Today in the Spider Room?


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019
Nice. I feel like I can see the blue trying to show through already, looking forward to it!
I can see it peeking out on the undersides of Alpha's front legs. You're not going to recognize them next molt. Also, good luck getting any kind of photograph from here on out that actually captures the beauty of seeing them in person lol.

They're going into their 1/2 gallon mainstay jugs, which have been surprisingly hard to find - have you been in NM lately? 😆😉
If I start having to go THAT far for them, then I might as well look at buying them by the skid lot from Uline (QTY 256 1g or QTY 480 0.5g per skid). Would save a lot of time lol.

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
My Nhandu chromatus had a horrible molt last night. I'm not expecting her to make it. I've been sick as a dog for the last few days and don't really have the energy to do any delicate surgeries, so unfortunately whatever happens happens. When she flipped back over last night the entire abdomen was still attached. This morning most of it is off but she looks horrible and I think the molt is still attached underneath.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
My heart sunk.. IMG_0750.jpeg
Then she turned and I got a different angle…
Girl, those are the hairiest fangs I’ve ever seen.

Mike Withrow

Jul 24, 2022
I have not seen this girl fully out like this in well close to two years. Lol normally I always always drop the feeders to the side,and there is a good reason why I feed like that.
This time my aim was way off but it turned out. I even got a nice video of her nailing her meal. C.fumosas. huge absolutely huge.

I actually have a few feeding videos,but the audio..... Makes me cringe. I sound like the guy from the movie sling blade... I even titled one mustard on muh biscuit. So I'm not sure about posting them in my thread right now I just sound weird to my ears LMAO.


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Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
It has grown from a speck to a dot, so I rehoused this little L. sazimai sling today:

I finally caught this MM out and got some pics - Selenobrachys sp. Romblon pink:

This blue dwarf (Psednocnemis brachyramosa) molted around 6 weeks ago, and I was certain I was seeing modified pedipalps through the small window I have into it's burrow. Yesterday I decided to confirm it was a mature male. It is very fossorial, though, so I had to encourage it to come out of the burrow - which it didn't appreciate. After chasing it around my workshop for 20 minutes, I finally found it wedged under the leg of a table. I got a good look at it and confirmed that it is NOT a mature male, and is in fact female...

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
@Tentacle Toast Any reason why you're facepalming my post? I'm doing the best I can with my T with something I have never experienced before.
Is that an insulting one? I'm sorry, that wasn't my looks like a sad face wracked with grief to me, I wasn't insinuating anything by it...I'm sorry... I changed it to the crying one. I didn't even consider the implications of the hand on the face, I think that's the first time I've used that one in particular, & that's an expression I've done in real life when bad things happen sometimes.

There was really nothing you could be blamed for there, it's strange to me that that was interpreted as such.

Communication with written words is sometimes dicey because of the lack of ques of tone, facial expression, & body language... you're like the third person that I've upset due to my improper application of these damn things. Again, my apologies, friend... I meant no slight, I'm sorry for your spider, & I hope you feel better soon.
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Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
....even in the long list, I try to find the ones that as closely match the facial expression I'd be making saying them in person....

I just checked, & I've used that a total of eleven times... probably inappropriately...

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
Is that an insulting one? I'm sorry, that wasn't my looks like a sad face wracked with grief to me, I wasn't insinuating anything by it...I'm sorry... I changed it to the crying one. I didn't even consider the implications of the hand on the face, I think that's the first time I've used that one in particular, & that's an expression I've done in real life when bad things happen sometimes.

There was really nothing you could be blamed for there, it's strange to me that that was interpreted as such.

Communication with written words is sometimes dicey because of the lack of ques of tone, facial expression, & body language... you're like the third person that I've upset due to my improper application of these damn things. Again, my apologies, friend... I meant no slight, I'm sorry for your spider, & I hope you feel better soon.
Aw dang, man I'm sorry! You're right, text communication is really hard sometimes. No hard feelings though, you're a good member of the boards here. :)

In spider news, my chromatus is still here but not doing great. I'm keeping a good eye on her though.


Aspiring Mad Genius
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 3, 2019
The Ornithoctoninae spp breeding season is about to begin in earnest for my facility. I have a mature 1.1 pair of P. pennellhewlettorum, mature 1.2 trio of P. sp Akcaya, and a MM C. sp Sumatran Tiger being shipped to me for my female that is very close to molting.

