Very Expensive Meal

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Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Its because you know, its always hard to criticize the popular one.

When I say that I dont totally agree with some of the things Mr Schultz say, Im sure people think Im crazy...
I don't always agree with him either, but I don't go hijacking his threads to to so. ;)


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
What with bashing Rob?!? If you say he offers NO advice or help I strongly disagree! He has done nothing BUT help me! I dont know about others but I am quite sure he has.. He has always helped me with ANY of my T questions when I have sent him a PM.. He has also helped me alot on youtube.. Infact HE is the reason I still have 100's of G. rosea slings.. (and many others here on the boards.) But Rob is the one that has answered EVERY question I have asked about them..

There is NO need to get all upset about who is more popular or who has more knowledge..

Sorry to get off track! And again Sorry to hear about your P. metallica sac Rob! Keep up trying and best of luck with the next one..

Also thanks for the help you have offered me!


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2009
Wow xhexdx, seriously? I've gained a lot of knowledge just from watching Rob's videos. He really piqued mine and my husband's interest in the hobby, without him I'm sure we woudln't have gotten so interested as to own 23 T's. Now, you, I've learned some from reading your posts on here as well, but after the way you're acting on this thread all I can say is.. respect lost. Whether you care or not is a different story, I'm just throwing it out there.

Hope the best for you Rob! Thanks for everything you do for the hobby!


Old Timer
Nov 2, 2007
What with bashing Rob?!? If you say he offers NO advice or help I strongly disagree! He has done nothing BUT help me! I dont know about others but I am quite sure he has.. He has always helped me with ANY of my T questions when I have sent him a PM.. He has also helped me alot on youtube.. Infact HE is the reason I still have 100's of G. rosea slings.. (and many others here on the boards.) But Rob is the one that has answered EVERY question I have asked about them..

There is NO need to get all upset about who is more popular or who has more knowledge..

Sorry to get off track! And again Sorry to hear about your P. metallica sac Rob! Keep up trying and best of luck with the next one..

Also thanks for the help you have offered me!
Agreed 100%


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Wow xhexdx, seriously? I've gained a lot of knowledge just from watching Rob's videos. He really piqued mine and my husband's interest in the hobby, without him I'm sure we woudln't have gotten so interested as to own 23 T's. Now, you, I've learned some from reading your posts on here as well, but after the way you're acting on this thread all I can say is.. respect lost. Whether you care or not is a different story, I'm just throwing it out there.

Hope the best for you Rob! Thanks for everything you do for the hobby!
If you (or anyone else) would like to accept my challenge about demonstrating experience/wisdom, that's great.

If not...then your words are just words.


Sep 15, 2009
I cant believe what this topic has become.. And I dont think this is place for such discussion..

Just wanted to say, sorry to hear that Rob...dont give up, and I wish you all the best for the next attempt..

Also Im sure Ill be watching your new:
- Watch my spider eat
- Check out how I disturb my spiders when they are laying their sacs
- Look at my spiders

...and I hope not so many of the - Read about when my spider bit me because I wasn't paying attention

Most of all those videos have been my first contact and education on how tarantulas behave and react.

Take care


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
If you (or anyone else) would like to accept my challenge about demonstrating experience/wisdom, that's great.

If not...then your words are just words.
I dont believe anyone is trying to challenge you.. :? Infact I dont think anyone has even said you dont offer plenty wisdom.. Where do you come off trying to challenge folks when everyone is just wondering why you are bashing Rob because he post what he posts.. Or you just dont think he has the wisdom you think you have..


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2007
Show me 5 of his posts that demonstrate wisdom and/or experience.

I see five main types of posts (not counting individualized responses that increase post count):

  • Sex my spider
  • Watch my spider eat
  • Read about when my spider bit me because I wasn't paying attention
  • Check out how I disturb my spiders when they are laying their sacs
  • Look at my spiders

And I won't begin to talk about the many many discrepancies in his responses to youtube comments.

And Rob, if you don't understand what Rick is saying...then you've made my point for me.

