Total newbie needs advice


Apr 21, 2017
@louise f is from Denmark, she might be able to recommend breeders to order from in your region. @TownesVanZandt is from Norway, and @boina is from Germany.

I struggle with depressions as well from time to time, I know how you feel.
For me, my spiders are an element of quiet and peace in my life. They don't ask or demand for anything, in fact, they rather want me to not mess with them, which is wonderful in this world where there are demands being made from all directions. Working with them requires all focus, which in turn relieves stress and gets me out if my head when needed.
It doesn't take a giant effort to keep a T succesfully, being the low maintenance creatures they are.
And that is not even considering the fun I have watching them feed, web, clean themselves or other antics. There are 900 species in the hobby, so there is always a species that suits you. :)

Edit:re: E.sp.Red,
I wouldn't get a sling of this species as your first T, or first sling. They grow reaaaally slow and aren't the best eaters, which can be frightening and frustrating for new keepers.
My first was B.albopilosum. Other new keepers' species I have are E.campestratus and B.smithi (they can be hair flicky though).
Thanks for the links and all the advice! I understand what you mean, being able to focus one's mind on something meaningful is probably one of the best stress relief methods ever. And that's exactly what I'm looking for, to be able to immerse myself in an interesting and calming pastime. Spiders are great for that I imagine, being the solitary and quiet creatures they are.


Apr 21, 2017
Hello. I'm from Finland too and I buy my tarantulas from Germany, from You should check it out.

Niin ja tervetuloa foorumille!

Edit: You don't have to worry about shipping tarantulas. These days, pretty much every dealer knows how to pack them safely.
Kiitoksia paljon, kiva nähdä että omastakin maailmankolkasta löytyy harrastajia :) Ja onneksi moni on sanonut ettei tilauksen kuljetuksesta tarvitse huolehtia, niin ettei sitten turhaan tarvitse hermoilla sen hämärin vointia siellä pakkauksessa.


Apr 21, 2017
This is very spot on.

To be honest, the overall effect is mild. A little better but it's still there, more of providing nice breaks in the monotony and whipping me up into action.

In addition to what Andrea said, it also 'forces' me to get out of the house- for supplies and feeders. I fall into a pattern of not going out unless absolutely necessary so this is good.. It's also enjoyable reading others excitement over their Ts, some videos- the breeding attempts are fun, no script, unless the title says successful mating(spoilers, ugh :troll:)... I've gotten into the habit of randomly getting up and simply looking at them(they're on a tall bookcase) sometimes just a glance, sometimes for a couple minutes.. Keeps me moving around and focused on something that is not negative and not letting me 'dwell', you know what I mean. I always had an interest in animal behavior so getting to see them engage in some things tickles that fancy- a smile, a bit of a warm feeling.

All except one are little slings, so space is not an issue for now. They're still in the little deli cups and vials they came in, they fit on one shelf with plenty of room left. Plan to convert some display boxes into enclosures for them soon, as some of the deli cups have a very strong snap at closing/opening no matter how gentle I try and for better visibility.

I'm dialing down on getting more, easy for me as I simply have no interest in getting most of the available species.. although at the fault of someone on here, I've become rather strongly interested in the Harpatricas.... this forum can also be a little dangerous :eek: Fortunately those don't seem to be very available so I should be good for a while, ha!
This is so relatable. As there's no miracle cure for depression all you have to go with are those nice small things, little improvements in everyday life. One of the really annoying things about this condition is that it's harder to get joy from anything, even the things you usually love.

I totally get the 'never exiting the house unless absolutely necessary' too, it's exactly like that with me every day! It's kind of funny in a sad way, at times I couldn't care less about my own well-being, but when someone or something needs me I just have to get up and do it.

To make the whole deal even suckier, depression often comes with a nice side order of anxiety and/or social phobia, which makes getting out of your comfort zone really strenuous. Having something to motivate you to go outside is really great, even though it probably still isn't easy. Usually those things that are difficult to do are the very same things that help you recover.

I have lots and lots of experience about starting to dwell on my own negative thoughts (the beginning of a vicious circle), so I'm really glad you've found something nice to occupy your mind with. Having at least something positive to do and think about + getting out of the house and into the outside world (even if it's just to buy supplies for a pet) are just the right things to do, in my opinion. Just make sure you won't collect too many slings, otherwise they might become a sea of fully grown spiders in a few years ;)


Apr 21, 2017
When re-reading my post it sounded a little like T's are the answer to solving depression. They are not. But they do lighten me up, and when I get stressed or have trouble relaxing, their slow pace (generally, not counting rehouses or feeding frenzies) helps me to calm down as well.
@aphono , I think you mean Harpactira? Beautiful genus. I think they all look pretty, not only the H.pulchripes with its blue feet, the others as well. It is an OW genus though, so not really suitable as a first Theraphosid, even though they don't seem to be as defensive as their other African cousins.
If one could cure depression with a spider the only depressed people in the world would be arachnophobes ;P


Jan 12, 2016
Kiitoksia paljon, kiva nähdä että omastakin maailmankolkasta löytyy harrastajia :) Ja onneksi moni on sanonut ettei tilauksen kuljetuksesta tarvitse huolehtia, niin ettei sitten turhaan tarvitse hermoilla sen hämärin vointia siellä pakkauksessa.
I love Finnish. All those pretty letters forming words that make no sense at all, and each word having waaaay too many letters :p
I visited Finland ten years ago and had the best of fun with reading the signs and newspapers. Well, trying to read, anyways.

Re: links and advice, you're welcome! If you have any additional questions, feel free to drop them here :)


Feb 23, 2017

Along like a lot of others, I have experience with depression. They are, for the most part, very low-key pets to have. Be warned that you may find yourself becoming addicted.

My first T was a brachypelma albopilosum, an adult female. I would agree that a sling, especially a very small one (and even more so a very small sling of a dwarf species).

I soon learned of this magical E. sp. red, and started my search. Luckily, not too long after, an adult female became available...for $175. She was worth every penny. Even though they are small, they are impressively docile and exploitative. Once I open her lid, she usually crawls right out. She's the only T that I actually handle.

They definitely have had a positive effect on me. Sometimes, I just...dont have energy for anything. My T room (yeah, I turned my spare room into my T room) has a futon on there, and sometimes I just watch them for quite some time. Gordita, my E. sp. red, is always on the go, laying silk. I love watching her plan unfold. And when I do handle her, her "friendliness" just...warms my heart and makes me so happy. That sport that heart for a good reason.

She came with one of her slings, and it is teeny. They also grow pretty slowly. It can take years for them to mature, especially if it is a female. If you do get one, keep in mind them prefer dry conditions. I have my girl on bone dry substrate, always with a water dish. Every so often I let it overflow.

If you can, do it. You honestly will not regret it.

EDIT: I forgot to add, I find that my sleep patterns can be thrown off, and so I also really like that I can spy on them at night with a red flashlight. They are most active at night. I have a lot of slings, but even they are really great. My B. vagans and G. pulchra are constantly improving their incredible tunnels and changing up their cave-burrow, respectively.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
@sultsina Können Sie auch meine Lieblingsprache verstehen? Ich würde gern Vögelspinnen aus Europa kaufen, aber wohne ich in Amerika.

Part of the appeal for me is their ease of keeping and the simplicity of their nature. We live in a world full of anxiety and stress and all the unnatural things that our "higher thinking" selves have to deal with every day and night. They do not have that. They just EXIST.

Not that I wish to become a spider, but there is something enviable about their simplicity.

louise f

Jul 8, 2012
@louise f is from Denmark, she might be able to recommend breeders to order from in your region. @TownesVanZandt is from Norway, and @boina is from Germany.