I also have another 1.2 trio of Akcaya that's waiting on the male to mature, so I might potentially be very busy in the future.


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
I lost Ulrich, my Avic M6 that I've raised from 1/2". It's been 12+ days since there any signs of life. He just stopped moving one day. He molted nearly 20 days ago...had no interest in his first meal but made his way to the water dish. He looked absolutely dazzling, plump even. He still does, but his legs are jelly. Today he failed the smell test. I'm so sorry Ully. 🖤


Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Rehousing marathon continues...

Today it was 1.0 Grammostola quirogai (ex. pulchra), about 2" DLS, in the "I'm brown because I need to molt" phase:

And 0.0.1 Citharacanthus cyaneus, 3.25" DLS. This one is PHAT, and is going on 7 months for this molt cycle. I have a feeling it's going to hook out when it finally does molt...


Jan 17, 2020
A molt from one of my favorites and absolute psychos! Psalmopoeus cambridgei! 6B64C291-CC67-4250-B6E0-C1BD9DDD68C4.jpeg

And someone is hiding very well this morning 😎😂 Augacephalus breyeri 16FF384D-52F9-47DF-8DA8-9542FFF9DDFB.jpeg
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Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Only had time for one quick rehouse of a P. murinus "Mikumi" sling today, who was so fast I couldn't get any pics.

I did take a couple pics of this Harpactira chrysogaster juvenile that has very suddenly gone into HEAVY premolt...

With flash:

Without flash:

I will be very surprised if I wake up to find it hasn't molted overnight. I think this is my favorite Harpactira species, they're just gorgeous!


Nov 22, 2022
Terrible news in my collection today as two of the three Poecilotheria ornata in my collection almost certainly seem to be hybrids (likely with P. regalis, as ornata x regalis hybrids are among the most common T hybrids here in Korea). Because all three specimens showed the overall look of P. ornata (greenish tinge to front legs, yellow-ish carapace, etc) I’ve let down my guard about their true identity, but it appears I should have done a thorough inspection of my entire collection after my past Phormingochilus scam/mixup with this dealer.

Nathari, one of the two sexed females, is a dead ringer for a pure P. ornata when seen from above, but when seen from the underside the pattern on her first pair of legs somewhat resembles that of P. regalis; the clincher is the pattern on her last pair of legs, which exactly matches that of P. regalis. This is an especially hard blow, because Nathari was both the first pokie in my collection to have been sexed and the only one so far to have been molt sexed. Likewise, the unnamed male (indicated by both ventral and dorsal sexing) has leg markings different from P. ornata (first pair matches pure ornata, but last pair matches regalis).

Luckily, my other sexed female Sriyani (which incidentally is the only one of the trio I’ve posted pictures of) hits all the marks for a pure ornata in both leg bands and coloration, so it’s not a complete disaster. Even though I got her from the same shop as the other two, she was purchased at a later date and has always been larger (due to being one molt ahead) than them, so I’ve suspected that she was not their sacmate; this finding pretty much confirms it. Nonetheless, this still puts me in a bit of a bind as Sriyani has been sexed ventrally and through carapace markings rather than through molts (she chews up all her molts too badly for me to unfold them). Of course pokies are pretty easy to sex ventrally, and P. ornata can be reliably sexed dorsally, but the fact the one definitive female “P. ornata” I have isn’t even a P. ornata is a major blow regardless.

I have no idea what to do with Nathari or the male now: because I’m very much opposed to keeping hybrids (which is why I will not be getting a Hysterocrates anytime soon), I don’t have any more desire to keep them, but there is absolutely no way I will sell or even give away either of them when they’re hybrids.So I am stuck with two pokies that are going to be a major drain on collection space, setup materials and feeders while not being able to enjoy keeping them and being unable to give them away.

This also draws suspicion on my 1.0 P. regalis (freebie) from the same shop. At least I can be assured that my unsexed P. metallica (also from this shop) is what it’s supposed to be; no mistaking that metallic blue coloration…..unless P. metallica hybrids also keep that color.


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
Cetus, my 1" Grammostola pulchripes, was on his back yesterday morning. I came home from work (I work 24 hour shifts) and was still molting. He is still very white, but how matte dry he looked seemed unusual compared to actively molting tarantulas. I observed for 30 minutes, no movement, and no movement after I grabbed him off the shelf.

