Water dish dangers.

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Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Well no more arguing for me. I just figure out how to use the ignore option, so ALL are welcome to post in my threads. With that said and this thread now back on topic, my sling is still doing good.
I got some flat marbles (the type that you would put in with fish) and put them in my roaches water dish, crickets water dish, and my daughter's 1/4" A. Hentzi water dish. As for the A. metallica, I will keep the dish out for now and continue to let it drink the droplets from when I mist.

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
I use milk plastic milk bottle tops for the smaller spids and for the larger ones,a bigger dish with small fish tank gravel (boiled first) to decrease the depth of the water....I will try to get some pics.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2009
Water dish dangers?

just for the record, I will still continue to offer my sling water in a bowl/cap regardless. A soda cap is 30mm, I use a 16mm cap for my slings. basically its a chap stick cap cut down to make it shallow. :cool: Glad to hear that the sling is ok though..
Note: I am not giving advice, and if you try this yourself, it is at your own risk.

carry on....

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
This is the 3" Eucratoscelus pachypus's water dish.
ps.....I normally just mist the sides of the sling enclosure every few days but whatever works for you I say.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
just for the record, I will still continue to offer my sling water in a bowl/cap regardless. A soda cap is 30mm, I use a 16mm cap for my slings. basically its a chap stick cap cut down to make it shallow. :cool: Glad to hear that the sling is ok though..
Note: I am not giving advice, and if you try this yourself, it is at your own risk.

carry on....
I am not telling people not to use a water dish, just saying until it gets bigger, I won't be. As for the chap stick cap. I never even thought of something like that. If I can find one around the house, I will try that. My slings leg span is bigger than a chap stick cap, so I would imagine something like that would be fine. Thanks for mentioning that.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
This is the 3" Eucratoscelus pachypus's water dish.
ps.....I normally just mist the sides of the sling enclosure every few days but whatever works for you I say.
Well if that isn't very colorful, I don't know what is. Where do you get pebbles like that?


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
Admin Note:

Well no more arguing for me. I just figure out how to use the ignore option, so ALL are welcome to post in my threads. <snip>.

Just to let you and everyone else know, EVERYONE is allowed to post in ANYONE'S thread (unless the AB Team deems otherwise). :)

That is all. And I mean THAT IS ALL ...



Old Timer
May 22, 2009
I got some flat marbles (the type that you would put in with fish) and put them in my roaches water dish, crickets water dish, and my daughter's 1/4" A. Hentzi water dish. As for the A. metallica, I will keep the dish out for now and continue to let it drink the droplets from when I mist.
If the concern is about not providing a water dish for a sling that's too small, why does your 1/4" A. hentzi still have a water dish?


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Because I don't mist it's cage like I do the Avics.
You don't need to do either with a sling that small. Keep the substrate moist and you're fine.

I wonder how you have the A. hentzi housed to even be able to fit a water dish in there...


Old Timer
Oct 11, 2009
+1. I just imagine a warehouse.

Be careful that you don't give too much space that there is difficulty finding prey. General rule is 2x the leg span.

You don't need to do either with a sling that small. Keep the substrate moist and you're fine.

I wonder how you have the A. hentzi housed to even be able to fit a water dish in there...

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
+1. I just imagine a warehouse.

Be careful that you don't give too much space that there is difficulty finding prey. General rule is 2x the leg span.
It is in a 4"x4"x4" container and has no issues finding food. I put the cricket in the container, then chase it to the spider. The spider doesn't have to hunt.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
I really don't think you got that advice here on AB, unless somebody 'whispered' it to ya. There are way too many people here who would have corrected that advice had it been in a thread.:)
Well fact stands. I got the advice here. Up until today, these were the only spider forums I visited.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009

Avicularia Man... you have shown a childish amount of ignorance and defiance in this thread.

Stop b****ing about advice given to you that almost cost you your Ts life, if you still have a water dish in an enclosure for a T that is even smaller than the one you nearly lost.

I've seen you give advice on here - and it sucks.


Sorry you almost lost a T. Even when given advice, you should do a proper amount of research as well to ensure the advice is sound, befor following it. Then, if you encounter any issues with said advice... immediately stop using it with anything or anyone it applies to!

So much for common sense, huh?


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I, actually, was completely ON topic because I was referring to your original post :rolleyes:


So to all those that told me not to worry about my small T's being safe with a water dish that is bigger than them. Stop giving advice, you don't know enough to be giving advice.

... not qualify as complaining about advice given, to you?
Because it does to me.

And, so glad you followed your own advice... tell me, what did you use as a water dish for a 1/4" A. hentzi that the dish is the leg span of the sling?

Avicularia Man said:
For now on, my T's will have to have the leg span of it's water dish before it gets that water dish.

If the impressions you get, are anything like your level of maturity... well, it makes sense that both aspects fail you in this thread ;)

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
I, actually, was completely ON topic because I was referring to your original post :rolleyes:


... not qualify as complaining about advice given, to you?
Because it does to me.

