Theraphosa Blondi Eating Mouse (warning)

common spider

Old Timer
Mar 10, 2005
moricollins said:
Congratulations :clap: :clap: you have the ability to make a decision.
As far as the decision you made: COMPLETELY assinine... you are exactly what is wrong with this hobby: people who keep tarantulas for the "freak" and "scare" factor. :embarrassed: :embarrassed: It is people like you who have given this hobby the bad rep it gets.

When your precious pets (or should i just call them entertainment as that is what they are to you) get injured or die from your idiotic feeding desires I hope you don't come crying to us on the boards looking for help.

Congratulations of the degradation of the hobby :cool:

Who are you to judge me?G<edit>Y!!!!!!!!!
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Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
you cant change peoples opinions, they can either take the advice that has been given through experience, or until they learn in their own experience-
Personal preference- prekilled , this is a priviledge wouldn't want anything to happen to any of my pets that we haven't already contributed so much to!(DEFORESTATION, POLLUTION, ETC)


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
drunkinmaster said:
you cant change peoples opinions, they can either take the advice that has been given through experience, or until they learn in their own experience-
People's opinions can ony be changed through experience and/or education. Even if the threadstarter does not change his opinion after reading some posts about the consequences of feeding live verts, hopefully someone else who is considering it will take the opposing viewpoint into consideration.

It's common knowledge that feeding live mice/rats can result in injury or death to a tarantula (or snake, etc.) and anecdotal records have been provided along with photo documentation.

For some people, it will take a bit more maturity until they decide that it's just not worth the risk to their spider and/or suffering of the mouse.


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2005
common spider said:
I am going to say this about me.

1.If I want to feed my T's and snakes and my other animals live animals I am going too do it.
2.I do not beleave in feeding any animal dead prey.
3.I am going to admit that I do get off on seeing my animals kill to eat.I flat out love it.
4.And last but most of all people have the right to feed there animals they way they want too.

So you can hate me or not hate me but I do things my way just like everyone does things there way.

Just my mind posting on a message board.

Preech it!!!


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
becca81 said:
...For some people, it will take a bit more maturity until they decide that it's just not worth the risk to their spider and/or suffering of the mouse...
Becca hit the nail on the head... MATURITY!


Old Timer
Oct 19, 2005

I am going to say this about me.

1.If I want to feed my T's and snakes and my other animals live animals I am going too do it.
2.I do not beleave in feeding any animal dead prey.
3.I am going to admit that I do get off on seeing my animals kill to eat.I flat out love it.
4.And last but most of all people have the right to feed there animals they way they want too.

So you can hate me or not hate me but I do things my way just like everyone does things there way.

Just my mind posting on a message board.
100% agree.

Even though I don't do it, I can see how watching a tarantula take down any verterbrate is interesting... Isn't this how national geographics makes all it's money? Lions killing gazelles, crocodiles killing zebras, etc? It's not some SICK KICK... Watching nature, and in this case specifically, the feeding of live prey, is absorbing and alluring to watch.

It ends up being your choice, and the laws of your country.

Tell people the facts and the risks, and let them make there own decision...

I didn't think this forum was for degradation of peoples beliefs and ideals?

common spider

Old Timer
Mar 10, 2005
davidkappelt said:
100% agree.

Even though I don't do it, I can see how watching a tarantula take down any verterbrate is interesting... Isn't this how national geographics makes all it's money? Lions killing gazelles, crocodiles killing zebras, etc? It's not some SICK KICK... Watching nature, and in this case specifically, the feeding of live prey, is absorbing and alluring to watch.

It ends up being your choice, and the laws of your country.

Tell people the facts and the risks, and let them make there own decision...

I didn't think this forum was for degradation of peoples beliefs and ideals?

I think that sums it up for me so this is my last post on this thread.You hit it right on the head so if that makes me a bad guy then I am BAD.

.......So sorry.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
I too understand completely where the urge to feed live prey comes from, for me choosing not to is merely being too nervouse for my T's health (I dont want to spend $100 + shipping on a blondi and then have it die b/c of one oddly psycho mouse).

But I agree watching a full grown spider kill live prey is very riveting (not becuase its cool in the sense of thats why I keep T's) but think about watching animal planet which im sure everyone here does, when an animal kills its prey its always interesting to witness.


