Water dish dangers.

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Mad Hatter

Old Timer
May 6, 2004
there are a lot of nice people here

Yes, there are a lot of good people here. And they only want to help you and help you help your T. That is all.


This site is the finest in the hobby in my most humble of opinions, and the thought of you leaving because of a few unfortunate altercations is sad... I think in time you would find a lot to love about this site and the unique way its members operate and interact with one another.

I won't say anything negative about other sites, but this one is alive and well and populated by thousands of awesome members. If I lost access to *this* tarantula forum, I would feel so lost.

Arachnoboards is an invaluable site and a veritable smorgasbord of information when it comes to keeping Ts.

It's true, we can be a "sharktank" at times, but if you don't let it get to you, you may find that you grow fond of that quality.

I know I have.


EDIT: (took me a moment to find the post I was looking for)

just for the record, I will still continue to offer my sling water in a bowl/cap regardless. A soda cap is 30mm, I use a 16mm cap for my slings. basically its a chap stick cap cut down to make it shallow. :cool: Glad to hear that the sling is ok though..
Note: I am not giving advice, and if you try this yourself, it is at your own risk.

carry on....
That is such a cool idea for a small water dish.

A chap stick cap cut down to be made shallow! Nice!




He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Admin Note

If this crap keeps up, some of you are going to be very sorry that I'm becoming active again...........:mad: More to follow........


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Admin Note

Does anyone have any idea how close I'm coming to breaking my own rules on language? You don't want that, your eyes will bleed.....

Arachnoboards has been around for a long time in one form or another. We'll be around for many many more. If you don't like it here, feel free to look at our links section. There's a few links in there from forums that are still around. You know what? Do a google search, nevermind, I'll do it for you. Click here. There's lots of forums that don't take advantage of our free links section because they don't like us or our moderation either :)

You can say what you want about us, believe me, it's nothing that hasn't been said before many many times. You are not a gift to the hobby. You are not a unique little snowflake whose opinion is just as valid as that of anyone else. There are people here who know more than you. NONE of us are at the apex of knowledge when it comes to the hobby. We ALL have more to learn.

You may think that some users get special treatment, that they don't get moderated. Just because it's your opinion that something is against our rules, it's not your opinion that matters, it's ours. Guess what, you don't know if someone has been moderated and you'll never find out from us. We do not discuss moderation in public, nor do we discuss it privately other than with the moderated, and we never will. It is only the business of the Arachnoboards Team and the person moderated. The only way someone will know what went on between us and the moderated is if the moderated doesn't know when to keep their mouth shut.

This is a publicly viewable, privately owned forum. Anyone can post in everyones threads. You have no control over who posts in a thread that you started other than not starting it. If you don't like someone who keeps posting in your threads, put them on ignore and don't respond to them. Just know that they might be one of those users that knows a lot more than you and you might be missing out on their experience.

With over 20,000 users on the boards, some of them are going to be rude. Rudeness is not against the rules, any more than ignorance is not against the rules. Please note, this is not an open invitation to be either. The two are not necessarily going to get along well, nor are they necessarily mutually exclusive. If someone is posting incorrect information, in most cases there will be someone there to correct that information, some will be nice about it and some will be not so nice.

Deal with it or don't, we'll still be here.



Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
LOL! Nice to see not much has changed around here in my absence. :D

I'm happy that your little guy made it through but I just have to ask; When someone told you that it was okay to put a water dish that is larger than a sling in it's enclosure did common-sense not set off warning bells in your head? Personally, I've never seen anyone say something like that out here but I can't completely rule out the possibility - I've seen some really weird pieces of "advice". Still, I can't see how someone was able to offer that completely incorrect gem and not get hopped all over by the rest of the forum. Did you just read that one person's comment and think that it must be right, despite the deluge of comments following it that would have warned to the contrary? Time to take a bit of responsibility for your own actions, I think. ;)

