Tell that to the millions dying each year from malaria.So does rabies and Avian influenza on animals. Yet, they're no closer to a cure. And I don't see them getting one soon. They must wait for natural defenses to develop. We have vaccines for Malaria, it helps.
But for some reason they don't do it because the other T has a better burrow. Probably their "limited intelligence"Tarantulas kill each other to. Thats an effort.
Mate, believe me when I tell you that the animal stays by choice.Bull. Thats stupid. Come one.. Our brains help us VERY much. I don't know about you, but last time I checked, the gorillas were in our cages, not us in theirs.
I've been working in the bush for ten years, and I have seen guys wih guns that can do a backflip if you asked nice. Radar and who knows what else shoot nothing in two weeks. Not even spot game.I'll tell you what. I'm not too 'hip to dip' on all this technology in the world. I don't own a cell phone, I don't fish with those 'depth finders', and I don't hunt on a four-wheeler. I prefer the real stuff, (as real as you can get in North America). And other people, like myself, enjoy going to places like Africa to hunt, in more or less, as a challenge. But sometimes they sissy the hunt with technology anyway.
The larger mammals are shy and retiring. Its is their nature. We are the only violent mammal.Okay, I'll admit it. Maybe I didn't say it right. I believe things like rats or mosquitoes could exist on Earth just as long as we could. We can't get rid of them. I think of the larger, terrestrial vertebrates, we are.
No offence intended, but nature was busy destroying places like New Orleans.Where was nature when we came and slaughtered the millions of Buffalo?
Where was nature when we blasted all the carrier pidgeons from the air?
Uhm....... we have no natural predators, so nature made a plan. We will never overcome disease. The will change to suit a new environment. Our natural selection continues......Something else for you all to consider. Much of the diseases that are killing us is because we've spread around the globe. If we stayed in single areas, we'd have much stronger immune systems, with less spread diseases. But we don't we've taken advantage of every corner of the globe for our growing population. And we're developing ways to protect ourselves. Most other animals couldn't go as far as we have, or better their survival in those areas. We ARE surviving because we're quite smart.