East Bay Vivarium

Petstore details

1827 5th St Ste C, Berkeley, CA, United States, California
Phone Number
(510) 841 1400
From the website:

Our Store
Here at the East Bay Vivarium we carry everything you need for your pet reptiles, amphibians & invertebrates in our Berkeley store.
This includes caging, lighting, heating, bedding, decor, watering , feeder insects/rodents & much more!
Don't see the animal you're looking for on our website? Feel free to call our store (510) 841 1400 as we have many more not listed on the website.

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Latest reviews

Good Experience; Mediocre Care
Store Visit Date
March 3, 2024
Store Condition
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Employee Knowledge
2.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Would you purchase from again?
As a NorCal resident, the East Bay Vivarium is my go-to place for inverts. They have a good variety for a store, depending on the season.
On my trip there a week ago, I bought an amblypygid, Phrynus marginemaculatus, which I have been waiting to come back in stock for a long time.
I called the store to ask for their current invertebrate stock, since their website is extremely unreliable and almost never gets updated. Upon being informed of the amblypygids' availability, I headed over.
Most of the other invertebrates were kept in appropriate tanks; unfortunately, this was not the case for the amblypygids. They were kept in small flat boxes with several individuals each. Even as a temporary tank, this was not acceptable. Regardless, I bought the largest individual.
At the checkout, an employee started asking me questions about my purchase. I was fine with that and went with the flow. However, they then began pushing incorrect knowledge on me that was completely incorrect for this species/genus. The caresheet they provided was no better.
Despite this slightly confusing and jarring experience, I will be ordering from this store again due to its convenience and the fact that the majority of its animals are relatively well kept. Just beware of the website-- don't trust it, and make a call instead. And don't expect the best care for some of the more exotic/seasonal invertebrates-- the East Bay Vivarium is primarily a reptile store, after all.

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3.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Berkeley, CA

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