The "rule of thumb" is nothing under 2" LS should get a water dish. I have put water bottle caps in enclosure for smaller specimens that need a bit more in the way of moisture though.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
You are giving out lots of advice here......can I ask what you keep and have experience in .....out of curiosity.......just to justify your answer ?
I have.....lots and lots.....and even more :rolleyes:
well ?.............................
Paul, click here. I am not an expert and have never claimed so. I actively give advice, but only on things that i have some sort of real experience with. I don't feel like i need to justify anything, but you did use the word curiosity(which is my weak point); so i thought i would satisfy that for you.:D

Edited to add: We also have tons of plants, 5 P. imperator, a B. lateralis colony, 1 fish, 2 cats and a mini-us. :D


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
I just had the opportunity to look at the thread in question. You know? The one where you say you were told that the water bowl was fine.
Now, I rate my reading ability as above average so I'm pretty sure what I see in that thread is actually people telling you it is way too big, and the enclosure is way too damp, yet you come right back and fight them on it. The only person I see saying the dish is fine is you. Oh, and by the way, your sling could have easily drowned in that enclosure without a water dish. When the substrate is so wet that you can actually see small pools of water seeping up it's time to put the water jug down.

Reminding people of the rules is all fine and dandy but perhaps you should have included some input on the OP's actual question. That way you look like less of a prick and more like you are genuinely trying to help.

You're telling people to think before posting? haha

Yes, god forbid I warn somebody so they don't get in trouble with the admins. :rolleyes: You really should have thought that out BEFORE posting it.
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Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
I just had the opportunity to look at the thread in question. You know? The one where you say you were told that the water bowl was fine.
Now, I rate my reading ability as above average so I'm pretty sure what I see in that thread is actually people telling you it is way too big, and the enclosure is way too damp, yet you come right back and fight them on it. The only person I see saying the dish is fine is you. Oh, and by the way, your sling could have easily drowned in that enclosure without a water dish. When the substrate is so wet that you can actually see small pools of water seeping up it's time to put the water jug down.

Reminding people of the rules is all fine and dandy but perhaps you should have included some input on the OP's actual question. That way you look like less of a prick and more like you are genuinely trying to help.

You're telling people to think before posting? haha
Funny how you didn't link to it. Sorry, but I didn't fight anybody about the substrate being too wet. I even said I know and that I added dry substrate to fix it. So much for that little misinformation you just tried to spread about me. And yes, I said the dish was fine. Why, because it is. My versicolor's legs span is wider than the water dish, you just can't tell in those photos because of how the sling is sitting. That too was explained in that thread. Again, so much for you trying to spread misinformation about me. As for letting the guy know he would get in trouble. Sorry I didn't meet your standards with what I said to him. :rolleyes: Next time you wish to go back and read old post from me, at least read the whole thread next time. Also let me add that I also explained why the substrate was so wet. I watered it the day before and poured to much in. Had my versi not molted and ran out the cage, it wouldn't have been sitting on the ground, it would have still be up in the leaves. Either way, as soon as I was told it was way too wet, I added more substrate to absorb the extra water.

Ether Imp

Old Timer
Jul 11, 2009
Does anyone have any idea how close I'm coming to breaking my own rules on language? You don't want that, your eyes will bleed.....

Arachnoboards has been around for a long time in one form or another. We'll be around for many many more. If you don't like it here, feel free to look at our links section. There's a few links in there from forums that are still around. You know what? Do a google search, nevermind, I'll do it for you. Click here. There's lots of forums that don't take advantage of our free links section because they don't like us or our moderation either :)

You can say what you want about us, believe me, it's nothing that hasn't been said before many many times. You are not a gift to the hobby. You are not a unique little snowflake whose opinion is just as valid as that of anyone else. There are people here who know more than you. NONE of us are at the apex of knowledge when it comes to the hobby. We ALL have more to learn.

You may think that some users get special treatment, that they don't get moderated. Just because it's your opinion that something is against our rules, it's not your opinion that matters, it's ours. Guess what, you don't know if someone has been moderated and you'll never find out from us. We do not discuss moderation in public, nor do we discuss it privately other than with the moderated, and we never will. It is only the business of the Arachnoboards Team and the person moderated. The only way someone will know what went on between us and the moderated is if the moderated doesn't know when to keep their mouth shut.

