Theraphosa Blondi Eating Mouse (warning)


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Randolph XX() said:
thanks for reminding me to improve my third language
Randolph dear, I understood you just fine!

Just anyone saying
I will admit its thrilling to watch a spider take on a live mouse, its very unique and not often seen, just like i loved to watch my snakes do it too. And Im sure that when I have a huge blondi Ill give it a live mouse once, but Ill make sure its small.
makes me leery. I have NEVER felt a "thrill" watching a predator eat it's prey. Although a necessary part of life, something still suffers. The purpose of feeding our pets is for nourishment, NOT entertainment. If you keep intertebrates for the puropse of watching the thrill of the kill, you are in the wrong place.

I used to whack rats before giving them to my red tails, but one went kinda crazy and started spinning in circles. It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen, and from that day on, I only buy prekilled frozen prey. It is totally unnecessary to make them suffer more. If your predator cannot handle live prey, perhaps you should buy prekilled. Imagine... what would YOU feel like if someone whacked your head against a wall just enough to make you unable to defend yourself, but still able to feel pain?:(


Feb 9, 2006
i see your point about how it is not natural to drop a mouse in a cage. I have seen shows on T.V where it shows a tarantula eating a mouse in the wild. And yes there are wild mice where Theraphosa blondis live in the wild because one of the shows on discovery channel i seen there was a goliath eating some grey little mouse.

When the mouse gets knocked over the head it is no different then getting a pair of fangs in the head either. lol...Look I dont want to start a heated debate about this, all I wanted to do is show you some pics. And it is up to me whether or not i feed my tarantula live mice. I know what my Tarantula is capable of eating. I have owned so many Tarantulas in my life and not one has died in my care. So i must be doing something right.
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Old Timer
May 30, 2005
TBlondi said:
i see your point about how it is not natural to drop a mouse in a cage. I have seen shows on T.V where it shows a tarantula eating a mouse in the wild. And yes there are wild mice where Theraphosa blondis live in the wild because one of the shows on discovery channel i seen there was a goliath eating some grey little mouse.
No offense, but just because you saw it on the Discovery ch. does not mean it is true... I've actually spoken to a couple of people who were responsible for stage setups and "feeding shot" arrangements for Tarantula documentaries and you would not believe what they do in order to make a "good show"... it's like the Indiana Jones series that showed a bunch of Mexican Red Knees (B. smithi) crawling out of a cave with thick webbing somewhere in Asia... or the movie "Mummies" showing Emperor scorpions (P.imperator) in the Egyptian desert - LOL! Even those so-called documentaries can be quite convoluted and far from the truth...


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
i didnt mean i get some kind of cruel pleasure. But honestly the first time I saw a spider kill and eat a mouse, it was incredible, just something like that happens. I too use frozen/thawed mice for my snakes and T's, and always will


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
I am sure there is some type of rodent that runs through Blondi territory , its the rainforest after all :}
check it out:
( oh No!, I'm becoming one of those ... link posters just so I can prove my statement..I've fallen to the dark side! gaahhhhh!)
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Old Timer
May 30, 2005
-palau- said:
I am sure there is some type of rodent that runs through Blondi territory , its the rainforest after all :}
check it out:
( oh No!, I'm becoming one of those ... link posters just so I can prove my statement..I've fallen to the dark side! gaahhhhh!)
LOL! Did you happen to read what those things weigh? {D


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
yeah lol, but I have faith in a blondi taking sick or young one down lol

common spider

Old Timer
Mar 10, 2005
This thread is too much.

I am going to say this about me.

1.If I want to feed my T's and snakes and my other animals live animals I am going too do it.
2.I do not beleave in feeding any animal dead prey.
3.I am going to admit that I do get off on seeing my animals kill to eat.I flat out love it.
4.And last but most of all people have the right to feed there animals they way they want too.

So you can hate me or not hate me but I do things my way just like everyone does things there way.

Just my mind posting on a message board.



Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
Maybe he/they want to go out in the wild and kill every mouse or food item that poses a threat .... people need to get over it. I had the same <EDIT> told to me about hey you feed your 16 foot burmese python large rats and rabbits . oh you should feed them the frozen ones , Um no how many snakes in the wild do you know that have a microwave to thaw there food. Its worked for hundreds of years....
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AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
common spider said:
I am going to say this about me.

1.If I want to feed my T's and snakes and my other animals live animals I am going too do it.
2.I do not beleave in feeding any animal dead prey.
3.I am going to admit that I do get off on seeing my animals kill to eat.I flat out love it.
4.And last but most of all people have the right to feed there animals they way they want too.

So you can hate me or not hate me but I do things my way just like everyone does things there way.

