What would you do? Death Curl. HELP!!!


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
I bought this spider last week and he showed up very lethargic......

I gave him some time to acclimate/hydrate....Figuring stressed from trip to Cali from Detroit....and where ever else along the way 2-day priority.

I paid for $30 shipping arrangement........And got $5.65.....response was
"I did not ship spider-Maybe someone owes me money" Somebody owes me $!

I got spider finally, and was patient w/ shipping....Packing seemed fine - spider was groggy, but alive............After 2-days of little movement/improvement...........He's clearly a breathe away & curling!
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My wife was upset about shipping aspect, cause she paid... And didn't understand discrepancy... I was told I could get refund on shipping difference.

Waiting on spider refund Response........... I understand that these things will happen w/ online purchases....And not every aspect of a tarantulas life can be controlable-But I feel taken after Shipping debacle......Last spoke with
seller.....He had excuses......And wanted Immediate favorable review w/ link
e=mailed to me 2-or-3 times...:eek: I responded: I make reviews after i have a clear opinion on A sellers Product/Animals/Service.....Jury is still out on that!
What do you all think-Please advise-Please...:8o
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Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
Even if you get a refund, still be honest in your review. It sounds like you paid for overnight and did not get it. Was the packaging adequate? Either way, I think this hobby lets too many poor sellers get away with it because people are too hesitant to speak out.

Have you got the T in an ICU?


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Thank You - So Much For Response!

Packing inside I feel was adequate for his Journey........Yes in ICU.....{Nurses rushin' in cause steady Flatlinin'} LOL - You gotta LAUGH-what else.............

I really wasn't all that Upset in the shipping................

Just the excuses reguarding.......When people try to convince you of something goin' a certain way-You know that it didn't.....Lika Slap-ya know?

Disappointing thing is not $80 -or- Poor {likely used-up}Spider....
It's the principal of bein' straight with whoever you meet in life....

That Is WHY I feel like I was Taken 4 Old-dyin' MM......He said he has 10 Females...And that others would not send him money 1st.....I thought I slid into Ideal breeder for my 1st EVER attempt w/ Versi's!......My long-term Goal.
Will have to wait a little longer......Here is a healthy MM Vagans I received 4 "free" this week as well {not a total wash of a week}- Thanks Tom!....
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Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
How long have you had that one in the ICU?? Has it improved any?? Was it also missing a leg?? Poor little thing..:(
*Edit* Nevermind I see its leg that I thought was missing..


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
Concerning the T, have you tried pouring some water directly into it's mouth? I would do this like 4 times a day. If it's not suffering from dehydration then there isn't really a point in the ICU. The abdomen does look small from the pictures. I highly suggest pinch grabbing it and squirting some water to get it hydrated quicker.

As far as the person you bought it from is concerned I would report your exact situation in the review. People need to know that this person is untrustworthy. I saw the name on the package and will remember to avoid them. Then again, I only go through people with many positive reviews.

Hope your T gets better.


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Thanx So Much Everyone!

I'll try what you said........But it looks Bad.......Not gonna Hurt at this point though-Thanx!.........................He has been on Moist moss in ICU...........
Picture of 1st moment I gottem - in the "wanted to buy section" He was slow and Groggy from out the box...........Other MM I received from the Bronx, NY
Is Complete OPPOSITE........Flew out of the Box !......Acclimating Well.........
And I have VERY fresh MM - That I wanna save a little.......MM also en-route
ICU time 2-DAYS......:( Poor guy.......Lived his life.......


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
You think you were sent just an old, on the verge of death MM? I hope it's not the case, but given the seller's dishonesty, I wouldn't be too surprised. Let us know how it works out, and definitely post a review.


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
I will let everyone here and on proper forum review know

Thanx again everyone!...........I appreciate advice/support..........
Jason - An honest Hobbyist.....Enjoying the last honest Pizza-Always makes me feel better!:D Yummy.........................................................................................

Was just Told off! Buy the seller w/ no remorse............NO Remorse at all!

I am SSOOOOooooooooo Mad Right Now!

VERY LOUD Review Comin......He doesn't wanna work it out At ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Everyone! He won't return pm or work it out!

