yesterday I got my first own T, an A. Geniculata. She was packaged in a small plastic box, with toilette paper to sit on so she couldnt bump into the sides of the box as easily. She's a year old, so about 4" or something, I'd guess.
So, as soon as I got home with her, I introduced her to her new home. Its a terrarium I've filled with 5-6" vermiculite and peat moss as substrate, putten a nice hiding place in, and planted two small plants, not directly in the substrate but still in their pots, and a wide shallow water dish. I have a thermometer in there, which shows the temperature to be around 72 F, and I watered the substrate a bit yesterday, so its somehwhat humid in there.
However, little Hungry doesnt seem to want to leave the box she came in... she sits in it, on her toilette paper, in the middle of the terrarium, and actually doesnt move at all, mostly - she has turned around perhaps 4 or five times, altogether, after being in the terrarium for 14 hours. At first I thought she was only scared/a little cold and so from the journey, but now, after a night in there...
I have thought about perhaps upturning her travel-box, and gently coax her out of it, but I really didnt think I would have to do that, with a species everyone says is active very often. I mean, she has to realise the lid on the travel-box is off, right? But if that is the case... why doesnt she move.. ?
I'd appreciate your help, kinda worried about poor little Hungry now.
yesterday I got my first own T, an A. Geniculata. She was packaged in a small plastic box, with toilette paper to sit on so she couldnt bump into the sides of the box as easily. She's a year old, so about 4" or something, I'd guess.
So, as soon as I got home with her, I introduced her to her new home. Its a terrarium I've filled with 5-6" vermiculite and peat moss as substrate, putten a nice hiding place in, and planted two small plants, not directly in the substrate but still in their pots, and a wide shallow water dish. I have a thermometer in there, which shows the temperature to be around 72 F, and I watered the substrate a bit yesterday, so its somehwhat humid in there.
However, little Hungry doesnt seem to want to leave the box she came in... she sits in it, on her toilette paper, in the middle of the terrarium, and actually doesnt move at all, mostly - she has turned around perhaps 4 or five times, altogether, after being in the terrarium for 14 hours. At first I thought she was only scared/a little cold and so from the journey, but now, after a night in there...
I have thought about perhaps upturning her travel-box, and gently coax her out of it, but I really didnt think I would have to do that, with a species everyone says is active very often. I mean, she has to realise the lid on the travel-box is off, right? But if that is the case... why doesnt she move.. ?
I'd appreciate your help, kinda worried about poor little Hungry now.