Who would win out of THESE?

Which T would be the last standing in a fight with all 6 in 1 tank?

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Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
Centipedes aren't fair, too evil. Although... I did see a video of a centipede gettin owned by an Israeli Death Stalker.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I also suggest adding a Great White Shark, two Ratels, a wolverine with a tooth ache, and three disgruntled members of Mara Salvatrucha 13. That would make it interesting.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2008
The one that will be able to hide the best when the other 5 goes into a royal rumble will definitely win.

Why did I even post my opinion in this poll. I'm so mad at myself! :wall:


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
or toss in the proverbial 24" centipede and watch it eat them all lol
It is 50/50 when a pede and T sqare of. I dont know why everybody have this impression that pedes just eats T´s. Just checkout youtube and there is plenty pedes who are eaten by T´s. Maybe it is superstition:?

But it is nevertheless a pretty useless threat as it nonsense to throw these T´s in one cage. Just tired of hearing people tell how pedes eat T´s all the time when it is obviosly not true.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
It is 50/50 when a pede and T sqare of. I dont know why everybody have this impression that pedes just eats T´s. Just checkout youtube and there is plenty pedes who are eaten by T´s. Maybe it is superstition:?

But it is nevertheless a pretty useless threat as it nonsense to throw these T´s in one cage. Just tired of hearing people tell how pedes eat T´s all the time when it is obviosly not true.
if the mass is equal or even close, the pede wins hands down every time. but think about how long a pede it takes to have the mass of a 8" blondi...
thus the proverbial 24" pede. if it were a scolopendrid and 24" no T would survive it.

equal mass (assuming there were no drawbacks from the size thing) the Pede wins versus anything on the planet. I guarantee no human could survive a 200 pound pede lol
probably not even a 30 pound one lol
80 pound pit bulls would be shredded by a 25 pound pede ... you tube shows not very big pedes against pretty big ts . i mean lets face it a 8" blondi is much bigger than a 8" scolopendra


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
if the mass is equal or even close, the pede wins hands down every time. but think about how long a pede it takes to have the mass of a 8" blondi...
thus the proverbial 24" pede. if it were a scolopendrid and 24" no T would survive it.

equal mass (assuming there were no drawbacks from the size thing) the Pede wins versus anything on the planet. I guarantee no human could survive a 200 pound pede lol
probably not even a 30 pound one lol
80 pound pit bulls would be shredded by a 25 pound pede ... you tube shows not very big pedes against pretty big ts . i mean lets face it a 8" blondi is much bigger than a 8" scolopendra
hehe i had a bit of a bad night yesterday and missed 24" thingy, at that size it would of course rip any T to pieces;-) It is good they dont reach such a size, what a monster it would be;)


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
hehe i had a bit of a bad night yesterday and missed 24" thingy, at that size it would of course rip any T to pieces;-) It is good they dont reach such a size, what a monster it would be;)
i am certian that scolopendra heros castaniceps gets close to 18" but im too afraid to catch the big ones lol not to mention too slow lol i see the real big ones in cracks in the rocks in the hill country, cant get to them. of course i have to judge size by measuring something they were crawling on since i cant seem to capture one. the little ones(6-7) are even hard to catch in the rocks.


Apr 8, 2007
i've got a better idea for a contest, lets put ace man in a pit with a bengal tiger and see who's left standing.{D

any more cretinous gladatorial ideas antbody?


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
i am certian that scolopendra heros castaniceps gets close to 18" but im too afraid to catch the big ones lol not to mention too slow lol i see the real big ones in cracks in the rocks in the hill country, cant get to them. of course i have to judge size by measuring something they were crawling on since i cant seem to capture one. the little ones(6-7) are even hard to catch in the rocks.
I have had a pede before and they are not easy to catch, i know;-)
I HAD a friend wich bought an gigantia pede and threw in to a apophysis female. At that occasion the T made dinner of the pede. I had some time ago made a thread about that, and he presented it as an "accidental encounter" to me and is written as an "accident", i later found out he lied and threw the pede in to the apophysis females home and the apophysis charged from the burrow and had a meal of the pede wich was pretty big. But i have no contact with him anymore, because i dont like such sadistic behavior. But nevertheless i dont think pedes are particularly superior to any T ´s or scorpions. I think it depends on where they meet in nature who would win. And mostly i think when they do meet in the wild they all would run if possible before any fight could take place.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
I think in an encounter between a comparably sized tarantula and centipede would depend entirely on who was doing the ambushing and who was the ambushee. Home turf advantage would probably bring the t out on top. Without all those triplines and webbing to tell the t where the pede was the pede would certainly have the advantage.