As far as I can tell, that's all anyone on this entire board posts - oh, you forgot to mention his breeding reports. But I guess those don't help anyone at all, right? You know, me and Rob used to sit here admiring the pics you'd post of you and your son - you seemed liked a nice guy, and a caring loving father. Now you just seem shallow and mean spirited - just for the sake of it. Has Rob offended you personally in some way? What's with this sudden attack? To me, you remind me of a jealous little 13 year old girl. But that's just my opinion. This is Rob's wife by the way - I basically ordered him off the computer because he got upset over the bashing and at this point, with all of the chest pains he's been having all day, your just not worth another ER visit. And please save the "Rob has to have his wife fight his battles for him" comments - that's just too easy. Try harder to bash him than that.

From what I've seen of your posts - you just copy and paste "try the search function", how has that helped a single person? Why not just take the time to answer a question instead of being rude?? Maybe that's just me. I like helping others and so does Rob. If you don't like him, fine. No one said you had to but back the heck off. No need for it. As we all heard growing up - if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.


Mrs. Robc


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
I dont believe anyone is trying to challenge you.. :? Infact I dont think anyone has even said you dont offer plenty wisdom.. Where do you come off trying to challenge folks when everyone is just wondering why you are bashing Rob because he post what he posts.. Or you just dont think he has the wisdom you think you have..
I dont really think you get where he comes from.

On a side note, I was the first one that used to find Joes posts a bit rude...Till I really understood that that was simply the way he says what he thinks. That simple.
Other people sugarcoat more their posts, but that doesnt mean is better than his way. He has a good amount of knowledge and a lot of interest and nobody can take that away from him.


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2009
If you (or anyone else) would like to accept my challenge about demonstrating experience/wisdom, that's great.

If not...then your words are just words.

When did I say anything about challenging you? Are you mental?

Let me rephrase...

As someone who is less experienced in this hobby, Rob is someone I look up to with knowledge on the subject. Your posts on this forum have also been helpful but at this rate, the way you're acting in this thread and now, especially the way you just responded to my post (WTF?) I have lost respect for you. That is all, no need to beat your chest. I'm a noob compared to you guys, you see me challenging you somewhere? Whatever.. get on with your megalomania.


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
My goodness, I came on here to ask a question. I'll go ahead and get that out of the way. Has any Poecilotheria sp ever been known to double clutch?

In Rob's defense, he is the best PR for this hobby, period. I know of no one else who exhibits such enthusiasm for the hobby, and in such a friendly manner. All I can say is that I offer my condolences; it is a huge loss for Rob and the tarantula community.

I value so many people's opinions on here. I rarely chime in myself, because I'm not even out of the newb range. I've basically been lurking on these boards since 2003, and I've seen a lot of enthusiasts come and go. Very few have stood out like Robc.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I dont really think you get where he come from.

I was the first one that used to find Joes posts a bit rude...Till I really understood that that was simply the way he says what he thinks. That simple.
Other people sugarcoat more their posts, but that doesnt mean is better than his way. He has a good amount of knowledge and a lot of interest and nobody can take that away from him.
So bashing people out of the blue is an acceptable example of "not sugarcoating things"?

And nobody said anything about him not being knowledgable, we only said that he is being petty and childish....for some reason.


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
I dont really think you get where he come from.

I was the first one that used to find Joes posts a bit rude...Till I really understood that that was simply the way he says what he thinks. That simple.
Other people sugarcoat more their posts, but that doesnt mean is better than his way. He has a good amount of knowledge and a lot of interest and nobody can take that away from him.
I am not saying Joe does not have wisdom.. Some of his post have in fact helped me. But the truth of the matter is Rob has offered me more help than many others on this board.. WITHOUT being rude or sugarcoating anything.. I cant say I can offer the information that Rob or Joe can.. I just dont see the point in him bashing Rob like he has.. Its childish!! With that I have said my peace and think Rob is an asset to this hobby and wont carry on to highjack his thread no more.. If you feel I am wrong you are more than welcome to send me a PM and we can discuss it further there..

