A few pics since I uprooted myself from south Louisiana and moved do Denver (loving it so far but still unemployed)...first two need cropping but it's 2AM, not enough energy. I've taken to wearing my glasses since being laid off to conserve my contact lenses and spend less money on solution.
Me riding the RTD Light Rail to downtown Denver...no telling what I was musing about, if anything lol
Deer Creek Canyon Park at one of the lookout points (~7250' above sea level) facing Denver. Found lots of butterflies, some kind of small woodpeckers, and a lizard. Best part is...it's only 15 minutes from my home
Same park, taken off the marked trail...saw this little rocky outcrop and couldn't resist checking it out. About 4-5' away where I'm pointing is a cliff, maybe 80-100' from looking at the topo maps...far enough I wouldn't want to slip and fall over ha! You can actually see downtown Denver in the background if you look close.
New Here So I May As Well Get This Done Now..
And Yes, I May Be A Bit Of A Picture Whore ...muahaha ;P
My VERY patient roommate that lets me bring just about ANY animal home
Another couple
(Since I wanted to post a couple of picture sI just decided to put those,but not to mean anything, Im not a jerk and I hate the typical stupid muscle heads)
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