Today in the Spider Room?


Sep 8, 2019
My Neoholothele incei gold decided to show herself for once. Last spotted 10 or so months ago, though she does sneak out to leave a bolus or moult by the water bowl every now and then. IMG_20210418_220537_edit_9536602968856.jpg


Jul 19, 2019
Today was my birthday, and for my gift, my fiance bought me a new enclosure for Crawlspace (AF P. cambridgei). It's an Exo Terra Mini Tall. I'm going to spend the next few days replacing the mesh lid and creating a palace for her to live in! Super excited.

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
Nothing, man. No one is doing anything. It'd be real nice of my coloratovillosus would moult, but there hasn't been any progress on her darkening abdomen since I noticed it a bit ago.


Jul 19, 2019
A few days ago I rehoused Crawlspace (AF P. cambridgei) into an ExoTerra Mini tall as her permanent enclosure since she's now a sizeable adult. I painstakingly decorated it with realistic plants, cork bark, etc. I fed her a few large crickets last night, and she decided that the beautiful, realistic fern I put in there makes a perfect garbage can. Today there were a few boluses placed in the middle of the fern, along with a nice poop spot. Home sweet home!


Apr 16, 2020
On Friday I thought that my MM T. albo is dead. He was weirdly cramped in a corner of his enclosure I gently touched him with a brush but he didn't move. I didn't have time to deal with cleaning the enclosure right away, so I left him the way he was. When I came back few hours later he was in a different spot, in a normal pose. As if nothing has happened. Yesterday he ate two mealworms so I hope he still has some time left.


May 21, 2018
I set up a new enclosure about a week and a half ago for my Avicularia minatrix, who rudely did not produce a sac for me after her last pairing and has been kicking it in her web sock with Oh So Much Junk In That Trunk.

Since this species can be super fast, I waited to rehouse her until my partner could be available with a catch cup in case she ended up on my back, but he's in med school, so his sleep has been all over the place. Finally, this weekend, he and I were both free and awake at the same time, so I hurried to set up everything to move her into her new enclosure in the bathtub. Finally, I grabbed her enclosure and tried to find her inside so I could be prepared, and saw that hoe was on her damn back.

I gently put her enclosure back on the shelf and aborted mission.

I got a few other new kids rehoused this weekend, but I was focused on getting them done, so I didn't take any pics during. I'm setting them up on a new shelf, and I think they look nice there.

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Jun 2, 2016
I set up a new enclosure about a week and a half ago for my Avicularia minatrix, who rudely did not produce a sac for me after her last pairing and has been kicking it in her web sock with Oh So Much Junk In That Trunk.

Since this species can be super fast, I waited to rehouse her until my partner could be available with a catch cup in case she ended up on my back, but he's in med school, so his sleep has been all over the place. Finally, this weekend, he and I were both free and awake at the same time, so I hurried to set up everything to move her into her new enclosure in the bathtub. Finally, I grabbed her enclosure and tried to find her inside so I could be prepared, and saw that hoe was on her damn back.

I gently put her enclosure back on the shelf and aborted mission.

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My deadbeat suspect male must know he’s up for eviction into a smaller enclosure so I can put the gbb in his current enclosure. He did spring cleaning two weeks ago and now I see he’s reinforced his web tube and trashed up the area again. He seals off his entrance and reopens it constantly, I know he’s messing with my patience.



May 21, 2018
My deadbeat suspect male must know he’s up for eviction into a smaller enclosure so I can put the gbb in his current enclosure. He did spring cleaning two weeks ago and now I see he’s reinforced his web tube and trashed up the area again. He seals off his entrance and reopens it constantly, I know he’s messing with my patience.
My girl did this a lot, but she's grown from 1.5" to an adult in an amac, and I really just want to rehouse her into her final enclosure (below). I was waiting for a sac, but it's clear she's not going to make one at this point. I was just hoping she'd molt *after* I moved her.

I love her so much! I just hope she webs up at the top like she has done previously, but I have a suspicion she'll hole up in that cork tube. That's ok.



Jun 2, 2016
My girl did this a lot, but she's grown from 1.5" to an adult in an amac, and I really just want to rehouse her into her final enclosure (below). I was waiting for a sac, but it's clear she's not going to make one at this point. I was just hoping she'd molt *after* I moved her.

I love her so much! I just hope she webs up at the top like she has done previously, but I have a suspicion she'll hole up in that cork tube. That's ok.

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That’s the style of enclosure I have mine in now, but Jamie’s. I may do this style again; what I have for the new setup is top opening, but side openings work well for this species.

They are awesome...cork tube princesses for sure. 🤣


Jul 19, 2019
My deadbeat suspect male must know he’s up for eviction into a smaller enclosure so I can put the gbb in his current enclosure. He did spring cleaning two weeks ago and now I see he’s reinforced his web tube and trashed up the area again. He seals off his entrance and reopens it constantly, I know he’s messing with my patience.

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He's obviously trashing your property and going against the terms of the CorkBark Lease, so you legally have grounds to evict him.


Jun 2, 2016
He's obviously trashing your property and going against the terms of the CorkBark Lease, so you legally have grounds to evict him.
I may need to call in the sherif for a standby. The only redeeming thing is he only has two ways to go once I get that cork bark freed from the corner.

But now @CommanderBacon threw in a monkey wrench into the plans and I may just spring for a smaller front opening enclosure and save the top opening for one of the other avics. This is becoming an eviction, demolition, construction and relocation program. Perhaps I will become a social media influencer, start a patreon account and be known by the world as Exotics Craigers.😳


May 21, 2018
I may need to call in the sherif for a standby. The only redeeming thing is he only has two ways to go once I get that cork bark freed from the corner.

But now @CommanderBacon threw in a monkey wrench into the plans and I may just spring for a smaller front opening enclosure and save the top opening for one of the other avics. This is becoming an eviction, demolition, construction and relocation program. Perhaps I will become a social media influencer, start a patreon account and be known by the world as Exotics Craigers.😳
I actually found myself not liking the front opening of this enclosure at all because it was so small that it made it extremely hard to work inside, but the flipside of that is that it will be really easy to feed her without her getting out.

I mean, she was never really keen on getting out in the first place, but it will be easy to feed her with this style enclosure.


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2013
P. Formosa sling rehouse went easy tonight. Like to give my fast OW arboreal's upgrades early to avoid rehouses when they are huge. This little one is very predictable though... So far. PXL_20210428_082112260.MP.jpg


Feb 21, 2020
Got a C. darlingi sling today, my first OW.
I thought I knew what "fast" meant.....I had NO IDEA what "fast" really meant. Little sling made it around the bathtub three full times.
I'm sitting there like "I don't think they can climb a wet bathtu.....oh, look at that. They sure can."
(Got my first pampho too.....walked into the new enclosure like it was out for a summer stroll.)


Apr 7, 2018
Ouch! Hope you're feeling ok! Take care of yourself and tell us more when you're up for it. What species tagged you?
I‘m pretty sure it is A.unicolor, but I caught it, so I’m not positive. I have to say it was worth it in a way, I got some neat pics of her (I believe it is a female) in a threat pose. Otherwise I never see her.

8 legged

Nov 25, 2020
Made my check this morning and found two egg sacks. There was no chance to get better pictures without stressing the moms...

C. kaeng krachen:
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T. sp. piura:
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Today I removed the egg sacs. The first eggs with legs are already there, both from the kaeng krachan and from the piura!
In the sack of the Chilobrachys there were 290 eggs, the Theraphosinae managed 378!

The self-made incubator has been a great tool for years. It's a simple storage box with vermicult and water - although I achieve a humidity of 90% with it, it works!

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