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
I also suggest adding a Great White Shark, two Ratels, a wolverine with a tooth ache, and three disgruntled members of Mara Salvatrucha 13. That would make it interesting.
Now were talking entertainment.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2007
Wow I just came into announcemnets here and saw this. Why is this thread up.. I voted sure but why would u put them all into one tank. IF the tank was big anuf there probly would be 1 or 2 deaths but still. THe oradamental or blondi because of size, Oradmental are quick adn poisnouse but still. wth man


Old Timer
Mar 12, 2005
and let's give them all guns, brains and opposable thumbs while we're at it :) That'd even it up a bit...

In seriousness (and I can't really believe I am even thinking about it) the terrain of the tank might have something to do with the outcome. If the pokie, for example was able to drop onto the others from above (being the only species capable of flawless vertical / upside down climbing even at full size), I feel the others would have little chance. After all, if a T is attacked directly from above, what are they gonna do ? Almost nothing I imagine....

Of course if the tank was big enough, and there were enough secluded retreats and enough food for everyone, is it possible that fights would not take place at all ?


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2007
I think eventually you'd have some issues with hunting. If the tank was large enough it could be quite a while before issues developed, but eventually somebody'd get munched. Most likely I can see the OBT doing the semi arboreal thing that they like to pull and becoming lunch for the Regalis.


Apr 8, 2007
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: jeez you guys, you are falling into a pit of inane mediocrity! do something POSITIVE, like indulge in mind-blowing orgasmic interaction with a person who feels the same about you if you want REAL excitement! that has an element of positive cerebral process about it!
search within yourself and cast yourself free of the chains of simian retrogression!
life is SACRED it should only be taken by you to preserve you.:worship:


Old Timer
Mar 12, 2005
King Cobra... of COURSE life is sacred, and of course I would be the first one to be dishing out the bollockings if I thought for one second that this post was anything but theory and fictional speculation. I very nearly didn't contribute to it myself, but such is my RESPECT for the unique and powerful abilities of some animals that I didn't see the harm in making a light-hearted and speculative guesstimate about what would happen should the situation theoretically happen.

I will admit to being ever-so-slightly worried about the 'evil' sense of enjoyment some contributors have displayed in the enthusiasm of their replies, I also agree that it's not a constructive use of time, and there is SO much more to T's than their strength and defensive power that impresses me, but I really didn't feel the need to object, and found myself mildly (and briefly) intrigued to think about the relative abilities of the animals mentioned. And that is all. My life has already moved on - may I suggest that you allow yours to do the same ? :) Of course if this post really does offend you, you don't have to view it, and you may get a nice warm cosy smugly-superior type feeling that you are having nothing to do with it !!
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Old Timer
Mar 12, 2005
Centipedes aren't fair, too evil. Although... I did see a video of a centipede gettin owned by an Israeli Death Stalker.
However, to say that centipedes are evil IS ridiculous. The slightest observation of them in their natural surroundings will reveal they are not. No animal, other than ourselves has the capacity to be evil. That is purely the domain of humans, and fortunately, only a minority of them feel the need to behave this way.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
Ok, by saying "evil" I was exaggerating. I have 9 T's between 1" and 6", 1 fully grown emperor scorpion, and an 8" centipede. From what I have seen, the centipede could take any one of them down easily. It catches prey effortlessly, moreso than the others anyway. When it was 6.5", I fed it an adult mouse. It just walked up, struck, slammed it into the ground, and it was dead within ten seconds. As far as I can tell, they are MUCH stronger than T's, and their exoskeleton is harder. I'm not saying a centipede can't be killed by a tarantula. Just that it's unlikely unless the tarantula is much larger, hungrier, or more interested in the situation than the pede.

Anyway... seriously, if you don't like my post, save your comments and go elsewhere. You think it's a waste of time, but you ARE on here reading it all and wasting time complaining about it aren't you. Since this has turned into a Pede vs. T thread... I'm not posting on here anymore, so go ahead, whine and complain all you want. I'm not reading it.