Search results

  1. Jayvicularia

    Red back jumper egg sac/slings help

    The little guys (and gals) are doing well and its interesting to watch them hunt. They are about a month out of the sac now and in the 2 to 3 mm range. I noticed that when one grabs a fruit fly another will get interested and go over like they are wanting to share but it doesnt ever happen. They...
  2. Jayvicularia

    Red back jumper egg sac/slings help

    I moved the slings to a gallon plastic pretzel jar with a banded hanky for a lide. Threw in some fruit flies and these guys are feasting on them well. I moved to paper towel as substrate and put some dried flower stalks in for them to climb. Im interested to see if they will gain some size...
  3. Jayvicularia

    Red back jumper egg sac/slings help

    I have the same issue. I have about 50 redback jumper slings. I removed the mother this week and moved them to a 20 oz insect cup. I dropped in some springtails and a few fruit flies to see how they would feed. Still just hanging out at top of container. Its a real challenge to get anything in...
  4. Jayvicularia

    My jumping spider isn’t eating.

    Well my red- back jumper was walled off in a cocoon and i was told to leave it be...i did that for what seemed about two months until tonight. I carefully split the coccon with forceps enough to see in. Theres a slew of slings in there. I moved the fake plant that the cocoon was mounted to into...
  5. Jayvicularia

    Small Slings Feeding

    All my P. Cambrigei slings took the mealworm halves. Thats great because i have a small mealworm colony ive had for a year for no reason other than mutiplying them to a larger colony. Thanks. During my feeding just now I found that i have a mess of red jumper spiderlings. I dumped in a few...
  6. Jayvicularia

    Small Slings Feeding

    I have been feeding fruit flies to my slings and they have molted once. You just raised a concern Andrea82. I have mealworm cricket and dubia colonies but was feeding fruitflies out of convenience because thats what i was feeding my geckos. I have to do more reaearch on this topic. I dont want...
  7. Jayvicularia

    Small Slings Feeding

    Good advice everyone. I have 5 P. Cambrigei slings currently and they have the habit of burying themself in a ball of substrate and web. When feeding them i will carefully use tweezers to seperate an opening in the clump of web and place the feeder at the opening. Is this the preffered method or...
  8. Jayvicularia

    My jumping spider isn’t eating.

    My P. johnsoni has now completed cocooned itself in web. It was quite plump before doing so. Is this a sign of premolt? I it so webbed up it seems like feeding would be in vain
  9. Jayvicularia

    My jumping spider isn’t eating.

    Do jumpers need sunlight or is ok to keep thwm dimly lit with my yarantulas?
  10. Jayvicularia

    My jumping spider isn’t eating.

    Those pics are amazing. What kind of camera are you using? I picked up my first jumper.. What species is this?
  11. Jayvicularia

    Preparing for Electric blue pairing, any advice?

    Heres my mature female dyscolus that just molted. Good luck with your breeding!
  12. Jayvicularia

    Comment by 'Jayvicularia' in media 'Pterinopelma sazimai'

    Oh thats a pretty T. I just picked up a. P. Sazimai sling.
  13. Jayvicularia

    Your favorite feeders?

    My Ts readily take crickets over all else. I have a small cricket farm in a 5 gal tank under a red heat lamp. I cut the bottoms off 1/2 gallon milk jugs and fill them with damp coco coir for egg laying. I will sometimes pull the container and store It in a ziplock bag in fridge for later...
  14. Jayvicularia

    Your Current Or Future Breeding Projects

    Great pics everyone. I have been in the hobbies a few years now and wanted to try my hand at breeding something in the future. I just picked up 5 P. Cambrigei slings to grow them up for a future breeding project. All my feeders are bredding well for several years and i have a successful bredding...
  15. Jayvicularia

    How often to clean with a cleanup crew

    Anyone keep springtails cultures outside of thier main vivariums? How often and how much should they be fed? I started out with a quart i got at the Morgantown expo last week they are in a sphagnum moss and charcoal base. I srinkled a few grains of bakers yeast and misted the moss. How long can...
  16. Jayvicularia

    What's everyone's favorite small spider species?

    Misumena vatia. Goldenrod crab spiders. These guys are really cool to watch waiting on flowers for pollinators. Ive seen them competing with ambush bugs on my sunflowers.
  17. Jayvicularia

    Very Small Sling Molting Advice?

    I love watching slings progress through thier color stages. My slings have always molted quicker and eaten more quickly after molting than juvenilles and adults. Seems the bigger they get the longer the molting process takes.
  18. Jayvicularia

    Just housed my first ever slings

    My D. Pentaloris has been running laps around the enclosure all night going on a solid week now. I though it might have turned male after its recent molt and been in search of a mate...but I got a good close look at the pedipalps today and that doesn't appear to be the case. Its probably just...
  19. Jayvicularia

    P. Iminia sling help

    My irminia sling got inactive for a couple weeks after rehousing but then became my most active T.
  20. Jayvicularia

    Male mature rates

    Wow most of these are quicker than i would have thought