He appeared to have popped his carapace and freed his chelicerae, pedipalps and L1, L2 and L3 on one side, the rest of the legs were still in the molt.

It took about 10 minutes to free the rest of his legs. There was no movement at all.

This is with flash, and after I used a lot of water in the process which you can see sparkling underneath him. He's still very matte looking in comparison. Maybe that is a useless observation.

20 minutes later.... He cant fit enough feet in his mouth


Update!!!! No flash for obvious reasons 😍

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Jun 27, 2019
It’s been a tough week for this little L. polycuspulatus, but looks like he/she pulled through eventually. Molted on the 25th of November, everything seemed normal, stretching and displaying the usual post molt behavior, on the fourth day things started to go south however, something definitely wasn’t right as he/she became sluggish with limbs curling under the body, had difficulty with walking too, it was quite a concerning state overall (also refused prekilled food item and water). I had the impression that the sling is dying, and since I had no clue about the exact cause of its symptoms tried my luck with something of a similar method boina explained here . Honestly I can’t tell for sure if that was what helped the little guy/gal but after four or five days started to regain its strength, still had weaker periods, but also returned to do the normal tarantula behavior like grooming, became more reactive etc. so yesterday it was a great relief when he/she took a prekilled roach and consumed it entirely, today even caught him/her drinking, and almost bolted out when I took the lid off to make this shot.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Terrible news in my collection today as two of the three Poecilotheria ornata in my collection almost certainly seem to be hybrids (likely with P. regalis, as ornata x regalis hybrids are among the most common T hybrids here in Korea). Because all three specimens showed the overall look of P. ornata (greenish tinge to front legs, yellow-ish carapace, etc) I’ve let down my guard about their true identity, but it appears I should have done a thorough inspection of my entire collection after my past Phormingochilus scam/mixup with this dealer.

Nathari, one of the two sexed females, is a dead ringer for a pure P. ornata when seen from above, but when seen from the underside the pattern on her first pair of legs somewhat resembles that of P. regalis; the clincher is the pattern on her last pair of legs, which exactly matches that of P. regalis. This is an especially hard blow, because Nathari was both the first pokie in my collection to have been sexed and the only one so far to have been molt sexed. Likewise, the unnamed male (indicated by both ventral and dorsal sexing) has leg markings different from P. ornata (first pair matches pure ornata, but last pair matches regalis).

Luckily, my other sexed female Sriyani (which incidentally is the only one of the trio I’ve posted pictures of) hits all the marks for a pure ornata in both leg bands and coloration, so it’s not a complete disaster. Even though I got her from the same shop as the other two, she was purchased at a later date and has always been larger (due to being one molt ahead) than them, so I’ve suspected that she was not their sacmate; this finding pretty much confirms it. Nonetheless, this still puts me in a bit of a bind as Sriyani has been sexed ventrally and through carapace markings rather than through molts (she chews up all her molts too badly for me to unfold them). Of course pokies are pretty easy to sex ventrally, and P. ornata can be reliably sexed dorsally, but the fact the one definitive female “P. ornata” I have isn’t even a P. ornata is a major blow regardless.

I have no idea what to do with Nathari or the male now: because I’m very much opposed to keeping hybrids (which is why I will not be getting a Hysterocrates anytime soon), I don’t have any more desire to keep them, but there is absolutely no way I will sell or even give away either of them when they’re hybrids.So I am stuck with two pokies that are going to be a major drain on collection space, setup materials and feeders while not being able to enjoy keeping them and being unable to give them away.

This also draws suspicion on my 1.0 P. regalis (freebie) from the same shop. At least I can be assured that my unsexed P. metallica (also from this shop) is what it’s supposed to be; no mistaking that metallic blue coloration…..unless P. metallica hybrids also keep that color.
Of we only lived in the same country, I’d take in your misfits.


Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Rehoused 3 Ceratogyrus today.

0.0.2 Ceratogyrus brachycephalus

This one is one molt ahead and you can see a nub forming already (just 1.125" DLS):

This one is one molt behind, but should catch up soon (in case you can't tell from the blimp-sized abdomen... 0.875" DLS):

0.0.1 Ceratogyrus marshalli, 0.75" DLS: