What would you do? Death Curl. HELP!!!


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
you try to take the male 50/50 and make big money and like john say is not the way
Also, you're complaining about him trying to get the male for a 50/50 when you had it ADVERTISED AS A 50/50!

yeap quote(Juan - According to this
http://www.arachnoboards.com/ab/showthread.php?t=163155i know if the male die 4 days from the day that he got it he can still used. do you think i been crying for all the wc import and slings i been buy that they die on my care days after? im not complaining that he was going to do 50/50 i just say that he wanna make a buck from the animal, we all do keep it real. and i tho he have a female for the MM.
Juan - I've laid it out neatly. First, you imply that Sharpfang was trying to get the male as a 50/50 to make some money, but "no", you say, that's not how it works. As you can clearly see in YOUR ad that I linked to, you had it advertised as a 50/50. So why did you advertise it as a 50/50 and then refuse to do a 50/50? It's awfully funny, cuz you had a MM ad up for 80 shipped, nobody buys it. Then you run an ad for a 50/50, but it turns out, you'd rather just outright sell it. Does anyone else think that sounds a little fishy?

I don't know why the male died, but at 2 (or 2 1/2) months it shouldn't have been due to old age. Could it have been due to Juan's shipping error? Maybe. Or maybe the male was older than Juan was advertising. It would explain his urgency in getting it sold and refusing to do a 50/50. Either way I don't know. But the buyer deserves a full refund.


Old Timer
Oct 8, 2009
Not my place.. but if I were in this position...

If I sold a T to someone and it died within a given amount of time... like two weeks, I would refund the money.

Not because its my fault, not because its the buyers fault, but because this is a hobby, and the people in the hobby we make deals with should not be treated as customers and should be treated more like humans, or even better friends.

I dont care what the shipping situation is, or the age of the spider or anything. I will not shop from someone that treated a customer like that, I dont care what the situation is. PERIOD.

I am sorry to hear you got ripped off. Just keep in mind, there are a lot of sellers/ dealers here that are good people and wouldnt do this to you. I won't name drop, but we all know who they are.

Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
Not because its my fault, not because its the buyers fault, but because this is a hobby, and the people in the hobby we make deals with should not be treated as customers and should be treated more like humans, or even better friends.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Right on cbeard - that is how I treat people on AB I sell/trade/or...(give)... T's to. Not that it's "wrong" to treat people as customers, but I think it is certainly possible to do that and still treat people with respect. And I know many do that well on this site.

To quote you again:

cbeard said:
Not my place..

cbeard said:
Just keep in mind, there are a lot of sellers/ dealers here that are good people and wouldnt do this to you.
I am sorry you had to have this experience sharpfang.


Nov 14, 2008
sorry to put this here i've tried to pm sharpfang but his pm's
is full so can u pm me and tell me when u are going to ship
it is get cold here

thanks bill


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009

:D Enjoy assortment and containers...

And good luck with these critters... lol


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Well Folks, Thread continued to Ccameleon3000 Review

Posts, including lies and twisted dillusions by the "Dynamic-Duo"...

Can be enjoyed by ALL.......LOL {D

It's really entertaining...........My spider is still dead...LOL All I can really do - is Laugh at these guys...........That's worth $80 right ?