You know what happened to Steve Irwin, well read this...


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
The Okavango is very difficult to travel. I lived in its centre for about a year. I took a groundsheet with me, and nothing else.
Okay, then another thing to consider.
You can survive there. How about our Arctic in North America? Or the Monsoon Forsets? The Amazon?
There are people that can survive in those places, and not in the Okavango like you can. But we're all humans. And yet we have 'adapted' to all these locations.

Thats better then any animal near our size or intelligence can say.
We are Top Dog in the survival of the fittest. We're just killing ourselves.

And raising our kids as sissies that can only live as long as technology and society will sustain them.

Khaz Rhoz Zek

Oct 11, 2006
Okay, then another thing to consider.
You can survive there. How about our Arctic in North America? Or the Monsoon Forsets? The Amazon?
There are people that can survive in those places, and not in the Okavango like you can. But we're all humans. And yet we have 'adapted' to all these locations.
Aye, that's one of our strengths: our ability to adapt to any situation or circumstance.


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
Okay, then another thing to consider.
You can survive there. How about our Arctic in North America? Or the Monsoon Forsets? The Amazon?
There are people that can survive in those places, and not in the Okavango like you can. But we're all humans. And yet we have 'adapted' to all these locations.
You can survive there, but many people don't. Many people die under ice, or killed by something else. Not all people have the ability to adapt to certain environments.

I can live in the bush indefinitely, but the arctic will kill me in a few days. I will not be able to adapt to that environment.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
You can survive there, but many people don't. Many people die under ice, or killed by something else. Not all people have the ability to adapt to certain environments.

I can live in the bush indefinitely, but the arctic will kill me in a few days. I will not be able to adapt to that environment.
All that matters is that you are human. If you were raised to survive there, you could.

A polar bear raised in Africa could not survive. Nor a crocodile in Alaska.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
Ah, it seems I've started a bit of a discussion here... {D
I think the bottom line here is that people are intruding more and more on other animals' territory, resulting in people getting hurt and then actually believing they did nothing wrong, and that the animals are out to get us!

*ahem* The movie plot thickens. Tom Cruise has now been introduced in the cast.


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
A crocodile not surviving the arctic is a void point. Its genetics aren't suited to it. Same goes for the polar bear.

Neither are yours. Without warm clothes, Scotland will kill you, let alone the Arctic. You don't survive the cold because of intelligence, but because your frail body cannot stand the temperatures. You have to simulate it. Clothes have nothing to do with adaptability.

Would you be able to hunt and live there? By that I mean you, not eskimoes. They have lived there forever and lost many lives learning what they know. With all that, they won't survive a desert.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Without warm clothes, Scotland will kill you, let alone the Arctic.
We made clothes! WE invented this stuff! We are allowed to use it! HUMANS are top of the line, because of this stuff we've intented!
When things like those sea slugs thingies, (don't know how to spell neudabranch-ish thingy) eat sea anemonies' (again spelling?) stinging cells to put on their backs, would they be considered unable to survive? Its not their cells they've put on, but we don't call it cheating.

Hermit crabs find the shells they put on their backs, so whats wrong with clothes?


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
Even so, it has nothing to do with adaptability.

All the warm clothes in the world won't fill your stomach. And I mean yours.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
You don't get what I'm saying. If we can land and/or truck supplies to lets say.. 80% of the land in this world. Then we can survive there, pretty much. We can get supplies from around the world BECAUSE we know how to. And 80%+ of the world is WAY better then animals can say.

Tell you what, and to make it even, we'll give the crocodiles airplanes. Just to make it fair. But since WE posess the intelligence to fly and drive, we are the ones that can adapt.
Same with everyone saying animals would win in fights, unless we were armed. WHY wouldn't we be armed? Give me and a leopard 50 cal. sniper rifles, and tell me who'd win. Now, given the leopard in his own territory would be at a much better advantage for an ambush, then give us both .45's. I'd win. Because I posess the intelligence and skill to shoot fire arms.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2005
Here is a link that explains a little about who Jim Corbett was. I guess you could say he is one of my heros, even though he died long before I was ever born. It took him two years to kill that cat, the official death toll on record at the time was 125, corbett was sure it was much, much higher.

The goverment called corbett in when no other hunter could kill it. Corbett would often climb out of his hide at dawn, after spending the entire night waiting for the cat to return to a victim or take bait, only to find the leopard had been stalking him instead. The ability to pull a trigger doesn't mean you won't end up kitty kibble by the time the sun rises. {D


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
We don't adapt to any situation. We alter our environment to suite us.
That is my point

The goverment called corbett in when no other hunter could kill it. Corbett would often climb out of his hide at dawn, after spending the entire night waiting for the cat to return to a victim or take bait, only to find the leopard had been stalking him instead. The ability to pull a trigger doesn't mean you won't end up kitty kibble by the time the sun rises
Exactly. Having technology won't necessarily ensure your survival


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
On topic- I love stingrays. I doubt this story would have made national headlines if not for the tragic death of Steve Erwin. In the article I read(with a grain of salt) the man was stung while trying to remove the ray from the boat, which would put it in close proximity to his chest. You guys need to stop watching those late night B movies. ;P
Exactly what I was thinking!


