Macho Mandal Randy Sandal, the one Avicularia avicularia baby that I bred myself and kept, molted today and hit 3i. I am absurdly proud of this little idiot <3
Got a nasty surprise with my T. albo today. Bought as a female, so confidently that the seller told me I should contact him for breeding when she matured because she was a stunner. Well, she’s male. Mature male at that. That’s my second male in two months.
Juvenile B. albiceps. I’m looking forward to the next molt to sex. I was going to make a snide remark concerning the time span between molts, but it snuck this one in on me with no indication of pre-molt whatsoever, and only about six months after the last. I’m thinking given what I just described, and the pretty leggie appearance it may be male.
i just found out my albopilosus sling molted couple days ago. Today my juve klaasi, emilia sling and rosea sling all molted. Triple molt considering I only have 8 under care
My G actaeon molted today! I've been waiting for a few weeks for it to happen and told her last night it was about damn time. Woke up this morning to her on her back and checked in every 15 minutes ago. Pretty cool to see once she broke the carapace and the molt is good enough I think I can finally get a sex. Worried as it does look a bit leggy, but I think I've read they all do at that size.
My B. emilia, Smellerbee, just had her first molt with me tonight!! She's up! I'm a new T mom, so it was super stressful, haha. And I think my C. versicolor is up next soon. I'm very relieved.
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