The World's Most Dangerous Snakes: Working with Mambas & King Cobras

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I have missed this one. No mate, I haven't but sound thrilling :).

Ok, so permit process is complete and I am allowed to keep venomous snakes in Switzerland. I have moved my collection over.


-I had to join to a day long course, which I have explained above.
-I had to get home owners insurance which covers venomous snakes, triple the normal cost.
-I had to get additional health insurance on top of our coverage. Only 1/4th additional cost as we already had a significant coverage.
-I had to get my landlord to agree.
-I had to sign up with the local Swiss antivenom bank, no additional cost as I am canceling my Germany subscription.
-I had to create an emergency booklet, which was in line with Swiss regulations.
-I had to fill out extensive paperwork documenting all of the above, the species I would keep and the terrarium sizes.
-A veterinary policeman came and inspected my room, windows, door and all the terrariums.

This was a costly and tedious exercise but ended up working like a clock, a slow but steady clock :).
Honestly, it seems like they are covering all the bases. ALL of them. No hanging the moron hot keeper out to dry, no dumping a major headache on the medical profession, and making your responsibilities and liabilities clearly understood since you are determined to nance with monsters. If only America was so thorough there would be a lot fewer jeopardized and mistreated animals, a lot less bullfeathers blown about how harmless a certain hot is, and lot less burden on the medicos should the feces come down.

Just imagine that idiot preacher clown and ass-ociates who abuse rattlers if he was in your neck of the woods.


Dec 10, 2010
Honestly, it seems like they are covering all the bases. ALL of them. No hanging the moron hot keeper out to dry, no dumping a major headache on the medical profession, and making your responsibilities and liabilities clearly understood since you are determined to nance with monsters. If only America was so thorough there would be a lot fewer jeopardized and mistreated animals, a lot less bullfeathers blown about how harmless a certain hot is, and lot less burden on the medicos should the feces come down.

Just imagine that idiot preacher clown and ass-ociates who abuse rattlers if he was in your neck of the woods.
Yeah, they seem to have covered all, which is great.

The thing that bothers me a bit is that it looks like I need another set of permits for my Heloderma with almost all of the steps above as venomous snake permit does not cover venomous lizards so unfortunately I am selling/trading my beloved Gilas.

The only good thing about those idiot preachers is that they do not seek medical help when bitten so natural selection takes care of things mostly free of charge.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Yeah, they seem to have covered all, which is great.

The thing that bothers me a bit is that it looks like I need another set of permits for my Heloderma with almost all of the steps above as venomous snake permit does not cover venomous lizards so unfortunately I am selling/trading my beloved Gilas.
Do some checking up. After you have certified and qualified they may have a 'Me too' declaration or process where you can get cut some slack.