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
The goverment called corbett in when no other hunter could kill it. Corbett would often climb out of his hide at dawn, after spending the entire night waiting for the cat to return to a victim or take bait, only to find the leopard had been stalking him instead. The ability to pull a trigger doesn't mean you won't end up kitty kibble by the time the sun rises. {D
Exactly. Having technology won't necessarily ensure your survival
You guys don't get it. The point is 'Survival of the Fittest' right? So, you're bringing up a cat that was hard to bring down by man with guns. But you don't see the whole picture. Humans posess the ability to NUKE the area where the cat lived and certainly kill it. Thats all that matters.. Game over. We win.
If we see a Leopard we would be concerned BECAUSE of its ability to kill extremely well. It doesn't mean its going to. We don't have to blow up a grenade on a bumblebee to prove we can kill it.
We posess the ability to launch missiles and shoot 50 cal. sniper rifles to kill any animal on Earth. NO other animal can say that. We win totally. There is no contest.
Just because a few animals kill us every so often doesn't mean anything. Its because we exist and they exist, killings will happen. But we kill alot more then them then they kill of us. We are the 'Fittest to Survive'.


Old Timer
Jun 14, 2006
Mate, humans try to kill many people a year. They actually put in the effort.

If its about killing mass quantities, animals are still ahead.

Malaria mosquitoes kill millions of people each year without trying. Even with technology so many people die. DDT is a potent poison that has proved ineffectual. Mosquito nets haven't even made a dent. Repellent doesn't help.

As for bombing something, it doesn't prove you are the fittest to survive. It just proves you are so destructive that you can't live in harmony with your surroundings.

If we all die nature will carry on. If everything in nature dies, we will follow. We are dependant on them, not the other way round.

Your brain doesn't make you the fittest to survive, it helps you differentiate between right and wrong.

If survival were so easy, how come hunters that come here spend two weeks in the bush, hire a tracker and many vehicles to shoot one buffalo? Where's the "technology"?
Last edited:


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
You guys don't get it. The point is 'Survival of the Fittest' right? So, you're bringing up a cat that was hard to bring down by man with guns. But you don't see the whole picture. Humans posess the ability to NUKE the area where the cat lived and certainly kill it. Thats all that matters.. Game over. We win.
If we see a Leopard we would be concerned BECAUSE of its ability to kill extremely well. It doesn't mean its going to. We don't have to blow up a grenade on a bumblebee to prove we can kill it.
We posess the ability to launch missiles and shoot 50 cal. sniper rifles to kill any animal on Earth. NO other animal can say that. We win totally. There is no contest.
Just because a few animals kill us every so often doesn't mean anything. Its because we exist and they exist, killings will happen. But we kill alot more then them then they kill of us. We are the 'Fittest to Survive'.
I've got news for ya pal. We ain't the fittest. Actually according to some scientists we may not even be around for all that much longer (geologically speaking of course). Its only a matter of time before mother nature throws something at us that reduces our numbers to a much smaller and more manageable population. Where was your technology when the tsunami killed close to half a million people. That was a freaking surge of water. And who fled the scene. Oh yea, the animals. And who went down to the beach to see all the shells that suddenly were made available because the tide went WAAAAAY out. Oh yea, the people. I am not making fun of that situation, but it seems that the critters seemd to know impending doom was on the way.

Your attitude reflects a very disturbing trend, which is we are not part of nature, but nature is ours to control. We cannot control it. Whether it be a landslide, a leopard, or a stingray that freaks out because of something and leaps in a boat.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
You guys don't get it. The point is 'Survival of the Fittest' right? So, you're bringing up a cat that was hard to bring down by man with guns. But you don't see the whole picture. Humans posess the ability to NUKE the area where the cat lived and certainly kill it. Thats all that matters.. Game over. We win.
If we see a Leopard we would be concerned BECAUSE of its ability to kill extremely well. It doesn't mean its going to. We don't have to blow up a grenade on a bumblebee to prove we can kill it.
We posess the ability to launch missiles and shoot 50 cal. sniper rifles to kill any animal on Earth. NO other animal can say that. We win totally. There is no contest.
Just because a few animals kill us every so often doesn't mean anything. Its because we exist and they exist, killings will happen. But we kill alot more then them then they kill of us. We are the 'Fittest to Survive'.
We win? We WIN? By obliterating others in these fashions, we are killing ourselves as well.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Mate, humans try to kill many people a year. They actually put in the effort.
Tarantulas kill each other to. Thats an effort.

If its about killing mass quantities, animals are still ahead.

Malaria mosquitoes kill millions of people each year without trying. Even with technology so many people die. DDT is a potent poison that has proved ineffectual. Mosquito nets haven't even made a dent. Repellent doesn't help.
So does rabies and Avian influenza on animals. Yet, they're no closer to a cure. And I don't see them getting one soon. They must wait for natural defenses to develop. We have vaccines for Malaria, it helps.

As for bombing something, it doesn't prove you are the fittest to survive. It just proves you are so destructive that you can't live in harmony with your surroundings.
Again, you missed the point. The point is what we are capable of it. It doesn't mean we have to. Or should.

If we all die nature will carry on. If everything in nature dies, we will follow. We are dependant on them, not the other way round.
Thats too far. I never said that.

Your brain doesn't make you the fittest to survive, it helps you differentiate between right and wrong.
Bull. Thats stupid. Come one.. Our brains help us VERY much. I don't know about you, but last time I checked, the gorillas were in our cages, not us in theirs.

If survival were so easy, how come hunters that come here spend two weeks in the bush, hire a tracker and many vehicles to shoot one buffalo? Where's the "technology"?
I'll tell you what. I'm not too 'hip to dip' on all this technology in the world. I don't own a cell phone, I don't fish with those 'depth finders', and I don't hunt on a four-wheeler. I prefer the real stuff, (as real as you can get in North America). And other people, like myself, enjoy going to places like Africa to hunt, in more or less, as a challenge. But sometimes they sissy the hunt with technology anyway.

I've got news for ya pal. We ain't the fittest.
Okay, I'll admit it. Maybe I didn't say it right. I believe things like rats or mosquitoes could exist on Earth just as long as we could. We can't get rid of them. I think of the larger, terrestrial vertebrates, we are.

Actually according to some scientists we may not even be around for all that much longer (geologically speaking of course).
Me being a christian, don't believe that. I know we're gonna be here till Jesus comes back. And I hold that firm.
But regardless, I really despise those kind of statements. 'Scientists' came up with Evolution, an idea they ARE now losing. They've realized that evolution doesn't cut it. Everything's too perfect. They won't admit there's a god, but they'll give us 'Intelligent Design'.

Its only a matter of time before mother nature throws something at us that reduces our numbers to a much smaller and more manageable population.
I don't care what they think. I don't believe it.

Where was your technology when the tsunami killed close to half a million people.
Where was nature when we came and slaughtered the millions of Buffalo?
Where was nature when we blasted all the carrier pidgeons from the air?

That was a freaking surge of water. And who fled the scene. Oh yea, the animals. And who went down to the beach to see all the shells that suddenly were made available because the tide went WAAAAAY out. Oh yea, the people. I am not making fun of that situation, but it seems that the critters seemd to know impending doom was on the way.
Humans still survive. Our population isn't in danger, so therefore that entire scenario is negligable.

Your attitude reflects a very disturbing trend, which is we are not part of nature, but nature is ours to control. We cannot control it. Whether it be a landslide, a leopard, or a stingray that freaks out because of something and leaps in a boat.
Again, you guys are pushing these points at me. I never said we 'control' nature, but we can certainly manipulate it. Much more to our advantage then any other creature.

We win? We WIN? By obliterating others in these fashions, we are killing ourselves as well.
Again, its our capability. If a man points a gun at you, will you only give him your wallet if he WILL shoot you? No, its the fact that he can. And might spare your life if you give it to him. Now he's got the wallet, you're not dead. But did he win?? Yes. Exactly my point.

Something else for you all to consider. Much of the diseases that are killing us is because we've spread around the globe. If we stayed in single areas, we'd have much stronger immune systems, with less spread diseases. But we don't we've taken advantage of every corner of the globe for our growing population. And we're developing ways to protect ourselves. Most other animals couldn't go as far as we have, or better their survival in those areas. We ARE surviving because we're quite smart.

But, I'll admit it again. Too many people are raising their kids as sissies, that CAN'T survive without technology, they can't live in the woods, and can't trap a rabbit. It makes me sick.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
Alright, pal, let's not get into any religious debates here.

"But, I'll admit it again. Too many people are raising their kids as sissies, that CAN'T survive without technology, they can't live in the woods, and can't trap a rabbit. It makes me sick."

So get off your computer and go trap a rabbit.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Alright, pal, let's not get into any religious debates here.
I don't want to debate it.

So get off your computer and go trap a rabbit.
Comments like this are stupid. I never said computers were dumb, or not needed. I don't need to go trap a rabbit. But if I ever had to, I could.

The next generation are wimps. Many of them anyway.. They cry or throw fits when they don't get what they want. They eat chocolate and watch TV. The dad mows the lawn. And the kids can't unplug the toilet.