The T keeper's guide, revised edition, thoughts?

Did you like Shultz's T keeper's guide?

  • I read it and yes I did.

    Votes: 34 38.6%
  • I read it and no I did not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I read it and for some reason found it to be neutral.

    Votes: 8 9.1%
  • I have not read it.

    Votes: 25 28.4%
  • Are you kidding me? It was an arachnological bible!

    Votes: 21 23.9%

  • Total voters


Old Timer
Jan 24, 2006
Taking the book for what it was meant to be, a GUIDE for KEEPERS, it is by far the best work out there. NOTHING even comes close.
It is not a text book, or species key. It was written to help people enjoy these wonderful creatures safely.

I love the book for many reasons and have refeared to it as a bible.
But it not infallible so maybe bible is a bad word, See the taxonomic discussion on page 79. I know Stan is often embarrassed abut the G. rosea naming in the second edition but I think it is great example of the turmoil in Arachnid taxonomy and encourages others to do more research.

I have not read the whole book and I had not read the piece on blondi. (I was too busy starring at the picture on 352) Please note the word "tame" was never used nor did he encourage anyone to handle blondi. I have often gotten the impression that Stan doesn't agree with handling for the sake of handling at all. I'm sure he can correct me though:worship: .

Over all it was a great book that was long over due. I am eagerly awaiting the 4th edition some time in the late 2020's:D

Stan Schultz

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2004
One and All -

Being as human and fallible as anybody else, I have been involved in one or two flame wars over the years. But, this may be the first time that I've been the SUBJECT of a flame war. I guess that means we've achieved some new level of significance. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's just gotta be a first!

HAVING SAID ALL THAT, PLEASE EVERYBODY, LET'S LET THIS DIE A PEACEFUL DEATH! No more flaming, okay? Regardless of what they say, just don't respond.

Thomas, if I had to say anything about you I would have to applaud your responses. Though you may only be a young, wet-behind-the-ears pup ( :D ) you did manage to hold your own against a bunch of people who presumably were many years your senior ... to the point where nearly their best defense was to blame it all on you being just another young, wet-behind-the-ears pup ( {D )!

That bespeaks a bright mind and a promising future. You need to stay in school, go to college, and FOR GOD'S SAKE AND YOUR OWN, DON'T BECOME AN ARACHNOLOGIST! We need people like you in all kinds of other much more critical professions.

I note that you live in Front Royal, Virginia, right off I-66. I used Google Earth to look it up, and it looks like a nice place. If we ever get to that part of the country, I'd very much like to stop by and visit, talk spiders, maybe have lunch or dinner somewhere.

BTW, you wouldn't happen to be going to the ATS' 11th Annual Conference in Rio Rico, AZ in a few weeks, would you? Just a thought. We're planning on being there.



Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
Thomas, if I had to say anything about you I would have to applaud your responses. Though you may only be a young, wet-behind-the-ears pup ( :D ) you did manage to hold your own against a bunch of people who presumably were many years your senior ... to the point where nearly their best defense was to blame it all on you being just another young, wet-behind-the-ears pup ( {D )!

That bespeaks a bright mind and a promising future. You need to stay in school, go to college, and FOR GOD'S SAKE AND YOUR OWN, DON'T BECOME AN ARACHNOLOGIST! We need people like you in all kinds of other much more critical professions.
I completely agree. He blew me away with this thread. Only 14 years old!


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Y'all already know I'm a fan! Love it, ALL of it!!

In rebuttal to points listed:
You guys have to remember than when one is writing about a certain species, there are always exceptions. T. blondi IS generally difficult to keep, though many people have had great success with them. WC individuals DO generally bring their little fly friends with them, but not each and every one.

I'm confused about the problem with recommendations of seeking medical treatment for certain bites though. You are no more at risk of getting addicted to painkillers when seeking medical attention for a tarantula bite than any other wound. So if you step on a nail, you should not seek medical treatment because you risk addiction to pain killers?:confused: I'm confused.

