why does tkg recommend obt?


Dec 25, 2014
That wrong, silly advice probably started because a lot of those "suggesting people" are dumb enough for not seeing (on purpose? For sell? Uneducation?) the differences between "easy to care for" and "easy to work/deal with".

P.murinus is a ridicolous easy to care for Theraphosidae (yet "you" have folks keeping juvenile/adults 'OBT' into moist substrate and with heat pads!) but not exactly an easy to work (cage upgrades? Re-house due to certain issues you never know? Prey remains removing maintenance? Refill and took off the water dish for cleaning? Nothing of that?).

They aren't fast. More. P.murinus speed and high strung "bolt" performance are IMO actually a bit underestimated, because there's always a "Taps", a "Pokie" or a "Psalmo" more faster, but those are academic stats only. Speed remains speed.

There's this "Myth" of 'OBT' because since they are very easy to breed, they are always available and cheap, unlike other OW's like certain Asians, and a lot of unexperienced ends up with that.
That's a shame, because i'm one of those that really, really love P.murinus. They deserve much respect, on that sense, not superficiality.

If you want to buy one, buy one. It's up to you. But expect always a Theraphosidae that, if cornered, will react in a very badass way, hissing and carrying a venom able to send adults in agony to the E.R


Dec 25, 2014
However, if you want to buy one, offer him/her always a lot of inches of (dry) substrate, and a piece of cork bark. They are masters into adapt to different environments, but i still believe that if given the chance, to burrow remain their preferred option.

A burrowing 'OBT' IMO is a bit "less" mad, and better to work with, than an 'OBT' living in his/her "web everywhere burrow/home/nest" :)

I have noticed that they web everywhere a bit less if they can dig, hide, living under dirt and a cork bark, just like my C.marshalli.

You don't want to touch too much (AC/DC) that "web only" enclosure with tongs for maintenance when inside there isn't a 'GBB' ;-)


Jan 12, 2016
Why you should not buy an obt:
They're fast as hell
They're unpredictable as hell
Their bite hurts like hell
They're angry as hell
Rehousing them is hell
They won't go easy in a catch cup
Maintenance is hell because all of the above.

Need more?
When an obt escapes, you'll risk hell on your housemates, visits to the hospital for children, and death to cats, dogs or other pets.

Why you should get an obt
They're orange as hell
They're cheap as hell
They're hardy as hell.

There you go. :p


Mar 26, 2013
i mean i keep it in a cage, drop a feeder in. when cleaning cage i cup method it so there is nothing to risk.

'Nothing to risk'? Nowhere near that simple, you have much to learn. They're very unpredictable, that's part of an OW's defense strategy to confuse predators, along with high speed, stronger venoms, and the tendency to bite readily. NW's have urticating hairs, which are a tremendous development. They can throw projectiles from a safe distance. So lacking those, OW's pull out all the stops and do anything, and everything, to survive. Nothing's off the table when they're about to be instantly grabbed and eaten alive. Same as if a lion was about to kill you. This approach to survival makes them more difficult to work with in captivity. Many are prone to racing out of their cages at the slightest opportunity (like a jack-in-the-box): you're an intruder in their territory, and most likely a predator. Don't expect them to take that casually. Once out, they can go in any direction, they're running for their lives. And they may bite any hand that gets near them; some hang on or give multiple bites. Read bite reports of what the experience is like.


Feb 24, 2016
I never really understood the "hype" about getting an OBT. I agree their color is stunning, but a lot of NW species have beautiful coloration as well. Their potent venom, their 'flight risk', and attitude are all reasons for me not to get one. Besides I got a really sweet cat that I'd never want to endanger.


Dec 29, 2015
I've only been in the hobby since last September. I have 13 T's. I started off with NW, but now have 2 P. Metallica, 1 Chilobrachys Huahini and 3 P. Murinus (OBT).
One is a Spiderling and the other two are juvie's and I love them. I have no problems whatsoever with them. They're housed with enough substrate to burrow. A slab of cork bark leaning against the side and plenty of foliage for anchor points. Both have dug hides under the bark and webbed up the side. Both have made multiple entrances with beautiful silken tunnels inside and both are very visible, active and seem secure and content. I don't get no attitude from them. When Im giving fresh water they just stay in their hides until I'm done. I wouldn't like to see what their behaviour would be like if their housing needs weren't met correctly though. All T's in my opinion need somewhere they feel secure. I prefer OW to NW.


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2011
I never really understood the "hype" about getting an OBT. I agree their color is stunning, but a lot of NW species have beautiful coloration as well. Their potent venom, their 'flight risk', and attitude are all reasons for me not to get one. Besides I got a really sweet cat that I'd never want to endanger.
what are some new worlds that have the stunning colors of bright orange?


Sep 24, 2015
what are some new worlds that have the stunning colors of bright orange?
megaphobema, a lot of different brachies, C. cyanopubesens, some cyriocosmus sp., Hapalopus, Nhandu tripepi, P. irminia, tapinauchenius, all have some form of orange color, i dont think any have the brightness of OBT however.


Mar 26, 2013
megaphobema, a lot of different brachies, C. cyanopubesens, some cyriocosmus sp., Hapalopus, Nhandu tripepi, P. irminia, tapinauchenius, all have some form of orange color, i dont think any have the brightness of OBT however.

Why the orange obsession anyways? How many people say: 'I'm only going to own orange pets'? "No orange tarantulas? Well that settles it, I'm never going to get a tarantula!" Since when is so much dependent on one random color? It's ridiculous. Most of the OBT fascination centers around tests of masculinity.

BTW, an OBT was one of the few OW's that Stan Schultz owned (he didn't care for OW's; too fast and feisty). He and his wife were always handling their Brachypelma and Aphonopelma, and once his wife made the mistake of picking up a new OBT, and was bitten twice by it within a minute.
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Sep 24, 2015
Why the orange obsession anyways? How many people say: 'I'm only going to own orange pets'? "No orange tarantulas? Well that settles it, I'm never going to get a tarantula!" Since when is so much dependent on one random color? It's ridiculous. Most of the OBT fascination centers around tests of masculinity.
just one of those Ts with a pretty color. i got into Ts to get a veriscolor and irminia, i thought the color was amazing, i buy most of my Ts with color in mind. masculinity is probably the dumbest reason to buy anything ever. if i cant hold it or even see it very often, when i do see it it, i want it to look awesome. oh yeah, saw a pic of the bite in the TKG.
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Jan 28, 2016
i have a few of those already. so what makes you really ready for an OW? i mean at some point you are but when? what are the definite signs? for instance you need to do what before getting a OW?
Like others have said, there is no set rules for when you are ready for OW. You need good tarantula husbandry skills and enough experience that when things go sideways you can handle it. I am careful anytime I open any tarantula enclosure but I am always extra careful when dealing with OWs. When you are ready I'd recommend something besides a OBT to start out with. There are a lot of tarantulas with great colors that are easier to work with then them.

Why the orange obsession anyways? How many people say: 'I'm only going to own orange pets'? "No orange tarantulas? Well that settles it, I'm never going to get a tarantula!" Since when is so much dependent on one random color? It's ridiculous. Most of the OBT fascination centers around tests of masculinity.
I know it's just a color but I have picked up other T's(after looking at their stats) based in the beginning on their color. It, to me, is an easy starting point on T selection. Look thru the list and see one that has an appealing look/color and go from there. The next step IMO is to look up the tarantula's other information and make sure you know what keeping it entails and it is a good fit for your skills.

I never thought OBT were manly any more then any other tarantula. I think they have a lot of hype and street cred because of people on the internet.


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2011
Why the orange obsession anyways? How many people say: 'I'm only going to own orange pets'? "No orange tarantulas? Well that settles it, I'm never going to get a tarantula!" Since when is so much dependent on one random color? It's ridiculous. Most of the OBT fascination centers around tests of masculinity.

BTW, an OBT was one of the few OW's that Stan Schultz owned (he didn't care for OW's; too fast and feisty). He and his wife were always handling their Brachypelma and Aphonopelma, and once his wife made the mistake of picking up a new OBT, and was bitten twice by it within a minute.
maybe you jumped to conclusions, no one said anything about being set on one color for old world. re read original post. the question was why did the tkg blogspot recommend them for beginners. color has nothing to do with it.


Sep 24, 2015
I never thought OBT were manly any more then any other tarantula. I think they have a lot of hype and street cred because of people on the internet.
thats where the masculinity comes in. people hear of a bright orange giant spider thats hyper "agressive" and fast as all hell, and think; "huh, i bet all my friends would think im cool if i got one."


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
I think he was referring to other peoples' comments about it (it was brought up numerous times including by myself) in addition to your question asking what NW's had orange coloration more than your initial post.


Sep 24, 2015
maybe you jumped to conclusions, no one said anything about being set on one color for old world. re read original post. the question was why did the tkg blogspot recommend them for beginners. color has nothing to do with it.
color has almost everything to do with it for me. thats how i usually pick out my next spiders.


Nov 16, 2015
One thing I love about my haplopelma compared about the baboons as they don't make those insane dashes. When I open my C. darlingi's enclosure, I get a super active spider, running around the enclosure as fast as possible, but not threat posturing. The Haplopelma just threat posture, and that's it. I do choose most of my spiders on color though, but I also get them just for the experience, as some are species that you should have in your collection at some point (like I'm getting a psalmo soon) Just wait a bit dude, I (sorta) understand the appeal, but OBTs are literally the worst starter OW imo. When I started with my regalis, they were fast, but they wanted to run away from me, despite being juvies already. OBTs will engage you, and when they do, they will bite you.


Dec 25, 2014
That's not only that, the "manly fascinating" part, or the foolish "Coolio & Stunts". There's also a lot of people (a lot of those hiding among new people recently jumped into T's, i'm not talking here but in general) very uneducated about the NW T's universe; they cared for an old "rose hair" and thinks that every NW it's more or less like those, they think about OW's only, as if to own a certain OW's gives them the "key" for enter into a sort of "golden elite" T's club, or other nonsense like proving something when no one asked nothing.

And they ending missing all of those beauty, not "Grammo & Brachy" NW T's out there, like genus Megaphobema, Ephebopus, Phormictopus, Pamphobeteus etc :-/


Dec 25, 2014
Another disease, the "colour rapture decisions". Like if certain "dull" colours T's like Aussie ones or genus Hysterocrates sucks only for that :banghead: or other (genus) Poecilotheria except P.metallica, or the other, non 0.1 H.lividum (C.lividum?) Asian ones. Bah.