I struggle with depressions as well from time to time, I know how you feel.
For me, my spiders are an element of quiet and peace in my life. They don't ask or demand for anything, in fact, they rather want me to not mess with them, which is wonderful in this world where there are demands being made from all directions. Working with them requires all focus, which in turn relieves stress and gets me out if my head when needed.
It doesn't take a giant effort to keep a T succesfully, being the low maintenance creatures they are.
And that is not even considering the fun I have watching them feed, web, clean themselves or other antics. There are 900 species in the hobby, so there is always a species that suits you. :)

Edit:re: E.sp.Red,
I wouldn't get a sling of this species as your first T, or first sling. They grow reaaaally slow and aren't the best eaters, which can be frightening and frustrating for new keepers.
My first was B.albopilosum. Other new keepers' species I have are E.campestratus and B.smithi (they can be hair flicky though).
Aww well, yeah sure.. Beem me up scotty. <3 ;):D:kiss: Just joking.. If you need help just send me a pm. :)

louise f

Jul 8, 2012
and I'm a bit apprehensive about shipping a live animal around the world. Finding one at a pet store or from a breeder would be best, but any tarantula breeders here in Finland are few and far between.
I have shipped spiders to Finland many times. No problem <3 :kiss:;)
If you want to have some advise of sellers just send me a pm. :)

louise f

Jul 8, 2012
I love Finnish. All those pretty letters forming words that make no sense at all, and each word having waaaay too many letters :p
I visited Finland ten years ago and had the best of fun with reading the signs and newspapers. Well, trying to read, anyways.

Re: links and advice, you're welcome! If you have any additional questions, feel free to drop them here :)
When the finnish people speak it sounds sexy. Lol especially when they say something with R. Uhh lalaaa :kiss::D


Mar 25, 2017
It's really cool hearing how many other people use their invert hobby to relieve symptoms of depression. As someone who also rarely leaves the house, I found that going on cricket runs and setting up enclosures actually helped me get out to go to class more, as well as making new friends of fellow hobbyists I've met around here. Bugs are also really relatableple with anxiety/depression-- they're shy, misunderstood, don't like a lot of contact or being messed with, ect. Alongside all that, it helps me feel a lot less lazy and worthless to be able to gently nurture something with low risk of something going wrong! (Most of my inverts are easier to care for than most houseplants and I feel good about that!)


Jan 12, 2016
When the finnish people speak it sounds sexy. Lol especially when they say something with R. Uhh lalaaa :kiss::D
Definetly! But it becomes funny when a Finnish person is drunk. There are no spaces between the words at all :rofl:
@Salmon , agreed. It is very rewarding to see them thrive on just a few hours a week. I order my feeders online, so no trips out of the house for me to get 'em, but my daughter makes sure i come out of the house.
And I swear I have said to my Psalmopoeus pulcher when it put up a fight because of a rehouse 'I know darling, I don't like to get dragged out of bed either, I'll leave you alone for a few days if you just go in that other enclosure for me, okay?' :D


Apr 21, 2017

Along like a lot of others, I have experience with depression. They are, for the most part, very low-key pets to have. Be warned that you may find yourself becoming addicted.

My first T was a brachypelma albopilosum, an adult female. I would agree that a sling, especially a very small one (and even more so a very small sling of a dwarf species).

I soon learned of this magical E. sp. red, and started my search. Luckily, not too long after, an adult female became available...for $175. She was worth every penny. Even though they are small, they are impressively docile and exploitative. Once I open her lid, she usually crawls right out. She's the only T that I actually handle.

They definitely have had a positive effect on me. Sometimes, I just...dont have energy for anything. My T room (yeah, I turned my spare room into my T room) has a futon on there, and sometimes I just watch them for quite some time. Gordita, my E. sp. red, is always on the go, laying silk. I love watching her plan unfold. And when I do handle her, her "friendliness" just...warms my heart and makes me so happy. That sport that heart for a good reason.

She came with one of her slings, and it is teeny. They also grow pretty slowly. It can take years for them to mature, especially if it is a female. If you do get one, keep in mind them prefer dry conditions. I have my girl on bone dry substrate, always with a water dish. Every so often I let it overflow.

If you can, do it. You honestly will not regret it.

EDIT: I forgot to add, I find that my sleep patterns can be thrown off, and so I also really like that I can spy on them at night with a red flashlight. They are most active at night. I have a lot of slings, but even they are really great. My B. vagans and G. pulchra are constantly improving their incredible tunnels and changing up their cave-burrow, respectively.
Thanks for the advice, now I want to find one even more :) Also, a T-room sounds super cool! Spider watching seems like a great thing to do especially if you can't get sleep at night. Doing something undemanding in a dark, quiet space is the best option in a situation like that. I wouldn't mind doing that myself when my nightly routine doesn't go as planned... My sleep pattern is also very easily thrown off and can become pretty crazy sometimes, so I really get where you're coming from.


Feb 23, 2017
Thanks for the advice, now I want to find one even more :) Also, a T-room sounds super cool! Spider watching seems like a great thing to do especially if you can't get sleep at night. Doing something undemanding in a dark, quiet space is the best option in a situation like that. I wouldn't mind doing that myself when my nightly routine doesn't go as planned... My sleep pattern is also very easily thrown off and can become pretty crazy sometimes, so I really get where you're coming from.
You may find that a T room is necessary. ;) For me, my girlfriend told me that I couldn't have any more tarantulas until I bought some shelving. So I bought two. Teeheehee. Now I have room for many, many more before she can tell me no.


Apr 21, 2017
@sultsina Können Sie auch meine Lieblingsprache verstehen? Ich würde gern Vögelspinnen aus Europa kaufen, aber wohne ich in Amerika.

Part of the appeal for me is their ease of keeping and the simplicity of their nature. We live in a world full of anxiety and stress and all the unnatural things that our "higher thinking" selves have to deal with every day and night. They do not have that. They just EXIST.

Not that I wish to become a spider, but there is something enviable about their simplicity.
Sorry mate, I don't speak German, though I somehow managed to understand pretty much what you were saying there. Interestingly, the thing about a lot of European languages is that often you're able to somewhat deduce what someone else is saying, even when you don't know the language. The only languages I'm actually fluent at are Finnish and English, but I know some Swedish, French and Japanese too. I'd love to expand that list a lot more, though.

I absolutely get what you mean. Spiders are wild animals, and most aren't capable of complex thinking, so they live their lives through pure instinct. No questions of morality or existentialism, no concept of the future with it's worries and no fear of mortality. They just live, eat, maybe reproduce and die and that's it. It's our privilege to witness the whole cycle and make sure the animal lives through a good life with food, shelter and security.
But as far as I know, some spiders that are able to have surprisingly complex thought processes do in fact exist. I don't know too much about the subject, but an example that comes to mind is the jumping spider genus Portia. I'd want one really bad but jumping spiders are just too small with short lifespans.

It's really fascinating though how some animals that are deemed 'simple minded' can show some level of intelligence when it comes to predatory behavior. You can clearly see this demonstrated in some of the ingenious methods spiders and other predators use to get their prey (just look at trapdoor spiders and net-casting spiders, for example). Sure, it's pretty much all due to instinct, but still, pretty impressive. All successful carnivores must be able to outsmart their prey in some way or other.


Apr 21, 2017
I have shipped spiders to Finland many times. No problem <3 :kiss:;)
If you want to have some advise of sellers just send me a pm. :)
Thanks so much for offering your help! :cat:
I might get in touch with you very soon, though currently I'm waiting for a reply from a seller whose ad I saw on a German site, but let's just see how it goes. :)


Apr 21, 2017
@louise f @Andrea82 I've never thought of Finnish as a sexy language, in fact I often think how weird some words must sound to those who don't speak the language :') Honestly Finnish sounds weird even to me when I think about it. And yeah, Finnish words are sometimes long, but then again lots of Finns love to communicate using as few words as humanly possible, sometimes with only a few syllables or even singular letters.
Also, when are Finns not drunk? x')


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
@louise f @Andrea82 I've never thought of Finnish as a sexy language, in fact I often think how weird some words must sound to those who don't speak the language :') Honestly Finnish sounds weird even to me when I think about it. And yeah, Finnish words are sometimes long, but then again lots of Finns love to communicate using as few words as humanly possible, sometimes with only a few syllables or even singular letters.
Also, when are Finns not drunk? x')
Pretty sure German has you beat in the long words Department.

I thought I read somewhere that Phidippus audax can possibly live for up to 2.5 years but not sure if that is true.

It is amazing how long tarantulas have been around. The fact that they do what they do so well is what they owe to that.

louise f

Jul 8, 2012
Thanks so much for offering your help! :cat:
I might get in touch with you very soon, though currently I'm waiting for a reply from a seller whose ad I saw on a German site, but let's just see how it goes. :)
No problem friend. I'm available. If you need help. ;)