Treating myself!


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Shell - right there with ya! I was looking through old pictures and found ones of me with purple hair...

... might be time to try that again! LOL
I was looking through old pics today too! And it got me thinking back to all the "crazy" stuff I tried but loved how it looked. Blue streaks, pink, purple etc etc Its been a long time, but hmmmm maybe


Nov 17, 2009
Awww......You're sweet, baby. Either that or you are humoring me because you know I post here, lol.

It truly is a rare thing for 2 arachnophiles to meet and start dating. The best part is, we didn't know about each other's hobby until we had been talking for a few weeks. I think it was our second actual date before it came up.
I am sweet ! plus I am humoring you. lol. its what I do ! for the record though , it is a heck of a lot more fun when you can talk to your mate about different spiders yet to collect and how you are going to impliment a breeding plan on the ones you have currently. or ways to more effectivly show off your pets. two heads are better than one! Exp if the other head is smarter than yours! plus , she/he can correct your pronuoncing latin and spelling errors! Jill is into the aboreals and Im more into ... well ... terrestrials and everything else. so finding someone to compliment your hobby is what makes a mate who is into the hobby so much more satisfying


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2009
I am sweet ! plus I am humoring you. lol. its what I do ! for the record though , it is a heck of a lot more fun when you can talk to your mate about different spiders yet to collect and how you are going to impliment a breeding plan on the ones you have currently. or ways to more effectivly show off your pets. two heads are better than one! Exp if the other head is smarter than yours! plus , she/he can correct your pronuoncing latin and spelling errors! Jill is into the aboreals and Im more into ... well ... terrestrials and everything else. so finding someone to compliment your hobby is what makes a mate who is into the hobby so much more satisfying

Plus, you can keep the roaches so I don't have to look at them. *pukes*

We're dorks, lol.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Funny what this thread has become :)

Damn Ts still haven't arrived, don't know whats up. Its freakin' cold even down here in south Florida, I hope the little slings make it ok. I know GBBs and pulchras are tough but they are itty bitty.

Date went awesome last night except...I don't think dates appreciate walking through a stadium parking lot on a cold, dark, windy night for well over an HOUR. And then realize that we parked ON THE OTHER FREAKING SIDE of the stadium. I did the best I could to make the miserableness bearable and light-hearted but damn. And she did handle it well. But how long do I wait to call her after that fiasco?


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Threads seem to take on a mind of their own sometimes lol

I hope your slings arrive safely! The wait simply sucks.

Sounds like... a fun date? lol Personally, I would have been amused if we walked around for an hour only to realize we were parked somewhere completely different. Oh waaaait.. that HAS happened. Several times! lol

As for how long to wait to call her... what's the standard? I'm so out of the dating game loop :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
Shell - right there with ya! I was looking through old pictures and found ones of me with purple hair...

... might be time to try that again! LOL
Pics or it didn't happen. ;)


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I don't want to COMPLETELY hijack this thread... so look for them in my picture thread by the end of today :D


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
Threads seem to take on a mind of their own sometimes lol

I hope your slings arrive safely! The wait simply sucks.

Sounds like... a fun date? lol Personally, I would have been amused if we walked around for an hour only to realize we were parked somewhere completely different. Oh waaaait.. that HAS happened. Several times! lol

As for how long to wait to call her... what's the standard? I'm so out of the dating game loop :rolleyes:
2 least.Month works best.Don't want to appear desperate..Unless it's a chick you could care less about...... Hell,what was this thread about again?


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009

I never went on real dates... I went on 4x4 trips that included "Jairi, meet so-and-so... So-and-so, watch out - she bites" and that was that {D

But if I went on a date with a guy and didn't hear back for weeks... I would probably forget about him accidentally, and then be confused when he DID call :?

I think it's possible that this thread could have started out being about tarantulas... that seems typical of this place, talking about tarantulas lol


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
I don't want to COMPLETELY hijack this thread... so look for them in my picture thread by the end of today :D
I'm pretty sure we already did :rolleyes: I am bad for rambling, so Im not surprised I contributed to the hi-jacking.

To the OP, I too would find that amusing, so I say just give her a quick call and say sorry for taking her on a wild goose chase in the cold :) I'm sure she can see the humour in it.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
Dates suck. I cant count how many I bailed on with the ol" gotta hit the restroom" line.Or just jumping out of the nearest window..... and back on topic,I went on another Avic binge. Another Metallica,and some mislabeled red colored avic..........I have a feeling I hit the jackpot with that one


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I'm pretty sure we already did :rolleyes: I am bad for rambling, so Im not surprised I contributed to the hi-jacking.

To the OP, I too would find that amusing, so I say just give her a quick call and say sorry for taking her on a wild goose chase in the cold :) I'm sure she can see the humour in it.

It doesn't help that I encourage rambling, I think lol

Yeah, I like Shell's idea! Just give her a call to ask her if she's thawed out yet from the long, pointless, freezing walk.. if she can't laugh about it, well... WE all can atleast {D



Old Timer
Dec 15, 2009
Awww....I kind of think those awkward things on a first date makes them memorable. I'm sure you made the best of it and she got to see how each other handles stressfull situations a little. Honestly, I wouldn't wait too long to call. I'm sure most guys will say wait at least 3 days but I for one would take that long of a wait as him being disinterested or not eager enough. You can always call or text asking if her legs are okay after all that walking either today or tomorrow. Make sure you have at least 2 "reasons" you are calling so it's not awkward. The other could be to make the next date........


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009

It doesn't help that I encourage rambling, I think lol

Yeah, I like Shell's idea! Just give her a call to ask her if she's thawed out yet from the long, pointless, freezing walk.. if she can't laugh about it, well... WE all can atleast {D

And I don't need any encouraging, so this could get interesting lol

I know if it was me, I wouldn't want him to wait too long, I had a guy try that once. We went out and he called me like 2 weeks later. Um thanks but I have better things to do than wait around forever! And yes we will still be here giggling about it :) Keep us posted on both the girl AND the spiders that this thread is supposed to be about.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
LOL a month??? They wouldn't remember you, let alone want to see you again. I'm thinking a day or so, just to laugh about it a bit more. Like I said, she really seemed cool and the car ride back was still enjoyable. Tonight, tomorrow? I haven't been in the dating game for quite a while and I was never good at it to begin with. As you can clearly see :}

I haven't told her about my spiders either, that should be a good one. I can see her face already, scrunched up. My coworkers were giving me so much s- the other day about my hobby. Gotta love being weird


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
LOL a month??? They wouldn't remember you, let alone want to see you again. I'm thinking a day or so, just to laugh about it a bit more. Like I said, she really seemed cool and the car ride back was still enjoyable. Tonight, tomorrow? I haven't been in the dating game for quite a while and I was never good at it to begin with. As you can clearly see :}

I haven't told her about my spiders either, that should be a good one. I can see her face already, scrunched up. My coworkers were giving me so much s- the other day about my hobby. Gotta love being weird
If everything after the fiasco went well, give her a quick call tonight.

Pretty much everyone I know thinks I'm a freak for having spiders! Alot of my friends refuse to come over now :rolleyes: Maybe I just need new friends. One or 2 of them ignore them and/or are interested as long as I dont open the enclosures, the rest must have this weird idea that my house is full of free range Tarantulas!


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Oh and my mother is convinced that if my Ball Pythons don't eat my kids, then my free range, child hungry spiders will :wall:


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Yes, yes.. give her a call tonight! If the ride home was enjoyable, then she wasn't too traumatized by the walk and I wouldn't consider it a bad point worth focusing on.

As for being a freak for having spiders.. my friends joke that having Ts is the most normal thing I do LOL