

I got this as a freebie sling. It was labeled "Texas Brown" A. Hentzi.
I have been looking for pics of a juvenile to compare it to but I can't find any that have the banding on the legs like mine. It's about 2".
It's hard to get it out of its hide to get a good pic.
Anyone know what it Is?
Yup, N. chromatus-- which means it's needs are different than A. hentzi. You'll wanna keep the substrate damp, not dry.
@miss moxie
Yeah, completely different set up.
I have a n. chromatus sling as well so I guess it may be trade time. I'll wait and see who has a better personality.
@YakFisher Well they're not like dogs or cats, they don't really have personalities. As far as an individual specimen's behavior, that can change with size.
@Dovey that's my favorite kind of boat! The bigger the better. @miss moxie by personalities, I mean character traits. I'm pretty familiar with raising them.
I have x2 N. chromatus now but i have never raised one up.
The closest thing I would have to compare it to would be my A. geniculata
Not me, I once got seasick on the Santa Monica Pier. Not kidding. But I do love a good Jaws quote when one is applicable. Got to love Jaws, the one movie ever filmed that is actually a gazillion times better than the book! :drowning:

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