Spider is Officially DEAD!.........I am so mad! and also Appreciative that some members Care.......If he ws an honest Seller- he'd discuss workin' it out!......

I can't beleive I just got RIPPED OFF!!!!!!!

Hurts! I guess......I was so EXTRA nice to him........R.I.P. versi...


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2009
Oh my goodness... poor thing. :( I agree, show no mercy in your review! What a jerk to not even try to work things out after they were obviously in the wrong, ugh.


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
This guy owes you a FULL refund PERIOD.
Looking at your pic, now I know who it is, no business with you buddy.

'IF' you had been sent the T O/N express and he died a few days later, well that would have been a bad break for you, HOWEVER, you PAID for O/N express, did not get what you paid for and the T dies on you, well he did NOT live up to the contract and therefore you are OWED A FULL REFUND!!!

If he doesn't refund your money, this will spread like wildfire on these boards and he will find himself w/out anyone to sell to.


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Sorr to here the little fella didnt make it.. I agree no mercy in his review if he aint going to try and make it right..


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
before any one keep posting read this please i just try to defende my self:
when this guy got the male we know that the male it was getting old it was 2 1/2 months old and when we spoke the first time i told him that i have been post it 50/50 because the male was getting old yes i say he still have energy because it was whit one female only but i told him that i try to sell the animal for $80 whit shipment include i never say it was going to be overnight that the shimpment were run from $5 to $35 all depend from the box you can check here about that
i have 2 males one it was sold to a person from Ohio in Taylor MI.( you can ask Bryan and John P Morris) i send the male but it was a mistake because we pay for overnight and we have the regular 2 days express you can see the day that it was send here http://i38.tinypic.com/2h52w4i.jpg he got the animal Thursday that week and i ask if can post a review and i have this http://i33.tinypic.com/xqhkwi.jpg well i told him the second time if he was happy to live the review in the review room and he send me this http://i38.tinypic.com/2vlk8dk.jpg and this is the replay http://i37.tinypic.com/153w7lj.jpg i was willing to get the $25 dollars for the shipment and that was ok and today at early in the morning have this http://i33.tinypic.com/2dujyig.jpg well i told this guy that it was not sick that i have prove even from people work in my place (Michigan Exotic's) of the animal it was alive and healthy and the versi was only whit one female 2 times but now he is asking the all refund well and all the morning he was sending me pm's whit bad words and false statement's like i can't speak English and all that and i have the pm's so my conclude is you better read before you buy an animal we all know that males don't live longer when they mature and please live dealers and breeders out of this because they don't have nothing whit our deal i even told him if he wanna i will refund the $25 and im not going to do nothing about the male i even offer some slings versicolor trying to fix this but now im not willing to if the owner of this web page after reading all this and check all the picture is telling me that i have to pay full i will i never ripoff no one in my life just educate you self before u buy some Thanks and im sorry if the male die on you sincerely Juan Urbieta(Michigan Exotic's)


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
First, I think he was pretty much right in saying you can't speak English. Your post is a single giant run-on sentence that is EXTREMELY difficult to make any heads or tails on. Second, what are you doing selling a MM that's on the brink of death? Just give it away at that point. How long ago did it go through it's mature molt? Did you give the buyer this information before you sold it? We all know that MMs don't have long to live, but dying within a couple days of receiving it? That's just unacceptable.

It also appears as though you screwed up the shipping, are you going to refund that portion of the payment? If I'm buying something I don't want a "it's going to cost 5-35 buck" load of BS. It's just a way to drive up the price and then picking the cheapest shipping method.

I think the buyer deserves a FULL refund. You sent an inadequate male. You say it's a risk that everyone takes when purchasing a MM, but I'm sure nobody expects their new MM breeder to die on them before they can even be placed with a female. The irony is this is coming from a belligerent individual that gave Urban Jungles tons of crap when he had no reason to (read the reviews under urban jungle). You're doing nothing but making it painfully clear that you're not a person one should buy from or sell to.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
If you have an issue with me because I posted a bad review to Urban Jungles does this make me a bad guy with all the transactions?
Also, keep your comments to yourself if they dont pertain to the transation.
The buyer was well aware of the age, and this was clear in the listing and the pictures.
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