Who's Behind the Computer - Part 3

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Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
I'd kill myself if I tried to do that. I can only climb trees that have a ton of branches and even then, it's scary! I prefer to scuttle over rocks and hills...you know, forest-ish stuff. :p


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008

I hear ya there!

This is Uranus in Sign language.

I like sunsets

Slow down please

Smoking kills



Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I'm going to hop on the band wagon here. I like seeing the faces behind the replies and screen names...makes the community a bit more personal, which is important when your taking advice from someone.

So here's my contribution:

ME and Axl (Le Skunky)
I am so jealous. Skunks are illegal to keep here in CT.

Mr. Mordax

Old Timer
Oct 22, 2006
This is the real way to get coconuts! :}
I don't have the required upper body strength for that -- and at the time, I didn't have the lower body strength, either! {D

I've seen a slightly "sneaky" way where you have a loop of rope around your ankles -- it's supposed to make it easier to maintain your foot grip on the trunk.
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Old Timer
Jan 4, 2006
welcome Warduke..thats one pretty awesome beard you got there, and I like your red tail boa/ gi-joes.. always loved that show as a kid.. the new episodes don't do the show any justice, and for Maxident213.. all I have to say is PIG DESTROYER>> Rock on man, and finally not that its really my business, but Issac boda.. have you ever thought about anyone but yourself?? you seem a little pompous to me, but hey, if you like looking at lots of pics of yourself, good work I guess


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
Nah man, Isaac's cool...he takes some awesome pictures, too! Besides, confidence in one's self isn't a bad thing. Now if he was posting pics of himself in a Speedo, I'd have to lean towards egotistical...{D


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
welcome Warduke..thats one pretty awesome beard you got there, and I like your red tail boa/ gi-joes.. always loved that show as a kid.. the new episodes don't do the show any justice, and for Maxident213.. all I have to say is PIG DESTROYER>> Rock on man, and finally not that its really my business, but Issac boda.. have you ever thought about anyone but yourself?? you seem a little pompous to me, but hey, if you like looking at lots of pics of yourself, good work I guess
Whoa... objection. These pictures have been taken over the past 4 years of my life. Way to stay on topic though. :clap: .... pompous.... {D ... yea thats what it is. I like the pictures I take. You may not :embarrassed: there for don't need to make a comment. Did you not come into this thread thinking there wouldn't be pictures of myself?

Here is some more for ya:

My feet after loosing shoes crowd surfing at Big Spring Jam

Off topic, but it was worth the crowd surf:

Ex fiance

Ex feelings

And this is just for you being a hater... how many times have you been driving home from Tennesee and you pull behind a car with your last name on the license plate?

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Old Timer
Jan 4, 2006
Whoa... objection. These pictures have been taken over the past 4 years of my life. Way to stay on topic though. :clap: .... pompous.... {D ... yea thats what it is. I like the pictures I take. You may not :embarrassed: there for don't need to make a comment. Did you not come into this thread thinking there wouldn't be pictures of myself?
HAha... I love people like you, can't even take a little criticism.. and for the definition straight from webster....drum roll please....

Main Entry:
pomp·ous Listen to the pronunciation of pompous
15th century

1 : excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric> 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant <a pompous politician>

but your right, I really do come on the boards to meet new people, just people like you who mention.. oh "you're pretty", lucky boyfriend, etc.. to every female gendered homo sapien on the boards kind of make me want to puke... just kind of funny how you have to post 10 pics of yourself and then comment on other peoples comments about your pics.. myspace seems to be the right niche for that.. or do you need me to webster that for you too?!


Old Timer
Jan 4, 2006
well I will try to get more on topic as I don't think I have posted my ugly mug..ok, thats just too funny.. you look like a complete idiot and you are driving a hyundai if I am not mistaken...way to go you stud.. I am sure people all across the world are ooing at your " sick ride" cause you have your name on your license plate..wait, I am sure someone will be amazed at your coolness, just not me.. ps, I'd love to meet you in a moshpit buddy.. " I love Napalm death" ..haha.. poser
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Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
HAha... I love people like you, can't even take a little criticism.. and for the definition straight from webster....drum roll please....

Main Entry:
pomp·ous Listen to the pronunciation of pompous
15th century

1 : excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric> 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant <a pompous politician>

but your right, I really do come on the boards to meet new people, just people like you who mention.. oh "you're pretty", lucky boyfriend, etc.. to every female gendered homo sapien on the boards kind of make me want to puke... just kind of funny how you have to post 10 pics of yourself and then comment on other peoples comments about your pics.. myspace seems to be the right niche for that.. or do you need me to webster that for you too?!
Why don't you look up the rules and realize what your doing is nonsense... do you think I don't know I am flattering girls when I tell them they are beautiful... come on.. point out the obvious. I'm sure people think real fond of you behind your keyboard playing tough guy. You are the missing link in evolution :clap: {D ... Do you think any of these girls are going to leave there boyfriend for another Hobbyist... get real. Read webster all you want.. its not going to make you anymore right that I think some of these girls are very pretty.... do you think I have trouble getting girlfriends. If you do you can look up in webster under wrong.. because you would be :D;P

If you knew me you would understand I know who alot of black metal bands are!
I listen to alot of:
Dark Angel
Acid Bath
anything older school but metal....

I also like other music. I like to be a poser and listen to blues aswell... and also classic rock. Shoot I will occasionally throw on the Aphex Twins or Mr. Bungle... get a life.

Just found this:

It's not me, but its a pic I took of my friend Laverne at a Dying Fetus show. Milwaukee Metal Fest to be exact. Mallcore kid still wanna be tough?

Update on the car with my name on the license plate.. its a chick driving and the bumper sticker says I love my marriage... haha I'm not married. Good observation. I drive a 2002 Chevy Impala LS... don't think I'm macho... I actually think I'm average all around. Please put the E-Attitude down... no one here cares.
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Old Timer
Jan 4, 2006
ok.. go fly in a rocket and think you're awesome., hopefully you won't come back, that would be good for evolution... I guess you have the right to think so highly of yourself, but its funny..you just can't be the underdog so you have to show everyone you are awesome.. me not so much, but as for being the tough guy.. behind the keyboard?? haha nice one.. just come out to my neck of the woods for a beer and maybe you won't be so macho when you get stomped like your poor little toes.. nice sympathy shot by the way.. ps.. Im done with your stupid power trips and hope you have fun being "cool".. I never liked people like you anyways.. have a nice day


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
That's it....

We're going to have an intervention and sing 'Kumbaya" now.

Everyone, grab hands and form a circle.
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