two of them were fine, one fast and one slower. The third one came in curled like he was about to moult or dead. Wasn't moving at all so I picked him up, touched him seeing if there is any movement. After...
  7. M

    paravaejovis stuck in molt? the pictures i posted last week and she hasnt been acting any differently so i assume she isnt ready to molt just yet. I do keep this communally with another i believe it is sub adult male i know they are not known to be communal but i have had not noticed any aggression between them in...
  8. TheraMygale

    Separation of tarantulas after molting on L1

    If its a Battle Royale sling, i’ll pay double the price. What it was worth, plus loss and damage. this is my attempt of humour. But i am still serious. besides, lets get real, they are in Poland. No way they are getting 20$ a sling. No matter how majestical they are.
  9. l4nsky

    Separation of tarantulas after molting on L1

    Welcome to the world of being a tarantula breeder lol. You can group 2i slings together for awhile in a communal (aka battle royale), however you will take losses if you're unable to move them fast enough with almost any species, even if you're overfeeding. You're either going to have to deal...
  10. C

    Pandinus Imperator Intermediate-Advanced Care Tips?

    ...of substrate, and 3 flat stones as a hide for each scorpion in case they would each like their own space. I was curious to see what kind of communal habits they have, and so far, I have not seen the three of them separate from the same hide. They really seem to like each other, even if given...
  11. TheraMygale

    Communal Formosa Set up? Can it be introduced to Formosa separately bought? reading this, simply for educating myself. i will try to find it myself. my first search results:
  12. DeusJeffrey

    Communal Formosa Set up? Can it be introduced to Formosa separately bought?

    I got the communal idea from Reels it looks interesting and inviting to do. I don't want them to eat each other because it is not the reason I bought them. Since it's possible to do communal , Let me know how "I" can increase the chance NOT TO EAT their companion, at what age I need to end...
  13. TheraMygale

    Communal Formosa Set up? Can it be introduced to Formosa separately bought?

    ...its been said, enough. Which is why i still want to say what i would have said if i would have been the first to reply: don’t. they are not communal. if many of these live in the same tree, they are not sharing a hide. Unless there is significant evidence, that is repeated in litterature...
  14. IntermittentSygnal

    Communal Formosa Set up? Can it be introduced to Formosa separately bought?

    Even if they were from the same sac, they are not a communal species.
  15. viper69

    Communal Formosa Set up? Can it be introduced to Formosa separately bought?

    NO, eat each other, they live solitary lives in the wild. Get fish
  16. Mustafa67

    Communal Formosa Set up? Can it be introduced to Formosa separately bought?

    Don’t do communal, it never ends well. Ts usually kill or eat each other
  17. DeusJeffrey

    Communal Formosa Set up? Can it be introduced to Formosa separately bought?

    I would like ask, if I purchase a Formosa, and then I purchase again another one, two weeks gap, can a communal still work out?