Just my mind posting on a message board.

whoo! well hot diggity dog! Would you like a cookie there? A pat on the back? I'm glad you have the ability to speak your mind! Congrats :) Now lessee...I don't seem to remember anyone here questioning you :? But if you feel the need to interject your feeding habits here by all means go ahead, not sure what you were trying to prove :? Except maybe that you're a bit dense considering what has been said here, i suspect you are trolling a little bit, you lack a simple understanding of ethics, and some other stuff that is also obvious that I don't need to point out. you feed yourself dead prey? Any pet dogs? Cats maybe? Just curious if you're contradicting yourself over there (there = place, their ='re mixed up :)).


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
Mha8649 said:
Maybe he/they want to go out in the wild and kill every mouse or food item that poses a threat .... people need to get over it. I had the same sh it told to me about hey you feed your 16 foot burmese python large rats and rabbits . oh you should feed them the frozen ones , Um no how many snakes in the wild do you know that have a microwave to thaw there food. Its worked for hundreds of years....
how many snakes in the wild live in someone's house as a pet? how many prey items are caught by predators in the wild who are confined inside of some type of holding cell?

I fail to see your point :?

last I checked captive dolphins and whales (and prob a lot of other things) at aquariums/zoos are fed dead fish...i suppose if there were a true benefit to feeding live prey I highly suspect that such a facility would utilize it once in a while.
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Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
Ok edesign so what your saying is just because an animal doesnt live outside it can no longer do what its species has been doing since the beggining of time ....thats some of the most stupid logic I have ever heard. and as far as the dolphins go thats funny last time I was at the aquarium the where fed live food. and the only time the where fed dead was when it was hand fed to them for doing stunts.but hey what ever you say. Your right.
Maybe you should pat yourself on the back edesign. and you correcting grammar thats funny I didnt know when we where on this forum we where in school. Hell give yourself a gold star too.
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Randolph XX()

Old Timer
Aug 10, 2004
this discussion is going nowhere....

but will it be closed by whoom?

to be


Arachno search engine
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2003
common spider said:
I am going to say this about me.
1.If I want to feed my T's and snakes and my other animals live animals I am going too do it.
2.I do not beleave in feeding any animal dead prey.
3.I am going to admit that I do get off on seeing my animals kill to eat.I flat out love it.
4.And last but most of all people have the right to feed there animals they way they want too.
Congratulations :clap: :clap: you have the ability to make a decision.
As far as the decision you made: COMPLETELY assinine... you are exactly what is wrong with this hobby: people who keep tarantulas for the "freak" and "scare" factor. :embarrassed: :embarrassed: It is people like you who have given this hobby the bad rep it gets.

When your precious pets (or should i just call them entertainment as that is what they are to you) get injured or die from your idiotic feeding desires I hope you don't come crying to us on the boards looking for help.

Congratulations of the degradation of the hobby :cool:


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2004
Official warning

OK everyone, let's play nicely otherwise this thread will get locked.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2005
moricollins said:
good luck when it bites your tarantula ......
I must say i have to agree with ya there Mori,,, i don't see the point in feeding mice although I have on a rare occasion, but ONLY after the mouse was knocked out, I have way too much money invested in my T's..But Hey to each thier own and who am i to judge..


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
I think the first thing that should be done if this debate is to continue is to not put people down (on both sides).

While I personally dont feed live prey (except crickets) others have every right to do so. My views on it are as follows:

Dont torture the animal more than it needs to be (ie: smacking its head to stun it). If your want to take the risk of live feeding then thats exactly what it is, a risk. But unecessarily hurting the mouse, or rabbit or whatever it is your feeding to whatever pet you have is exactly that, unecessary.

As for the feeding issue itself, to each his or her own. I personally would not risk pets that I have paid $$ for (over $200 in some cases). But that is just a personal preference which I have no right to infer on others.


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2005
moricollins said:
As far as the decision you made: COMPLETELY assinine... you are exactly what is wrong with this hobby: people who keep tarantulas for the "freak" and "scare" factor. :embarrassed: :embarrassed: It is people like you who have given this hobby the bad rep it gets.
I have to disagree with you Mori. While tarantula's are some of the worlds most beautiful creatures, their awesome power to take down prey is what it is, awesome! Just to be able to witness something so beautiful killing its prey, like it would in the wild, is quite a sight in itself. I have never fed a live mouse to my tarantulas, nor would I, but I can imagine the sight is quite amazing. I am guessing that Commonspider keeps tarantulas or snakes for other reasons beyond the "kill factor" or the "scare factor", I hope anyways. :rolleyes: I'm guessing he too appreciates their amazing beauty. But to shame him for something you don't know to be true is also wrong.

On a side note, if his reason for keeping snakes or T's IS for those mentioned factors, well, then i would agree with you. :)

common spider

Old Timer
Mar 10, 2005

I am not going to get mad or upset about what people post about me or what they think of me becuase it is just what they think and its just that!

One thing is for shure with me I have a sick side to me but I do not have pets just for the thrill of it.

So if thats what people think of me they can G<edit>T!!!!!

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