Cyriopagopus ID Request [2/2]

Cyriopagopus ID Request [2/2]

Is she a Cyriopagopus Hatihati or Cyriopagopus vividum? We were told she was a blue baboon.
This is my adult female Cyriopagopus sp Hati Hati. Yours looks more like Lampropelma violaceopes to me.

@basin79 Yeah, im pretty surprised at this rampant is an LV, no doubt.

Blue baboon is what people keep keying in on, and i have zero idea why a common name is being clung to. There is no blue baboon...there is a blue foot baboon, but this clearly isnt I. mira....theres the blue leg baboon, but its clearly not H. pulchripes either...and there is the scotra island blue baboon, but no one in their right mind would think this is M. balfouri.

The common name, like so many we see in stores, is simply a made up name thats completely meaningless.
Aye. My bad. Looked at some pics of L. violaceopes and C. lividus and the front legs don't widen towards the foot like the LV from what I can make out.

Still doesn't scream CL due to the abdomen being thinner like a LV but a few feeds and it'd change shape.
My gut response was Cyriopagopus lividus (before I knew it was an ID request), but I would defer to others with more experience with these.
Minus the feet. I have the imoression that the spider has an overall "arboreal build" thats why i said sp hati hati!

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