Who would win out of THESE?

Which T would be the last standing in a fight with all 6 in 1 tank?

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Old Timer
Mar 12, 2005
Well Ace, you seem very defensive, especially about comments that were specifically not directed at you. Please read them again, and you may realise that I was responding directly to King Cobra with the majority of my thoughts. The only bit I leveled at you was that you described centipedes as evil, which you admit you exaggerated.

Also you seem to have missed the bit where I defended your right to post what others have described as 'the worst poll ever', and 'why is this thread still up'. Needless to say, I find myself rather regretting that defence now.


Apr 8, 2007
nothing about being smug or superior if you value life,far from it. and as for being "cosy",the only time i feel cosy is when me and my lil' blondie (NOT the spider blondie:)) ,cuddle up together on a cold u.k. night.no my friend, there is quite frankly nothing very interesting in the cerebrally limited and rather childish gladatorial content here,perhaps however some individuals find satisfaction in what they perceive as an evolutionary progression from pulling the wings and legs off insects,or roasting worms and snails alive to fuel their warped sadistic instincts,no as far as i'm aware ,both the u.s.a and u.k. are supposed to be free-speaking countries,and therefore i am quite entitled to critisise what i find is a disturbing trend on any self -respecting forum,so cerbera please do not demean yourself,by on one hand voicing an element of disquiet on the thread content,while on the other being critical of me for doing likewise.:embarrassed:
remember the saying:in order for evil to triumph,it only requires that good people do nothing. ;)
King Cobra... of COURSE life is sacred, and of course I would be the first one to be dishing out the bollockings if I thought for one second that this post was anything but theory and fictional speculation. I very nearly didn't contribute to it myself, but such is my RESPECT for the unique and powerful abilities of some animals that I didn't see the harm in making a light-hearted and speculative guesstimate about what would happen should the situation theoretically happen.

I will admit to being ever-so-slightly worried about the 'evil' sense of enjoyment some contributors have displayed in the enthusiasm of their replies, I also agree that it's not a constructive use of time, and there is SO much more to T's than their strength and defensive power that impresses me, but I really didn't feel the need to object, and found myself mildly (and briefly) intrigued to think about the relative abilities of the animals mentioned. And that is all. My life has already moved on - may I suggest that you allow yours to do the same ? :) Of course if this post really does offend you, you don't have to view it, and you may get a nice warm cosy smugly-superior type feeling that you are having nothing to do with it !!

Big Red TJ

Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
as stupid as it is, there would be only one logical victor here. The Pokie.
Reason being as it would haul it up to the top and wait till the rest killed each other . The OBT ( less than 6" im sure) could possibly make it up there but would be like popcorn to the pokie whilst it watched the King baboon and blondi kill each other after the rest were done.

OBT would loose due to it being so much smaller than the pokie. The terrestrials it would be the 2 biggest duking it out after shredding the rest and the "winner " of that would prob die as well thus leaving the pokie still munching on the obt thinking WHAT HAPPENED(if it could think lol)
Enough said:clap:


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
I voted the T Blondi... they are pure tanks. The only arachnid fight i have seen was when I put a random black half inch jumping spider and a brown recluse in a jar together. To my amazement the jumper won. Was a long hard battle though... for half inch spiders but nonetheless