What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard about a tarantula online


Captive bread
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2009
Noticed this trend of calling them babies, children, etc. 🫤 Seems like a psychological problem that Sigmund Freud would go wild over.


Jul 12, 2022
Noticed this trend of calling them babies, children, etc. 🫤 Seems like a psychological problem that Sigmund Freud would go wild over.
"...when you talk about Ts but really mean your mother."
- Sigmund Freud


May 8, 2016
I confess that *my girls* I sometimes call them..That's why they say that love makes you do crazy things and not know how to differentiate between how many neurons the brain of a "T" and a Cockatoo have, hahahahaha..Sldos...


Nov 20, 2022
"My tarantula loves me!"
Quoted from every tarantula Facebook group ever.
"My tarantula and I bonding" when posting photos of themselves handling the Ts.

Same goes for jumping spiders. People are just too stupid to realise that these creatures don't have the cognitive capacity to "bond" with you.

"Advice" from a dude I met on Facebook when I entered the hobby four years ago... Was just trying to sell his stuff...
When I bought my A Geniculata, the boob in the store tried to sell me a misting system to "maintain the right humidity". They've got an A Geniculata in the store again and you can't even see into the enclosure through the condensation on the windows. Poor critter.

It's also sitting on only about 2cm of substrate.

Out of curiosity, I looked at other pet articles on the website and had to physically stop myself from facepalming several times per minute. These people seem to be about as bright as a dead lightbulb from the 1960s.
The problem is that PETA knows it's crap. They're not trying to convince people like us. They're trying to convince people who don't know any better and will read an article like that and go "hmm, sounds legit" without ever digging just a bit deeper.
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Jul 23, 2018
If memory serves me correctly just search for "Festes" and read that thread from start to finish.
You're welcome.

Actually it's buried in references so here you go: (bring beer and popcorn) https://arachnoboards.com/threads/i...emale-pokie-ornata-lacking-confidence.297756/
I read through a few pages of that and skimmed through the rest just last night. This one guy just the other day hopped on this other dudes beginner thread where op was asking if he should get a B. hamorii or G. porteri/rosea and went on some big long winded rant about how any spider, even if it's something like an H. Mac or S. cal, is totally fine for a beginner if they just "do research", mentioned he's owned 3 rattlesnakes and sold 2 of them to 2 different guys "who'd never even seen a rattlesnake in their lives" one of which got bit and died being careless (and of course he put it all on the dude who got bit taking no responsibility for selling it to people who don't know what they're doing) & saying that the T community has "FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) logic" for believing in a ladder system and also saying the arboreal enclosures commonly used all suck just cause they're front opening. It was dumb. Really, really dumb. That said this other thread with that girl is WILD and blows the stupidity of that other guy I just mentioned completely out of the water. This woman seriously believes her Pokie & Avic are affectionate to her and also is a total science denier who doesn't believe in evolution or even gravity (which I guess she prefers to call something else, so I guess at the very least she believes things still fall when dropped lol.). Literally everything she said in that thread is so off the charts unintelligent it's almost unbelievable so I see why some thought it was an intentional troll, but I don't think it was.
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Hardus nameous

Yes, but only on Tuesdays!
Arachnosupporter +
Feb 24, 2018
I read through a few pages of that and skimmed through the rest just last night. This one guy just the other day hopped on this other dudes beginner thread where op was asking if he should get a B. hamorii or G. porteri/rosea and went on some big long winded rant about how any spider, even if it's something like an H. Mac or S. cal, is totally fine for a beginner if they just "do research", mentioned he's owned 3 rattlesnakes and sold 2 of them to 2 different guys "who'd never even seen a rattlesnake in their lives" one of which got bit and died being careless (and of course he put it all on the dude who got bit taking no responsibility for selling it to people who don't know what they're doing) & saying that the T community has "FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) logic" for believing in a ladder system and also saying the arboreal enclosures commonly used all suck just cause they're front opening. It was dumb. Really, really dumb. That said this other thread with that girl is WILD and blows the stupidity of that other guy I just mentioned completely out of the water. This woman seriously believes her Pokie & Avic are affectionate to her and also is a total science denier who doesn't believe in evolution or even gravity (which I guess she prefers to call something else, so I guess at the very least she believes things still fall when dropped lol.). Literally everything she said in that thread is so off the charts unintelligent it's almost unbelievable so I see why some thought it was an intentional troll, but I don't think it was.
She did get one thing right though; Avics love a funky bass line.:lol:

The Spider House

Aug 12, 2020
I have never heard of a tarantula on line. I believe they go on 'the web' often though 😉🤣

I also heard of Tarantulas on line looking for spider nookie via dating apps.

'Spinder' I think it was called 😉🤣

Actually, that should be a thing. Members sign up to an app, post pics of mature males and females and you swipe right or left to "hook up" ....literally. 🕷💓🕷


Jan 15, 2023
"My tarantula loves me!"
Quoted from every tarantula Facebook group ever.
Hey, mine love me lol 😆 laughing hysterically 🤣😂🤣

Petsmart emplyee told me that tarantulas drink water by sucking it from rolled paper towels and sponges and it still puts a smile on my face 🤣


Nov 25, 2016
Everyone at work: “Don’t tarantulas have poison that can kill you?” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lord have mercy for peoples incompetence.

The Spider House

Aug 12, 2020
Everyone at work: “Don’t tarantulas have poison that can kill you?” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lord have mercy for peoples incompetence.
I am saddened to say that even that dumbest of dumb statement can occur anywhere, even places that should know better!
A Zoo in my home town has a 30ft hanging banner that says "A Tarantula kills its prey by injecting poison"

Every visit I tell the staff and raise a comment to correct them. But they have yet to change it. If I find the pic I will add it. 👍


Nov 20, 2022
Petsmart emplyee told me that tarantulas drink water by sucking it from rolled paper towels and sponges and it still puts a smile on my face 🤣
Ugh, the petstore sold me water gel and insisted that it's the only thing their Ts drink.

I'm pretty sure their Ts only get water through their food. Or from the side of the enclosures, considering they put species like A Geniculata in enclosure so humid that you can't see into them through all the condensation. Last time I was there the A Geniculata was gone and for my sake I didn't bother asking if it got bought or died.


May 8, 2016
A colleague I introduced to the hobby believed that Ts dipped their tarsi into water to drink, groom, and bathe.
PS: Approximate success 😅🤭 ...