And, so glad you followed your own advice... tell me, what did you use as a water dish for a 1/4" A. hentzi that the dish is the leg span of the sling?

If your impressions you get, are anything like your level of maturity... well, it makes sense that both aspects fail you in this thread ;)
No, it is not complaining. It is simply warning other newbies. How you got that confused with complaining is beyond me.
I have the same kind of cap in the Hentzi's cage as was in the Metallica's cage. Only now it has a stone in it that takes up about 90% of the space in the cap with very little water in it. And I couldn't care less what you think of my maturity. Look who is the one trying to drag out the drama that popped up in this thread. Sure isn't me.
And so there is no confusion. The space between the pebble and the side of the cap is about 1/8". Last I checked, that was smaller than 1/4". But who knows, I could be wrong. After all, I am a newbing.
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Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009
Well fact stands. I got the advice here. Up until today, these were the only spider forums I visited.
You keep stating this "fact". Why don't you show us where (supposidly here) that you got this advice? I am beginning to wonder if you conjured up this advice yourself? You seem to give an awful lot, yet seem to know virtually nothing.

You don't need to reply, unless you can provide a link where you received this "advice". If you can't, you have absolutely nothing to say, or too stand your ground on right?

Are you and Paul fleming related? Just curious?


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
AM ~ i have gone through all the threads that you have started since you have been here, nowhere do i see anyone tell you that a water dish was suitable for a sling that small. i did find someone telling you specifically that the water dish was too big, but you immediately rebutted the advice. 2" is the most commonly recommended size T to provide a water dish for. Smaller slings are able to drink directly from the substrate and since itty bitty slings like yours need the added humidity, wetting half the substrate is our preferred way to hydrate small slings.

Very seldom do I see someone so uninformed try to give advice, or blame others for their mistakes. I know I have had to correct misinformation from you before and at this point, i would hope you had done some research. I am not really seeing evidence of that.

The most appalling thing is that you are making a public show of putting people on your ignore list. That seems like such an elementary school mentality. Plus, you are putting the people with more experience and advice/ opinions to give on that list, but they said things you didn't want to hear and you 'know' best................... I have to wonder what is the cause for all this. You obviously think you are a pretty smart cookie, since you decide that advice given isn't good enough, or you deem it unnecessary/ not important. If you are a smart cookie, then quit trying to argue with almost everyone. Why make a complete arse of yourself, on a forum that could provide valuable information and advice. :?:confused:

I would say that I bet you have made others' ignore list, but the experienced keepers probably have not done that; if only to correct the misinformation you like to give. Please, just stop the attitude, it is making things unpleasant.:(

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
People are arguing with him because he is a easy target, and none of the "elitist" have backed him up. Sadly every forum has the "cool kids", and you are just trying to be one of them.

Good job calling someone immature while being immature.

Practice what you preach...clearly he doesn't want your "pearls of wisdom" either. If you see advice he has given that you know for a fact is wrong, then by all means correct him when he gives it.

I must applaud the rest of you as well. Its been awhile since I've seen people this hard try to drive someone away from a forum. going on what most of you say he only has "a month of experience. I guess its better to push him away then help. God only knows we need more people in the hobby who don't know what they are doing.

Avicularia Man while this amount of rude people you don't deserve.......I would suggest you learn to ignore with out "ignoring" them. If you do not see some of their post at some point you will be missing something you could have learned. I lurked here for awhile before I made my account, and learned fast that there are a lot of rude and ignorant people here. Please do not become one of them, and stop arguing over pointless things. If you do not respond to their comments they are just rude people, and will be seen that way.
WOW a nice person....on these forums....without the elitist attitude.....WOW. Thanks for speaking up for me, but I don't think they care. When I first joined these forums a month ago, I enjoyed these forums. It was that way for the first three weeks, then everything went to crap and I started getting treated like crap by a lot of people (as you can see with the elitist attitude from many here). It's kinda funny you know. There is a thread running around here somewhere about the hobby dieing, or at least a lot of people leaving these forums. After seeing the way the elitist here treat newbies, I sure can understand why so many are leaving this site. Up until I started this thread and start having all kinds run their yap on me, I would have never thought to seek my knowledge elsewhere. But yesterday I spend a lot of time trying to find some different forums (and did) where they enjoy the hobby instead of enjoying trying to bash on a newb. I have never in my life on any forums had to put somebody on ignore. But this site managed to get me to put 6 people on ignore in one day. Sure there are a lot of nice people here, but there are just as many with their panties in a bunch. God forbid a newbie have an opinion. God forbid a newbie post a story of what happened with his spider. Anyways, they have already all but pushed me away. I will start spending my time posting on some other forums I found where they are in it for the fun of it, not to show off their elitist attitude. I will try to keep posting here if I don't continue to get ganged up on by the elitist. But at this point, I am really starting to think the only thing these forums are good for is the "for sale/trade" section so I can find good deals on future purchases. Well my rant is over now. You elitist can come back in and start bashing me again if you wish. I am starting to expect no less from you anyways.
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