The Most Underrated Brachy

c'est ma

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006
My female dug a hole and I haven't seen her since. The crickets I put in there do disappear though :} .The male just moved a bunch of substrate around but didn't burrow. They are both juvies. Maybe she is gearing up for a molt.
My sling just did! Last night!

Really crappy pics, but I didn't want to move the vial & disturb him/her, so I just used a flash...Here s/he is stretching out at the bottom:

And here s/he is climbing back up her tunnel--back legs & back end of abdomen with spinnerets showing below, front legs poking up above, and exuvium up and to the right (red arrow pointing to it):



Nov 12, 2006

I agree that they're great T's and awesome diggers. Here's a pic of mine approx 3" to 3.5" in the old cube. Saturday I put him/her in a Large KK with approx 6" of coco-fiber and put a piece of corkbark flat on the top. After 2 days there is now a cave underneath the bark almost down to the bottom with big piles of dirt all around. And still almost every time I peek there's more little corrections/re-arrangements going on. What a little perfectionist! When not digging, and depending when I look in, she'll be hanging out in the middle of her cave (most times) or has a few legs with her butt, or "face"/pedipalps sticking out of either end of the bark. She makes me laugh with her little antics quite often :)
