which tarantula is the best for a 2nd spider?


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
for a species you can hold , none of them fit the bill.
but if you want a species you can hold,
my suggestion
grammastola pulchripes,
or the chaco golden knee.
have you checked online dealers?
for the second spid, check out
a b.smithi

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Although my experience with nw tropicals pales in comparison with many of those on the board, I'd suggest Grammostola pulchra as a 2nd. They are awesome. Mine have never threat posed or kicked. My Boehmei kick, are prone to short bursts of speed and are more nervous but never had a threat pose. They often quit kicking and calm quite a bit just before nudging one into the hand. Another consideration might be Acanthoscurria geniculata, although I've heard some conflicting reports. Mine kicks a little but is easy going otherwise. I only handle my spiders briefly about once a month, sometimes less, but none have ever threat posed. My N. tripepii is a bit nervous but is also easy going in comparison to many species I've read about. My 2 cents



Old Timer
Jan 24, 2010
yes, I have been doing my own research, but it always helps having advice from people who have actually owned/or owns these species. I don't like the idea of buying one online. I will definatly check out them all when i go to the pet store but I have taken the Indian violet off the list.

thanks to everyone for your advice :D


Old Timer
Jan 24, 2010
also, I really want a Grammostola Pulchra but the pet store doesnt have it :/


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2010
If you don't want to buy online, is there a show or conference coming near you where Ts will be available? Often reptile conferences also have people selling inverts, sometimes doing programs. I always buy Ts and marine fish online - I have identified honest vendors with great quality, and they almost always have superior selection and service when compared to local sources.

Can you find out if there are any hobbiests breeding Ts within a drive away?

If you care about buying CB (I realize not everyone does) you are not likely to find CB at a pet store.

I have a small G. pulchra, very nice spider. You are unlikely to find a WC at any pet store, but they are available CB. I got mine from tarantulas.com. If you want a fairly mellow/slow T, you will probably be happiest with a New World terrestrial, like this one. This is a good choice.

A couple other suggestions:

Grammostola albopilosum - widely available, under-rated. Moderately common as WC in pet stores. I raised one of these from a spiderling in the late 90s. Gave it to a guy at work (three jobs ago) for his middle school, I think, grandson. Grandson went to college, guy retired, I got spider back. When I left the job in 2006, I gave the spider (huge and now living in a 20L tank) to one of my employees who ended up taking my place. The T is still there, in my old office. :) Very mellow, easy to handle and NOT a pet rock.

Aphonophelma species - there is a type with the common name of southwestern or Texas brown, not sure of the exact species. The science education company I used to work for sold them to classrooms. Not very expensive, but a really nice and mellow, slow moving T, very hardy. I have heard A. chalcodes, Mexican blonde, is a really nice species, but have not kept it.

Chromatopelma cyanopubescens aka greenbottle blue. One of the most beautiful tarantulas. I used to have one I grew up before I got out of the hobby, now have a sling. Hardy, can handle drier conditions, stunning colors, good eater. A little skittish, but not aggressive at all, IMO. Makes a wonderful exhibit with some webbing, but not so much you can't see it. Mine slays crickets, bites off their heads, and lays them in a pile connected by webbing. Then sits on top of the headless cricket pile.

Don't have experience with this one yet, but it is probably my next spider - Lasiodora parahybana - large, slow moving, dramatic looking. I have heard different things about temperament, but have read about enough mellow ones and seen a few on youtube to inspire me to get one.

If you are feeling adventurous, get a Pterochilinus murinus or OBT. OBT stands for orange bitey thing, an affectionate and widely used nickname. Attitude, yes. You won't be picking it up. But gorgeous, bright colors, super hardy, undemanding. I had one of these a long time ago and will have one again. They are sort of terrestrial/arboreal/burrowing and make a ton of web.
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Old Timer
Jun 30, 2008
My vote would be the B.Boehemi(Fire leg) but if its anything like my girl, watchout for hairs, mine likes to kick alot, and she is very good at running and kicking at the same time.


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2010
Those are beautiful spiders! I haven't kept one yet. My 2.5" B. klaasi also flicks hairs like crazy. The spider will walk and flick at the same time. It looks itchy and grumpy doing this. :)

For the OP, I'm thinking either B pulchra, G albopilosum, or C cyanopubescens would be the best choices.


