My juvenile M. robustum molted about a week ago, but I was finally able to pull it and confirm sex! Definitely female, I'm absolutely thrilled, this species is such a gem
Psalmopoeus reduncus sling. All my Psalmopoeus slings I got month ago are molting one after another. First, cambridgei, then victori and now reduncus. Now waiting for irminia which is already in premolt as well.
Pamphobeteus sp. machala male molted. Surprised he isn't mature yet, biggest immature male I've ever owned. Anyone have an estimate size on when they mature?
Thrixopelma ockerti sling just molted half an hour ago. I finally had a chance to watch it flip back after molt. Pretty amazing look!
Edit: Came back from work to find out last of my Psalmopoeus slings - P. irminia actually molted. And together with her my Xenesthis immanis as well. That makes the biggest combo for me so far - 3 molts within 24 hours.
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