US government moves to ban all pythons and boas

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
All I can say is dont come running back to us crying in a few years after the govt has taken away something that is very dear to you because all we will say is "We told you so!"


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
if "belittling" means telling you things you don't like about things you don't like then so be it. Why are people get so worked up when people make parallels to Nazi Germany? :? Is it because they can't fathom the possibility of America, Land of the Free (lmao..yeah, ok...we need a new slogan...last I heard we were ranked 47th in privacy, i can cite a source if need be) would actually use techniques used by Hitler and his Nazi party to control their country???

Oh, and don't remind me about my manners...I'm well aware of them...I can play nice when others play nice or I can act like a jackass too :D You can stop sounding pompous whenever you feel're no better than anyone else here...except Brian maybe :D j/k

I do recall that most of the Nazi mind scientists were not arrested nor ever charged with war fact, the US government brought them back to America and gave them high ranking jobs at universities and on government research projects. Just to poke a semi-jokingly jab...they're studies seem to be working.

I also recall that Nazi Germany banned certain books because of their messages (political, ethical, moral, etc)...the US has done the same in some school districts.

Then there's the gun laws...the Nazis started out small and innocent enough by making everyone who owned a gun register with the government. When it came time to really push the party in to full effect they came to every house that had a registered gun and took it from the owners. No armed citizens, very little chance at a violent uprising against them.

THEN...yes, i'm still drawing parallels...then Hitler and his cronies came up with the Hitler jugend where it was basically boy scouts with a government spy twist. They were the eyes and ears of the Nazi party and being kids some people didn't know that what they said in front of them was being reported back up the chain of command. Guess what? People started disappearing in the middle of the night (and probably in broad daylight, i forget). They were doing it because they were taught it was good for their country. Just like schools now are/have payed children to snitch on each other (without thinking about if what they're snitching on is right or wrong), even without proof.

Let's enough parallels with Nazi Germany. How about some good old fashioned American abuse of Americans. Are you familiar with the CIA secret operation called "MK-ULTRA" in which they knowingly AND unknowingly dosed American civilians with different psychedelics to determine if they would be useful as a truth serum for military purposes? It was going "fine" (i.e., the public had no clue and "casualties" were acceptable so far) until some of the CIA agents started dosing each other without warning and causing some to freak out. So it was ok to do to innocent, unaware civilians but not to government agents ;)

Then there's the Gulf War Syndrome that many veterans of the first war reported and has been linked (although still denied officiall) to all the DU (depleted uranium) munitions used in that war that many soldiers encountered the aftermath of on the Highway of Death on the way to Baghdad as well as elsewhere. Even closer to modern day is the military's refusal to admit some soldiers to psychiatric help when it is painfully obvious they need it due to PTSD (i.e., unable to function back home, serious threats of suicide, going AWOL to keep from going back to Iraq, etc). One soldier here in my current homestate went to the VA Hospital for psychiatric help because he was suicidal...he was denied help. He went to an outside (aka civilian) clinic for help and they immediately checked him in because of his serious symptoms. Days later he was hauled off by the army against doctor's recommendations to be shipped back to Iraq. Thankfully the local media caught wind of it and a day or two after that the Army admitted him to their psychiatric hospital and said he would not be sent back to battle.

Shall I continue Mushroom Spore? Not all of these were showing the slippery slope that I, Brian, and others have spoken of...some were listed just to show that you can NOT trust our government to do the right thing. But the Nazi examples I did draw parallels to "modern" can whine all you want about how, "it's the nazi's" well guess what buttercup (I had to say it, it kinda rhymes :D)'s reality.
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AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
Oh yeah...I forgot to mention Agent Orange, the defoliant used extensively in Vietnam that caused god-knows how many soldiers to become sick. I don't think they've ever been compensated either.


Jan 14, 2007
I have to say, I think the way the whole thing is being executed is absolutely odd at best which is what has my radar up.
How is not transporting across state lines supposed to help Florida for instance? There's only a few places in the country these particular snakes could even survive year round and have a prayer at reproducing. Most of the major breeders are already in the south. How is not moving them out of those states going to help the problem they say they're trying to help?
That's exactly it. It won't help at all with what they say the law is for. THAT is what has me very concerned. The old wording of the Lacey act stated that animals that were part of that act couldn't be owned. Now though, the wording on this bill is different from that. My only fear is that they'll pull something crafty like what happened in Texas and add it to the Lacey Act then revert back to a previous edition of that act.
Not that it matters to me, all those species were already banned here. A couple of months ago, they even took away people' rights to be grandfathered in. That happened practically overnight without notice to most people in time for comment.


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
Yeah...bills are often heavily modified by the time they are signed in to law and many people don't pay attention to the changes unless it's splashed across the national news headlines.

The only reason I can see them listing transporting over state lines as helping FL is for the handful of people who buy those snakes and import them from another state. They're basically trying to close off all avenues, domestic and international...get this signed in to law and it will be much easier to expand it to include banning keeping them at all.