Sold as A. Avicularia but maybe A. Geroldi
This girl lights up with blue and teal on all of her legs. Her carapace is blue/teal/ with flicks of green. Her booty is a gorgeous burgundy. What morph might she be if any?
@CEC @cold blood @xenesthis

Hello, I was hoping you guys might be able to figure out if this girl is just an A. avicularia M1 (which I don’t think so) or something else. Please share your thoughts if you have time and willingness.
Pics are tough to expext it to be mt#1...but i dont know the geroldi mt, or if there any dead giveaways forvthat particular one....I ask @CEC when i have avic questions.
@cold blood she looks so different from my other A. avicularia M1. I have been staring at her since I opened the box and had a really good look at her.

It was love at first sight. Well, at least it was for me. I don’t think the feelings are the same.. haha
@cold blood @Drea I own a young AF geroldi. I'd say what CB said. That is not a geroldi, at least not a female. Their abdomens are blue, and their setae that runs dorsolateral is an electric blue in the right angle w/a flashlight. Also geroldi are a very, very, very dark blue, solid they were dipped in ink. Even with a flashlight it is hard to see the blue.
@Drea Most likely, also your flash is really bright, so it's hard to tell what color your T is. Iridescence is very deceptive. Only a few Avics can be reliably ID'd by a few pics.
Is there a book that is just about avics? That would be a great read.
I agree, not geroldi. The difference is blue vs red abdominal guard setae... No matter the sex.

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