I got myself 6 pedes now, and the baby Scolo "Tobago" och "Vanuatu" takes the price so far. HOping for my Tiger legs to get some colors after the next molt.
When I first saw that centipede...I thought it was fake. I was like, no way is a pede that colorful, it looked like someone painted the thing, like my ghetto neighborhood got to it.
Second thing I thought was that someone doctored or modified the colors somehow.
Third thing I thought was, maybe its some sort of experiment by some labs, I mean they created a blue rose (from what I can remember) maybe they goofed around and created a colorful pede.
That pede is nice, but too much color sort of makes it a bit creepy for me. I still rather prefer a peruvian, they rock all the way. Unless there's a bigger pede that loves to expose itself a lot
Lets see uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... O MY GOSH WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats one of the most amazing centipedes I have ever seen . Just WOW !!!
Wow that's incredible looking. What species was this confirmed to be? I think I saw cacoserpah say something about Scolopendra subspines dehaani back there?
wantonewantonewantone. wanttwo. wantthree. nowanthismorenow.
From a keeper's view I find the Jewels too candy / plastic and boring.
Low temp loving species. Never forget.
Ofc taxonomical view is more interesting to me, but my heart belongs to the "ugly", "small" and "brown" or "dull" centipedes when it comes to keeping.
I can understand the hype, but it's somehow like P. metallica: People need something exciting to show their friends.
That's what hobby is obviously made of.
BTW: No, it's not a dehaani. I'm quite sure. This species has never been confirmed to be anything.
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