Ts are #1

Old Timer
Feb 22, 2009
Sorry about losing the sac, and as far as i can tell this thread is going to be locked sadely. And Rob Or Dani (if that not your name i apologize) what do you think may have caused her to eat the sac?
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Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
As far as I can tell, that's all anyone on this entire board posts
So what you're saying is, all everyone does is post pictures and videos? With respect, you have been spending too much time in Chat and not in TQ&D.

oh, you forgot to mention his breeding reports. But I guess those don't help anyone at all, right?
Posting a breeding report before you actually have 2nd instars (some would argue at what stage, but eggs with legs at the very least) doesn't really count as showing knowledge or experience. Complete the report, and we're all good.

You know, me and Rob used to sit here admiring the pics you'd post of you and your son - you seemed liked a nice guy, and a caring loving father.
I appreciate it. Too bad this is the first time either of you have taken the time to tell me.

Now you just seem shallow and mean spirited - just for the sake of it.
That's because your view of them is purely emotional.

To me, you remind me of a jealous little 13 year old girl. But that's just my opinion.
And you are certainly entitled to it! :)

This is Rob's wife by the way - I basically ordered him off the computer because he got upset over the bashing and at this point, with all of the chest pains he's been having all day, your just not worth another ER visit.
For what it's worth, sorry for upsetting you guys. Again, try to read my posts objectively.

And please save the "Rob has to have his wife fight his battles for him" comments - that's just too easy. Try harder to bash him than that.
I'm not bashing, but don't worry, I'll leave the stuff that really doesn't matter out of it.

From what I've seen of your posts - you just copy and paste "try the search function", how has that helped a single person?
First, you should consider reading more of my posts. Second, using search eliminates repeated threads and overall clutter, and it saves time. So, if my posts that recommend using search are heeded by anyone, then it has helped.

On another note...copying and pasting "try the search function" is so much more work than just typing it out again. I mean, it's only four words...

Why not just take the time to answer a question instead of being rude??
Catch a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.

I hope I addressed everything for you.
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Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007

When did I say anything about challenging you? Are you mental?

Let me rephrase...

As someone who is less experienced in this hobby, Rob is someone I look up to with knowledge on the subject. Your posts on this forum have also been helpful but at this rate, the way you're acting in this thread and now, especially the way you just responded to my post (WTF?) I have lost respect for you. That is all, no need to beat your chest. I'm a noob compared to you guys, you see me challenging you somewhere? Whatever.. get on with your megalomania.
Let me clear it up for you:

Show me 5 of his posts that demonstrate wisdom and/or experience.
This is what I was referring to. Hope it helps.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
His wisdom.....well, his DIY enclosure vids are very helpful to those who make their own cages, so there's one.

Miss Bianca

Old Timer
May 14, 2008
The thread will be locked or heavily edited with infractions issued and everything, all the while causing extreme annoyance to one of the mod-members...
Just wanted to say Rob & Dani I'm sorry for the loss, very sorry..
I know you will learn from the experience and I'm sure you've beat yourselves up about it enough without needing anyone else to come and add to that. That's assuming you take any fault, because actions on your part may OR MAY NOT be to blame..

I must say that its unbelievable how this thread evolved from a basic announcement of bad news to a complete back and forth of nonsense and uneccessary challenges and making points and BROWN-nosing...
I mean what is up?

Obviosusly (whether it matters or not) the majority of contributors here feel the same way..
It was an announcement, not a boast or a "I'm the best here" insinuation..
At the end of the day everyone is entitled to their opinion but there was really a very sharp curve here..


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Ahh man. Funny stuff.
Xhexdx has a point all be it he is coming on very strong with that point.

Truth of the matter is Rob does not have as much experience as you all think. And he will admit that. It was not that long ago he was calling me late at night asking what to do about an egg sac.

What he does do well is share all his experiences along the way. That is what draws people into the Robc fan club, and there is nothing wrong with that at all.

Rob and I have had our differences, but at the end of the day he is someone that loves the hobby and that is enough for me.

Rob, sorry about her eating the sac. Better luck next time if you try again.
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