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2005
The only one I would advise you to forget about (for now) would be the Indian Violet (Chylobracys fimbriatus) Like said above, the venom is more potent and they are often reported among the most bitey, they hate the whole world and their mother!!!

Suntiger (Psalmopeus irminia) can be bitey and will give you dramatic threat poses worth a modern ballet revue, a bit means a couple of days being sick.

The Brachypelma genus is at large calm and docile...except perhaps for the two species available at your store, Fireleg is a bunch of nerves, my Vagans don't even let the crickets touch ground.

The verdict: If you are a non handler, you're fine with all of them (even the Indian Violet, with care) but if you wish to handle, none fit the bill.


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2009
Hey.. this was my question not long ago, and I received quite a bit of flame for my particular wording of the question. But basically, get whatever you want, do some research, and don't be afraid to jump in head first, just remember to respect your choice whichever it is. I dove in head first and bought a P.Murinus, and I love it. Everybody told me not to, and now, I couldn't be happier with my choice. But if you're looking for something slower and more docile for a T, I agree with most everyones suggestion for the Brachypelma genus. My personal favorite is the B.Auratum, i'll be getting that one next. Good luck with whatever you choose!


Old Timer
May 23, 2007
Here is a breakdown of the four species you have listed.

Chilobrachys fimbriatus the Indian violet;

Defensive and has a potent venom.
Not a spider I would recommend for a beginner.

Psalmopoeus irminia the Venezuelan suntiger;

Defensive and has a moderate venom.
Not a spider I would recommend for a beginner.

Brachypelma vagans the Mexican redrump;

Most are calm and docile, though some are schizophrenic to borderline psychotic. They have a mild venom.
As long as the later is not observed, I would recommend this spider for beginners.

Brachypelma boehmei the Mexican fireleg;

Skittish and flighty and has a mild venom.
Although not easily handle it is still a spider I would recommend for a beginner.

Now as far as handling goes, it is recommended that you do not handle any T. But as long as you are aware of the risk to you and the T, then there is no T that cannot be handled. The only thing is to never try to handle a T or any animal for that matter, that you are not comfortable enough to do safely.



Dec 22, 2009
brachypelma albopilosum is an awesome T got one for my Girlfriend who WAS terrified of spiders and now she cant get enough of her T, this T is so docile, it would be a good choice and the curly hairs are so cute, my mate has a redrump its super docile as well, my next one is a Singapore blue REALLY Mean bastards but so beautiful the over sized socks.


Old Timer
Jan 24, 2010
well guess what?!? i brought home a rose hair :D i ended up googling exotic pet stores in my area and they had tarantulas. They sold me a pretty large female rose hair for like 20 bucks :D Her name is Charlotte and she just let me hold her ^_^


Old Timer
Jan 24, 2010
thanks :D

here are some pics. (not the most flattering pics of me haha)

Holding her

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Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
beautiful spider... nice choice
you should check out grammastola pulchripes or also known as the chaco golden knee.

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
For the OP, I'm thinking either B pulchra, G albopilosum, or C cyanopubescens would be the best choices.
I think you mean G. pulchra and B. albopilosum? :)

And I agree wholeheartedly with those recommendations. Those are great Ts to own.

brachypelma albopilosum is an awesome T got one for my Girlfriend who WAS terrified of spiders and now she cant get enough of her T, this T is so docile, it would be a good choice and the curly hairs are so cute
Again, I agree.

B. albopilosum would make a great choice for your third T. ;)

thanks :D

here are some pics. (not the most flattering pics of me haha)

Holding her

I don't know what you mean because you look great in those pics. :)

And what a beautiful T!

Grammostola rosea is still one of my all time favorites among the many fine species of T in this great hobby of ours. :D

Enjoy your gorgeous new T!

And welcome to the hobby and to AB.


beautiful spider... nice choice
you should check out grammastola pulchripes or also known as the chaco golden knee.
Another most excellent suggestion for your third T. :D
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Old Timer
Jan 21, 2010
You got a really nice one! I know you will enjoy her. And I predict, there will be a third, eventually. :)

I think you mean G. pulchra and B. albopilosum?
oops! yes!


Old Timer
Jan 24, 2010
oh most definiatly a third but i still owe money from the first haha, thanks but I still think its not very flattering XD

for the third i want a brazillian stripe knee :D the store where i got charlotte had 4! :D

eventually when i get more experience, im going to get a metallica and a cobalt blue posible a mexican red knee too :drool: