Trip to a pet shop and a P. murinus running up my leg!


Apr 26, 2007
So today i went to my pet shop to get some food. Asking the guy about ordering a P. Regalis in and a P. murinus, luckly he had P. murinus in, leg span im guessing is about a inch and a half. So the guy slowly takes the tissue out to show me the OBT looks good, he goes to put it back in, but it runs out of the tank, onto the shop floor, and under a shelf. Spent 10 minutes looking for it, found it, got the bugger back, very active, fell in love right away!!

He also has, what he called ''Costa Rican Zebra'' T i dont know much about this T but i just had to have it! so i get home, set up tanks for both T's, time to put the P. murinus into its home, me and my dad taken every precaution, treating it like a bomb. It runs out of the tank, onto the floor again!! to stop it getting under the tv, i put my foot in front of it, to my surprise, it runs up my leg( outside) im standing here, blood rushing, my dad running around me trying to catch it haha, was so funny! caught the lil guy and got it home, my first experiance with a T running up my leg, even worse that it was a OBT. These things are fast!! my last OBT was so mellow!
The Zebra T went in no problem

Anyway, heres some pictures of the new T's, just wanted you guys to confirm if it is indeed a (Aphonopelma seemani) Costa Rican Zebra! heres the pics!!

I also got 2 pinky mice today (frozen) to try on my T. Blondi, is there an advantage or disavantage to pinkies? i only plan on feeding them on rare occasions, say, after molts, to fatten it up quicker!! sorry for such a long post!!


Old Timer
Jul 21, 2006
The downside to feeding a rodent to a T that requires high humidity and likes to hide in a hole is pretty obvious. First its going to smell secondly its going to be messy third you might have to rip open her cave to make sure you get all the fragments out or risk having to change the substrate completely when fungus starts growing


Apr 26, 2007
My T. Blondi just hides under a broken flowerpot, its very easy to just put a locust or cricket in front of it. So far theres no mess at all, theres just 'goo' around the T's mouth, and its still eating, so i dont expect any remains at the minute, i may never buy pinkies again, just my first time trying it:D

The guy in the shop said the P. Murinus was eating small locust, but it doesnt seem to want to eat the crickets i have at the minute, last P. Murinus i had, didnt eat at all, and just died, never found out why, While the A. Seemani is eating alright.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
That poor seemani looks terrible, maybe even dehydrated. Good job on the big water dish, keep it full and throw in a couple extra crickets per meal. Hopefully it'll improve. :)


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
So today i went to my pet shop to get some food. Asking the guy about ordering a P. Regalis in and a P. murinus, luckly he had P. murinus in, leg span im guessing is about a inch and a half. So the guy slowly takes the tissue out to show me the OBT looks good, he goes to put it back in, but it runs out of the tank, onto the shop floor, and under a shelf. Spent 10 minutes looking for it, found it, got the bugger back, very active, fell in love right away!!

He also has, what he called ''Costa Rican Zebra'' T i dont know much about this T but i just had to have it! so i get home, set up tanks for both T's, time to put the P. murinus into its home, me and my dad taken every precaution, treating it like a bomb. It runs out of the tank, onto the floor again!! to stop it getting under the tv, i put my foot in front of it, to my surprise, it runs up my leg( outside) im standing here, blood rushing, my dad running around me trying to catch it haha, was so funny! caught the lil guy and got it home, my first experiance with a T running up my leg, even worse that it was a OBT. These things are fast!! my last OBT was so mellow!
The Zebra T went in no problem

Anyway, heres some pictures of the new T's, just wanted you guys to confirm if it is indeed a (Aphonopelma seemani) Costa Rican Zebra! heres the pics!!

I also got 2 pinky mice today (frozen) to try on my T. Blondi, is there an advantage or disavantage to pinkies? i only plan on feeding them on rare occasions, say, after molts, to fatten it up quicker!! sorry for such a long post!!

yes its an A. seemani the tan spinnerettes give it away. it shold molt out black , most i see at pest stores (intentional spelling there BTW) are really dull and not very pretty but molt out nice and black... may take a while tho .
and i wouldnt feed mice to any inverts at all . for several reasons crix and roaches is all i feed them and an occasional darkling beetle when the meal worms pupate lol


Apr 26, 2007
Yes the guy that deals with spiders/lizards/snakes/some other things says some of the spiders do come in dehydrated. i have the humidaty under 100 at the minute for the A. seemani, i need the soil to dry out a bit!!
the set up they had for spiders arent great, there in good tanks, but there substrate, is pretty much just paper, with a paper tissue to hide under, and a water dish with a sponge, theres never dead crickets, and they usely feed the T's locust, so i guess its alright to use a sponge. Most of the spiders are only there for a day or 2 before being sold anyway, so there not being that horrible to the spiders.
Anyway haha, had to rant there a bit, does the A. seemani grow much bigger, im guessing the leg span is about 3 1/2 4 inches long.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Ha that was a good read, thanks! OBTs are fun aren't they? Although common, I think they need to be in every collection!

That other T you picked up is definately a Aphonoplema seemanni, and it looks like it's in need of a molt because of the shabby colors, and some water! Very dehydrated.
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P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Yes the guy that deals with spiders/lizards/snakes/some other things says some of the spiders do come in dehydrated. i have the humidaty under 100 at the minute for the A. seemani, i need the soil to dry out a bit!!
the set up they had for spiders arent great, there in good tanks, but there substrate, is pretty much just paper, with a paper tissue to hide under, and a water dish with a sponge, theres never dead crickets, and they usely feed the T's locust, so i guess its alright to use a sponge. Most of the spiders are only there for a day or 2 before being sold anyway, so there not being that horrible to the spiders.
Anyway haha, had to rant there a bit, does the A. seemani grow much bigger, im guessing the leg span is about 3 1/2 4 inches long.
I was gonna say you can educate him on how to care for them, but since you say they aren't there that long then I see no point. Except for the sponge thing, tell him not to use sponges, they are a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria.

I had an A.seemanni about a year back that was around 5- 5.5" and I've seen some at almost 6", so yes yours does have some more growing to do.


Old Timer
Nov 5, 2005
I got my OBT from a store as well and quickly found myself helping the store employee chase it out from under a deep freezer during the tank-to-cup transfer. They are shifty little devils. :cool:

Your A. seemani looks pretty hurtin', the abdomen in particular. Get some food & water into him/her ASAP. :) Congrats on the new additions.


Apr 26, 2007
A. seemani is eating everything i give it, which is good, some of my spiders dont eat for a few days after going into a new home, might try a small locust tomorow to fatten it up some more! cant wait till it molts to see its brand new colours!


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Nothing like a free running OBT to give your heart a good workout. I'm glad you caught it, both times.


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
The seemanni can be a damp substrate so no need to completely dry it out. Another thing about feeding T's pinkies, especially T. blondi is too much calcium is believed to possibly cause broken/deformed fangs or bad molts. As treat 2-3 a year won't hurt but don't make a habit of it.


Old Timer
Sep 28, 2004
Congrats on two new babies! I don't have an OBT, but as for the seemani, give it plenty of substrate, they love to burrow. And good luck with it, it looks a bit roughed up.

Spyder 1.0

Old Timer
Jan 7, 2007
you will regret the A. seemani. I have one. its a rock . it doesnt move much at all. I suggest you get a hollow coconut for a hide. remove the white crap.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
What i've seen of A. seemani's they're pretty defensive and can be nasty.. lol
and as for OBT.. well.. no need to comment on them lol