The gestation period can vary up to a year in length with many scorps. Some species are seasonal when they give birth and mate , others are not. Many scorps will give birth only when the conditions are just right.
Scorpions can go many months wiithout food. Desert hairys, for instance, generally seal up their burrows for several months in the winter when in the wild.
Awesome, thanks a lot John; you're always helpful. That makes me feel a lot better about the fasting. I knew T's did it with no problems, but of course I'm still new to the scorp world.
The summer temps that are ideal are about 85F+/- but in the winter it is recommended you give them 2 months+/- of cooler (10-15F less) temps than the rest of the year. If your current keeping conditions are in the cooler range they may eat little or not at all. It could also be that your desert hairy is still getting used to its enclosure. Mine have always seem to take a week or two when I get a new one to acclimate to the enclosure I keep it in.
Here is my setup. I have an H.arizonensis and a H.spadix in this 20 long tank. This setup allows for warm temps on one end to cooler temps on the other end.
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