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Sep 23, 2002
What is with you all tonight? Can't you all just agree to disagree and move on? :wall:

You are all entitled to your opinions and you do not all have to agree on everything. Just because someone disagrees with whatever it is that you believe, it does NOT give any of you the right to condemn them for it.

We are here to HELP one another, not to berate each other ..... :embarrassed:

Now if any of you feel that you can contribute here positively and constructively, then I invite you to continue posting in this thread.

Mommy has spoken! :rolleyes:



Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
I thought the picture was pretty amazing. I usually always feed my tarantulas crickets so sometimes seeing it take on larger prey is interesting to see. Anyway I dont want to start up arguing again because I do agree the mice should be frozen or at least killed because that must be quite a painful way to go. I do however agree that people should be able to feed their tarantulas anyway they choose without being criticized, im sure many people know the risk but its their own choice to feed their tarantulas mice.



Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
Mha8649 said:
Ok edesign so what your saying is just because an animal doesnt live outside it can no longer do what its species has been doing since the beggining of time ....thats some of the most stupid logic I have ever heard.
The difference from captivity and the wild is that in the wild, prey has the option to possibly get away. When a mouse or rat is placed in a position where it no longer has that option, they can (and often will) defend themselves if given a chance.

Even if you're supervising, things can still happen. It only takes a second.

And, if you need to see an actual image of the damage prey can inflict, look at this pic. This snake was obviously left alone with it's prey for quite some time (idiot owner), but it still shows how a cornered animal can react under duress.

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Old Timer
Sep 29, 2005
Wow i havent herd this heated debate in some time;) , and wow i havent herd mori judge another person;)
But to eatch there own and let them learn there own way !
Thanks for sharing those pics man:clap: , but you almost have to expect this kind of thing when posting such material ! :?


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
that snake picture is horrible, and a terrible owner (not for the live feeding aspect) but how much can you really care for your pets if you let that happen to them. Be it mouse or rat that did that it should have been stopped ALOT sooner


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
Oh MY GOD! That is horrible!:( :( :( Makes me sad how someone can be so irresponsible! I feel horrible for that snake!

LPacker79 said:
The difference from captivity and the wild is that in the wild, prey has the option to possibly get away. When a mouse or rat is placed in a position where it no longer has that option, they can (and often will) defend themselves if given a chance.

Even if you're supervising, things can still happen. It only takes a second.

And, if you need to see an actual image of the damage prey can inflict, look at this pic. This snake was obviously left alone with it's prey for quite some time (idiot owner), but it still shows how a cornered animal can react under duress.



Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
Yeah I agree that wild animals in captivity need to be supervised and if an owner isnt responsible enough to do that then they don't need to own any living thing. I also agree that some animals should be fed dead prey, but on the other hand I think that the next best thing from actually being in the wild is to simulate that as closely as possible. But hey even in the wild accidents happen.


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
it amazes me how some things just seem to fly right over some peoples' heads ;)

I was wrong on one point, I can admit that :) But what about the rest of the animals at the zoo...can't say i've ever seen a bear or tiger eat live prey ;) I can see where feeding dead fish to animals that live underwater could be a problem...BUT, that is isolated to aquatic animals.

and as usual...the rest of my points were ignored, one of which Leanne brought up again.

Don't forget...not once did I say that eating live prey is a bad thing, there is a thrill in the hunt as well. BUT, when you believe your thrill justifies a cruel, painful ending to another living being you really should rethink your morals and ethics. Especially when it could be accomplished in another matter, say loss of consciousness (not stunning) or a quick, "humane" death. Watching something take down live prey is plenty thrilling...but when you find yourself on the prey end of a predator's stick, I might find myself enjoying watching you poop your pants in fear {D If you want to get your jollies then grab some vaseline and a porn mag and lock yourself in the're happy, nothing got tortured (unless you forget the lube), and nobody will be the wiser :D


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2005
MizM said:
Becca hit the nail on the head... MATURITY!
hahaha maturity.....;P .....Guess I will never qualify to keep my T's...oh welll....I have to go get some more pop-corn and finish these posts....hahaha