To buy a pokie or not to buy a pokie?


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Right well if we're talking Bitey things then I can offer you my experiences.
The orange one is a LOT harder to annoy than the yellow one. Poke the orange one about and it will try tohide rather than fight. Back it into a corner and it will rear up - it will strike if you don't go away.
The yellow one is easily provoked. If you go near it while it's in threat pose it WILL attack the tongs - last night it jumped clear out of the floor and a good few inches into the air, grabbed the tongs, let go and ran up the side of the tank in under a second. No, I'm not exaggerating. Lightnight is slow compared to these.
The orange one needs to be poked and prodded for an awfully long time before it goes mental, but when it does it's spectacular. It literally bounces itself off the floor, it can get nearly as high as the top of the tank (9") - It acts like someone plugged it into the mains.

But all the time you don't disturb it, it won't disturb you. :) I leave mine alone these days. :)


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2003
My pokie isn't at all what the myths may suggest... its never gone into a defense/offense posture, I've 'held' it once, not as in I picked it up, but I was cleaning out its tank and it climbed onto me.

It doesn't come out it's nest very often though, I only get to see it if I move the tank or move the heating source (or play some cannibal corpse and it comes out, probably doesn't like the vibrations)

If you get one, reme,ber that assumtpion is the mother of all f**k ups, never assume that it's sleeping so you can put your hand near it to get that dead cricket out

Grael why not get a pinktoe? I'm expecting a load of spiderlings within the month so I can send you some for free (you'll have to pay postage)


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by Lopez
Right well if we're talking Bitey things then I can offer you my experiences.
The orange one is a LOT harder to annoy than the yellow one. Poke the orange one about and it will try tohide rather than fight. Back it into a corner and it will rear up - it will strike if you don't go away.
The yellow one is easily provoked. If you go near it while it's in threat pose it WILL attack the tongs - last night it jumped clear out of the floor and a good few inches into the air, grabbed the tongs, let go and ran up the side of the tank in under a second. No, I'm not exaggerating. Lightnight is slow compared to these.
The orange one needs to be poked and prodded for an awfully long time before it goes mental, but when it does it's spectacular. It literally bounces itself off the floor, it can get nearly as high as the top of the tank (9") - It acts like someone plugged it into the mains.

But all the time you don't disturb it, it won't disturb you. :) I leave mine alone these days. :)
*Phew* Well that's good to hear concerning the little orange suckers. I take it they're like little bombs waiting to go off while the Yellow ones are like grenades that explode instantly.

Vayu Son

Avatar of Anansi
Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002

If your buying with the intent to handle it then my strong advice would be to not get it at all.

There have been pictures of handling Poecilotheria, and this may be tempting to emulate... but hopefully you are responsible enough to buy the spider for the spider, and all that entails. A few of us have been lucky and have very tolerable specimens, others have not.

since youve only had one T, a poke may be nice to have around and see grow, but jumping into handling it at the 2.5" mark(which imho is more flighty-bitey stage) then your gonna be better off going with the Avic's or Psalmopeus.



Old Timer
Oct 10, 2002
Right well if we're talking Bitey things then I can offer you my experiences.
My "orange ones" are pretty easily annoyed. they are at the 2.5" mark now, and 2 of the 4 will not even tolerate me opening the enclosure with out coming out in full threat display. we arent talking me poking around, i open the thing and they come out to greet me. i find it very amusing to look down on this animal 1/1000th my size coming out of its hole looking for a fight. one will actually topple over backwards he rears up so high.


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Well, Ill prolly be getting my Pokie on Monday (believe me, I will be posting pics like a mad woman!) and yes, I am nervous and excited. I am really glad to hear they dont flick, that rocks. Im going to be purchasing a very long pair of picker-upers, and using it to handle anything in Oreo's cage. Im going to go for a THIN layer of subtrate so I dont have to change it often. I am going to be very catious with her thats for sure. Ive been keeping Ts for 6 years. I think Im ready for this. :)


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by Lycanthrope
My "orange ones" are pretty easily annoyed. they are at the 2.5" mark now, and 2 of the 4 will not even tolerate me opening the enclosure with out coming out in full threat display. we arent talking me poking around, i open the thing and they come out to greet me. i find it very amusing to look down on this animal 1/1000th my size coming out of its hole looking for a fight. one will actually topple over backwards he rears up so high.
It sounds like Usambaras are fun! :D I just hope I don't get nailed whilst changing its water. I might implement my temporary cardboard blockade when doing this procedure. Whenever I get mine, I think I'll name it Tang.
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Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
*Phew* Well that's good to hear concerning the little orange suckers. I take it they're like little bombs waiting to go off while the Yellow ones are like grenades that explode instantly.
Heheheh that's a pretty good comparison actually :)


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
Get the pokie, they are a beautiful spider, and not difficult to keep. But as stated by LaRiz, they are a display spider.



Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Re: ><

Originally posted by Vayu Son

since youve only had one T, a poke may be nice to have around and see grow, but jumping into handling it at the 2.5" mark(which imho is more flighty-bitey stage) then your gonna be better off going with the Avic's or Psalmopeus.

Vayu - do you think they are more apt to bite at that size? I've noticed most of my juveniles are somewhat less ballsy than the meaner adults (though admittedly not with same species) but no less fast!