This is a publicly viewable, privately owned forum. Anyone can post in everyones threads. You have no control over who posts in a thread that you started other than not starting it. If you don't like someone who keeps posting in your threads, put them on ignore and don't respond to them. Just know that they might be one of those users that knows a lot more than you and you might be missing out on their experience.

With over 20,000 users on the boards, some of them are going to be rude. Rudeness is not against the rules, any more than ignorance is not against the rules. Please note, this is not an open invitation to be either. The two are not necessarily going to get along well, nor are they necessarily mutually exclusive. If someone is posting incorrect information, in most cases there will be someone there to correct that information, some will be nice about it and some will be not so nice.

Deal with it or don't, we'll still be here.

First of all: Well said. (And no, I'm not sucking up. Not my style.)

Secondly, I couldn't help but smile inside at this:

You are not a unique little snowflake whose opinion is just as valid as that of anyone else.
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile." ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 17

Love it.


Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009
And yes, I said the dish was fine. Why, because it is. My versicolor's legs span is wider than the water dish, you just can't tell in those photos because of how the sling is sitting.
So to all those that told me not to worry about my small T's being safe with a water dish that is bigger than them. Stop giving advice, you don't know enough to be giving advice. For now on, my T's will have to have the leg span of it's water dish before it gets that water dish. Until then, it's water will come from food and misting. I am just happy my T pulled through. Lesson learned.
Please explain this for me. I obviously do not understand. In one post you say the water dish was fine, then you turn around in another post and say the water dish is not fine, and blame everyone else for giving you ill advice. To top that all off, you continue to argue your point. It seems like you are arguing yourself.

Why not just leave this alone, admit you made a mistake, and use it as a learning experience?

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Please explain this for me. I obviously do not understand. In one post you say the water dish was fine, then you turn around in another post and say the water dish is not fine, and blame everyone else for giving you ill advice. To top that all off, you continue to argue your point. It seems like you are arguing yourself.

Why not just leave this alone, admit you made a mistake, and use it as a learning experience?
I have two avics. One Metallica (the one that almost drowned) and a Versicolor (the one who has a leg span wider than it's water dish). Hope that clears it up better for you.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
That's because it was linked to in an earlier post. Here it is anyway since I realize it will be easier for you to keep up if you don't have to scroll around too much.

Just to inform you further. The dish is deemed too big if the specimen is too small to comfortably stand over it. I happen to have raised quite a few A. versicolors and that spider would have to stretch to touch both side of that dish. Also, considering the spider had just molted, are you trying to suggest that that specimen was large enough to straddle that water cap before it molted? Highly doubtful. Nice try though. Good for you regarding adding more substrate. Now you can work on the "taking responsibility for your own actions" part and not shift blame onto others.

Funny how you didn't link to it. Sorry, but I didn't fight anybody about the substrate being too wet. I even said I know and that I added dry substrate to fix it. So much for that little misinformation you just tried to spread about me. And yes, I said the dish was fine. Why, because it is. My versicolor's legs span is wider than the water dish, you just can't tell in those photos because of how the sling is sitting. That too was explained in that thread. Again, so much for you trying to spread misinformation about me. As for letting the guy know he would get in trouble. Sorry I didn't meet your standards with what I said to him. :rolleyes: Next time you wish to go back and read old post from me, at least read the whole thread next time. Also let me add that I also explained why the substrate was so wet. I watered it the day before and poured to much in. Had my versi not molted and ran out the cage, it wouldn't have been sitting on the ground, it would have still be up in the leaves. Either way, as soon as I was told it was way too wet, I added more substrate to absorb the extra water.
It's that personality disorder I was talking about. :)

Please explain this for me. I obviously do not understand. In one post you say the water dish was fine, then you turn around in another post and say the water dish is not fine, and blame everyone else for giving you ill advice. To top that all off, you continue to argue your point. It seems like you are arguing yourself.

Why not just leave this alone, admit you made a mistake, and use it as a learning experience?
Did you just call yourself a hooker? Silly Spit, you never cease to amaze me. Just when I think you might say something that might make some sense...

I never take tramps I meet begging for money too serious either :rolleyes:

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
That's because it was linked to in an earlier post. Here it is anyway since I realize it will be easier for you to keep up if you don't have to scroll around too much.

Just to inform you further. The dish is deemed too big if the specimen is too small to comfortably stand over it. I happen to have raised quite a few A. versicolors and that spider would have to stretch to touch both side of that dish. Also, considering the spider had just molted, are you trying to suggest that that specimen was large enough to straddle that water cap before it molted? Highly doubtful. Nice try though. Good for you regarding adding more substrate. Now you can work on the "taking responsibility for your own actions" part and not shift blame onto others.

It's that personality disorder I was talking about. :)

Did you just call yourself a hooker? Silly Spit, you never cease to amaze me. Just when I think you might say something that might make some sense...
Yes, it had a leg span wider than the water dish BEFORE it molted. No trying to it. It is a fact. One you can't seem to except. Again, you are judging off that pic, which I already said was a bad pic to try and judge from, yet here you are trying to use it to judge from anyways. I am not here to try and convince anybody. I really couldn't care less if somebody believes me or not. that's their own personal issue, not mine. The spiders leg span was wider than the dish regardless of whether or not you believe me. Sure it had to spread it's legs out, but it's legs were still able to reach the sides and beyond.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
This picture looks fine to me. Forgive me for not taking what you say at face value. You've already proven to be inconsistent and inaccurate enough. Also, I did go and reread the original thread to be sure and you said you added "a bit of substrate in the corner for him to go to if he wants". A far cry from you fixing the flooding enclosure issue you had going on. If I throw a tiny clump of dry substrate in the corner of an otherwise flooded enclosure, I've hardly eliminated the threat of drowning. If you need a diagram to illustrate the point, let me know and I'll gladly draw one up for you. You seem like the type that learns better with lots and lots of pictures and perhaps a bit of pointing and grunting.

One positive comment I do have to throw your way is that your spelling and grammar is significantly better than most people who come out to make an ass of themselves. I'm sure the AB community would be grateful if you'd take Paul aside and teach him some basics.

Yes, it had a leg span wider than the water dish BEFORE it molted. No trying to it. It is a fact. One you can't seem to except. Again, you are judging off that pic, which I already said was a bad pic to try and judge from, yet here you are trying to use it to judge from anyways. I am not here to try and convince anybody. I really couldn't care less if somebody believes me or not. that's their own personal issue, not mine. The spiders leg span was wider than the dish regardless of whether or not you believe me. Sure it had to spread it's legs out, but it's legs were still able to reach the sides and beyond.


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
Yes, it had a leg span wider than the water dish BEFORE it molted. No trying to it. It is a fact. One you can't seem to except. Again, you are judging off that pic, which I already said was a bad pic to try and judge from, yet here you are trying to use it to judge from anyways. I am not here to try and convince anybody. I really couldn't care less if somebody believes me or not. that's their own personal issue, not mine. The spiders leg span was wider than the dish regardless of whether or not you believe me. Sure it had to spread it's legs out, but it's legs were still able to reach the sides and beyond.
From that picture alone it is CLEAR that you did not do the requisite research before you purchased your bevy of little slings. The substrate is WAY too wet, the enclosure is too large, and the water dish is huge. You are wrong. It is a fact. There is no arguing about it. The pictures are clear. For a sling that size that water dish is just a drowning waiting to happen. You might not believe me. But I wasn't the one dumb enough to have a sling nearly drown. You were.

Accept when you're wrong with humility instead of arguing without a leg to stand on. This whole thread, all 9 pages of it, is nothing but a testament to your immature attitude and inability to take constructive criticism while dealing out your own non-constructive criticism.
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