Was looking through my pics today and came across this one. It's one of my fave's. I have ridden/trained Thoroughbred racehorses for years and this filly was absolutely one of my favorites Everyone told me she was psychotic (she kinda was but not her fault) but I loved her and because I didn't give up like everyone else who tried to break her she is now on the A Circuit doing extremely well as a jumper (she ended up being sold before ever actually racing as the people who owned her got out of the race industry, Im just glad all my hard work didn't go to waste)
Geussing my picture was removed becasue of my finger but hey, have a nice respectable one ?
Not a great one, but it's the only one where im not flipping the cameraman off ?
It's a bit of an older picture, because I hate any more recent ones, but I look much the same but with shorter hair.... and maybe a little more flesh. And a little less dressy.....
Hey All! This is Joe aka CoolaideKid... I am currently freezing my posterior off in Des Moines, IA but am originally from Minneapolis, MN. I have 4 arachnofreak kids in the house as well. You can see them below.
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