A note on the insurance thing, I have sought medical treatment for a P. murinus bite. Health insurance companies not only don't care what animals you keep, they legally cannot force you to get rid of them in order to continue coverage.

Your opinions are all interesting and valid, as they are yours. I don't necessarily agree with all of them, but I present my arguments in a non-confrontational manner. I hope some can learn from this. Just because we don't agree doesn't make any one of us inferior.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2008
This is ridiculous! AB is populated with ''i know it all'' type of people and everything most people say is based on their personal experiences, nothing scientific! Now this big debate because some don't agree with everything thats written in TKG. I don't see anywhere in the book that mentions that they are sure of everything and know everything! So for this particular person persisting on proving something useless please stop because you've got it all wrong!


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
One and All -

Being as human and fallible as anybody else, I have been involved in one or two flame wars over the years. But, this may be the first time that I've been the SUBJECT of a flame war. I guess that means we've achieved some new level of significance. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's just gotta be a first!

HAVING SAID ALL THAT, PLEASE EVERYBODY, LET'S LET THIS DIE A PEACEFUL DEATH! No more flaming, okay? Regardless of what they say, just don't respond.

Thomas, if I had to say anything about you I would have to applaud your responses. Though you may only be a young, wet-behind-the-ears pup ( :D ) you did manage to hold your own against a bunch of people who presumably were many years your senior ... to the point where nearly their best defense was to blame it all on you being just another young, wet-behind-the-ears pup ( {D )!

That bespeaks a bright mind and a promising future. You need to stay in school, go to college, and FOR GOD'S SAKE AND YOUR OWN, DON'T BECOME AN ARACHNOLOGIST! We need people like you in all kinds of other much more critical professions.

I note that you live in Front Royal, Virginia, right off I-66. I used Google Earth to look it up, and it looks like a nice place. If we ever get to that part of the country, I'd very much like to stop by and visit, talk spiders, maybe have lunch or dinner somewhere.

BTW, you wouldn't happen to be going to the ATS' 11th Annual Conference in Rio Rico, AZ in a few weeks, would you? Just a thought. We're planning on being there.

I said that I wouldn't post here any more but since you asked me direct questions, I shall once again.
Nah, I'm not going to the conference, it's much too far away. If they ever held one in the VA-WV-MD-D.C. area, I'd attend though.
I'm suprised you aren't offended. That wasn't my intent of course but it was a very expected side effect. The only thing that this thread proves in that the aracnopeople are strongly behind you. :) If you do ever make it to Front Royal look me up. Hopefully you will still be going strong to make another edition.
I already have responses in my head for some of the recent posters but, I'm not going to say anything. I already told you all I wouldn't, with exception to this post.
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Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
Who's flaming?

I really would just rather talk about T's but since this thread just keeps going,... I would like to clarify a few things. I made a comment about his age for a very specific reason. It was not a flame, but a statement of fact, that I was attempting to use, to calm another poster who was upset at the choice of "asinine" to describe parts of tkg. My point was, Thomas is 14, don't get too upset. But because Thomas thought I was digging at him, he got mad at me, and thus this LITTLE "flame war." Me and Thomas have apologized to each other privately and I assume me and him are fine now. As I told him privately, he is obviously very smart, and I bet he knows more about T's than me. I haven't thought differently ever. But I don't think at 14, anyone, could have enough knowledge of the liability issues, not in a medical context anyway. In fact, It would take a team of highly skilled doctors, and lawyers, a long time to figure out state by state liability issues, especially when you consider all of the variables of peoples health, or lack there of, let alone the if's and's or but's of our legal system. I believe I have a very basic understanding of it. It's not that I think he's not intelligent, far from it. But there are things that take time and experience to learn. Most 14 year olds, don't have a lot of experience in paying bills, paying insurance premiums, dealing with lawyers, etc. They shouldn't anyway.... So, anyway, I like Thomas, and I think he's smart. I told him so myself. Oh, and I didn't like his choice of "asanine", but I didn't get mad about that. I was just trying to remind the poster that was upset, that he was talking to a 14 year old. That's all. Peace, Ryan